E, I <3 SF
I'm home! I love it here and I missed all my friends so much. Irena got back today, had a party for Kat's bday on Friday, Paula's back for good, yay! Kat's party was the most successful party at Kassi's dad's house that has ever gone down. It was soooo fun. And I got to that perfectly pleasantly drunken state. With very little hangover. Awesome.
But because of all this, I am seeing way less of Mateo. Haven't seen him since early Saturday morning. Seems like he and some buddies will come up tuesday for Irena's party, and I'll go down to Alb for our 3-month anniversary on Wednesday. And we're gonna go to that light thing at the bio park! Yay! I really miss seeing him everyday. I find myself talking about him alot. Sidenote: my manager at Souper Salad thought he was younger than me.
And yeah I started at SS again today!! I was really nervous cuz I was starting as a server, not the cashier, and its way more stressful, but I got 35 in tips. And it wasn't too bad. I think I did well. I go in again en la manana at 930, til 3. And then I get to be cashier again until like Friday. I like cashier alot more. Even if it doesn't pay as much.
And my ear is bleeding....
Monday, December 20, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
You know how Brian is always bitching about running to everyone in Santa Fe? I had a night like that. My dad had a fucking class reunion in the check-out line at Albertson's. He saw 3 guys he graduated with. It was weird. Then we went to the mall where we saw Ms. Larson (ahh!), then the Zold's, and then mid-Zold's we saw Mr. ARRRRmijo (why is it I ran into the only 2 teachers who hate me?), and then Marcos, Sammy, and Linda Y. And then Lynette at Best Buy (not too shocking...she works there.) It was weird. All of this happened in the span of less than an hour.
But I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. Just need Paula now! I'll take care of that tomorrow I suppose. Not sure what to get her just yet. Something that has to do with sex I'm sure.
Matt and I made up and I'm really glad. That was the worst 24 hours of my life (or alteast of my....2nd half of the year.)
You know how Brian is always bitching about running to everyone in Santa Fe? I had a night like that. My dad had a fucking class reunion in the check-out line at Albertson's. He saw 3 guys he graduated with. It was weird. Then we went to the mall where we saw Ms. Larson (ahh!), then the Zold's, and then mid-Zold's we saw Mr. ARRRRmijo (why is it I ran into the only 2 teachers who hate me?), and then Marcos, Sammy, and Linda Y. And then Lynette at Best Buy (not too shocking...she works there.) It was weird. All of this happened in the span of less than an hour.
But I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. Just need Paula now! I'll take care of that tomorrow I suppose. Not sure what to get her just yet. Something that has to do with sex I'm sure.
Matt and I made up and I'm really glad. That was the worst 24 hours of my life (or alteast of my....2nd half of the year.)
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Oh my god. I HATE crying. I try to avoid it as much humanly possible, but sometimes when you repress it it just builds up and kicks your ass. For four hours. And then you don't sleep. And then you look like all hell the next morning. I don't even know how much sleep I got, couldn't have been more than a couple hours. And my eyes are killing me. They are bloodshot and swollen. Good thing I'm only taking my last final today. Maybe shopping with Kat will make it better. I haven't really been hanging out with her much, and she really helped me out last night when I needed it. Sometimes I just get friend-overload, but she was still there for me. I love you Kat. And Paula was there for some pre-help too, even though she had problems of her own to deal with, and I hadn't talked to her for like a week. I'm really glad she's coming to UNM, I've really missed her and how close we used to be.
I suppose I'm ready for my astronomy final. I didn't do the homework questions, but I memorized all the webct questions and the in-class questions. But I also did that last time and I still don't know how well I did. Oh well. I really don't care. My main concern is getting those awesome vitamins from my pregnant friend in that class. It'll keep me from being so sickly.
And now I'm dreading winter break. I didn't realize how difficult this could be. But I've juggled things before, and now I just have another person to factor in, and thats probably the most important person. I just miss my friends alot. I haven't seen them in months, and its been weird, since I never used to go a day without them. I look forward to that. And I'm really nervous about Souper Salad since the managers are on vacation and some stupid general manager who doesn't know what their doing is there for them, so I'm afraid to go in and see if I'm even scheduled yet. They were supposed to call me before they went on vacation. Damnit.
I need coffee.
Oh my god. I HATE crying. I try to avoid it as much humanly possible, but sometimes when you repress it it just builds up and kicks your ass. For four hours. And then you don't sleep. And then you look like all hell the next morning. I don't even know how much sleep I got, couldn't have been more than a couple hours. And my eyes are killing me. They are bloodshot and swollen. Good thing I'm only taking my last final today. Maybe shopping with Kat will make it better. I haven't really been hanging out with her much, and she really helped me out last night when I needed it. Sometimes I just get friend-overload, but she was still there for me. I love you Kat. And Paula was there for some pre-help too, even though she had problems of her own to deal with, and I hadn't talked to her for like a week. I'm really glad she's coming to UNM, I've really missed her and how close we used to be.
I suppose I'm ready for my astronomy final. I didn't do the homework questions, but I memorized all the webct questions and the in-class questions. But I also did that last time and I still don't know how well I did. Oh well. I really don't care. My main concern is getting those awesome vitamins from my pregnant friend in that class. It'll keep me from being so sickly.
And now I'm dreading winter break. I didn't realize how difficult this could be. But I've juggled things before, and now I just have another person to factor in, and thats probably the most important person. I just miss my friends alot. I haven't seen them in months, and its been weird, since I never used to go a day without them. I look forward to that. And I'm really nervous about Souper Salad since the managers are on vacation and some stupid general manager who doesn't know what their doing is there for them, so I'm afraid to go in and see if I'm even scheduled yet. They were supposed to call me before they went on vacation. Damnit.
