What is with everyone putting this long ass survey in their blog! its too long!! but of course I still read all of them..thats how cool and hipocritical I am.
I have to be at work in 17 minutes. it takes 15 to get there, I am posting, and I need to pee. I'm in such a rut.
I got up at 7:30. thats so fucking early. it was Lorn's 6th grade graduation today, so I mosied on over to that damn old school of mine, pinon. surrounded by INSANE parents and spanish. I hate spanish. I'm done w/it. but I knew what they were saying! but yeah, the parents were insane!! they were STANDING in front of everyone taking pictures and recording the kids singing to Grease. and the kids sucked. I knew the song better than they did, and I haven't seen that movie in over a year. and they've been practicing. I was dissapointed, and I let Lorn know. of course, I also let her know she smelt like B.O. I'm really caring like that. but hey! I didn't want her just walking around smelling bad! it was for her well being!! and cuz it was making me sick....
we (my mom, Meghan, and I) found a perfect little boy for Lorn. He's super smart, and was on the "principle's honor roll" or something like that during all of elementary. he looks like a teddy bear. actually, he looks a little like Ryan Kovach. anyone remember him? he was hot. but this kid was a mini of him. he was soooo cute. I wanted to take him home. and his little sister. she was cute too.
k well now I'm down to 14 minutes till work. and I still have to pee.
ugh! I'm wearing this awesome shirt that is too big so it falls down in the back. it hooks over my neck, and the shirt is too big around so it floops down and shows my strapless bra which is the devil. actually its Meghan's. its too small for her. that makes me want to die. no, even worse. Lorn wore my other strapless bra that is BARELY too small for me. Lorn. the 6th grader. she's 5 years younger. and Meghan is 2 years younger. and like 4 sizes skinnier. why does "god" hate me? please, give me boobs!! PLEEEEAAAAASE!!! I don't understand. its just logic. larger people have larger boobs. but NO!! lets give her sister, the skinny one, the bigger boobs. she's prettier anyways, so hell, lets make her even more perfect!! bah!!!!!
9 minutes. and I'm spent.