Gah, I've been busy. I'm ready for school to be over. Yet I'm not. I don't want to be in high school or college. What an overachiever, I know.
I don't even know what to talk about, lots has been happening.
I've started excercising (sp??) everday with my mom and Jessica. My momma bought Winsor Pilattes which I fell inlove with once I saw the infomercial, so I made her buy it. I love it. Its fun. And funny, cuz we suck at it :) But I feel taller, stronger, and more sculpted!
I saw "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star" tonite with Jessica and Matt. I really liked it. It was funny. Kind of sucky, but I love David Spade, so its ok! No touchy!
Earlier today my mom helped me ditch 7th (nice!) so I could go with Paula to get her ear pierced at Aware (sp? sounds like ah-wah-ray). She got that little nub pierced. Touch your nose, go in a straight line towards your ear, and touch the closest thing to your face, right in the middle of the ear. That little thing. She got that pierced. Very bloody, very cool. And the guy that did it it cool too. He's got a big man-fro.
Lets see....Thursday is our ring ceremony, which I'm really excited about. I can't wait to get my ring and I can't wait to get out of school early! Hooray! Even though I ditched work yesterday to go couch-shopping with Paula, I think I'll have to ditch on Thursday just for no reason except that I don't want to work. I got a check for $150 today, woohoo! Money! I owe Jess $15 and my mom $28. So that leaves me with $117. Still lots of money. Must save.
Kat's brother is hot.
I'm planning Jess' bday party, WHICH I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT CUZ JESSICA WILL READ! HAHAHAHA. Yes, I'm smarter than that. See me for party info...even though the 2 of you who read this a) already got the invite; b) live in Las Vegas. Tough luck. Thats what you get when you treat this thing like a diary where you just blab.
So this Saturday I'm going to a Peter, Paul, and Mary concert with my mom and dad. Yes, I'm that cool. As I'm sure you don't know, Peter, Paul, and Mary sang "Puff The Magic Dragon."
Monday I'm leaving school early to go to ::insert NFL theme song:: MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL! THE DENVER BRONCOS VERSUS THE OAKLAND RAIDERS (boooooo raiders!) Yep, I convinced my dad. I'm so proud. This is quite an accomplishment. Woohoo!
And next Saturday my dad had planned to take me to the Broncos-Lions game (lame!) but I dunno about it now. Prolly not. And next Saturday I have my SATs and then a UNM Senior Day. Gah! My life is busy! But I like it, its nice doing stuff after 2 1/2 months of nothing but work. Now we work and learn and go to concerts and football games and everything else!
I just pre-ordered Dave Matthews' solo debut, "Some Devil," which is released a week from today, the 23rd of September. And no DMB, is not breaking up. Save some money, go buy it.
Husband of the Week: Leif Garrett, former child star. He was in Dicky Roberts. I really like him and his goofy hat. But here's his hunky days. Actually I just decided he looks like a girl.
Here he is today
Oh yeah, much better, lol :D
There, Kyle, have anything to comment on?