I need coffee.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Ugh. Finals. Its really not that bad, I just never study, so when I even study a little, its like the world is coming to an end. I have to add 5 pages to one essay and edit two others for my english portfolio. Not sure if I did really good or really bad on my math final. It was hard to tell. I was concentrating on drinking my tea, not sequences.
I reacted suprisingly bad to the news that Matt's mom didn't like me for a little bit. It upset me alot, and I'm not quite sure why. Prolly cuz I'm used to being the one that parents like. I remember the time Mark Bustamante told me his parents did like me....I felt horrible. Well, they had legitimate reasons (I kept him at my house 5 hours past his curfew, completely against his will). I just have always been liked by most parents, atleast as far as I know. And I didn't think not eating the food at Matt's grandparents' last night would be such a big deal. And I'm shy when I'm surrounded by people I don't know. Amy was the only one who made it a point to talkto me, and she's four. It was weird, and I feel really bad about it. I've been invited to go see Amy's dance recital next week, so I'll have to redeem myself then. I really don't care what most people think of me...but some people it matters. Like parents. If parents don't like you, they tell other parents, and then the other parents don't like you, and so on. Plus I don't want to do anything that would sabatage my relationship with Matt. Because although he makes my life busier, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. I've never been in love until now, and I never want to let it go. I feel like a complete idiot most of the time, like when I fill the house with smoke because I can't build a fire, or I think my math exam is at 10am when its really at 12:30, or I forget about the important dinner he told me about weeks in advance and I didn't get off work for that night. Even though I'm a complete airhead like this, he still loves me. I feel So Damn Lucky.
Ugh. Finals. Its really not that bad, I just never study, so when I even study a little, its like the world is coming to an end. I have to add 5 pages to one essay and edit two others for my english portfolio. Not sure if I did really good or really bad on my math final. It was hard to tell. I was concentrating on drinking my tea, not sequences.
I reacted suprisingly bad to the news that Matt's mom didn't like me for a little bit. It upset me alot, and I'm not quite sure why. Prolly cuz I'm used to being the one that parents like. I remember the time Mark Bustamante told me his parents did like me....I felt horrible. Well, they had legitimate reasons (I kept him at my house 5 hours past his curfew, completely against his will). I just have always been liked by most parents, atleast as far as I know. And I didn't think not eating the food at Matt's grandparents' last night would be such a big deal. And I'm shy when I'm surrounded by people I don't know. Amy was the only one who made it a point to talkto me, and she's four. It was weird, and I feel really bad about it. I've been invited to go see Amy's dance recital next week, so I'll have to redeem myself then. I really don't care what most people think of me...but some people it matters. Like parents. If parents don't like you, they tell other parents, and then the other parents don't like you, and so on. Plus I don't want to do anything that would sabatage my relationship with Matt. Because although he makes my life busier, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. I've never been in love until now, and I never want to let it go. I feel like a complete idiot most of the time, like when I fill the house with smoke because I can't build a fire, or I think my math exam is at 10am when its really at 12:30, or I forget about the important dinner he told me about weeks in advance and I didn't get off work for that night. Even though I'm a complete airhead like this, he still loves me. I feel So Damn Lucky.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
So most of you have probably read Brian's blog by now and know how awesome Friday night was. So we got into the club with the help of Brian's parents, who left less than half an hour after we were in. Many many many thanks to Brian's parents. They made that night one of the funnest I have ever had. So Howie, of course, was really really fucking awesome. I took a 2.5 minute recording of SHE SAYS on my camera....I had a musical orgasm during that song. I involuntarily jumped up and down like a little girl when he said "This next song is called She Says." It was a little embarressing. But I love that song. Its the first one of his I ever heard, and its still my absolute favorite. And Alex Band of The Calling totally had the rocker bulge, and I got a nice close up picture of it. After the show, Kat and I got our picture with "Chops," the really cool guitarist of The Calling who looks like a much hotter version of Carrot Top. And hell, since we were in a bar......why the hell not? I spent $64 on my debit card at the bar (although I payed for Kat and Brian too) (YOU BOTH OWE ME $20!!!) And since none of us had eaten anything significant all day, we got very trashed very quickly. Kat shook her stuff on stage and got with Ryan from the Peak, who's an awesome guy, and was also trashed since he was celebrating his birthday which was Sunday. And all of the sudden we were the ONLY white people in that whole bar, and I'm not even exaggerating. It was so wierd. This one guy was looking at the "moose on my shirt" aka boobs and tried to kiss me and it was scary and I missed Matt. And of course my eye fruck out, but not as badly as usual, so Kat and Brian dumped me in my car and went to sober up, then dumped me in Brian's room while they went to Frontier and brought back Kieran and Katen (Kayton? Keaten?) who drove our drunken asses to my house, where I abruply passed out in my bed.
I wanted to leave by 9:30 to Santa to make empanaditas with my aunts, but we didn't leave till 2 since I really thought death was coming for me. Kat and Brian, of course, felt just great. I got their share of hangovers.
Then I got to pick up Matt Sunday night, and I was very happy to see him. And Mabel, this girl I was in 6th grade with, was in the same little group thingy as him, which was crazy. But I'm so happy Matt is back. I really missed him. I had to stay alone in my creepy house for 5 nights. But I blame him for my sore throat now, since he's always sickly.
And tonite my mommy daddy and Lorn brought me some firewood and xmas lights, and we went to Dion's, and to the mall. It was fun. Yay.
Its cold in my house. The fire burnt out.
So most of you have probably read Brian's blog by now and know how awesome Friday night was. So we got into the club with the help of Brian's parents, who left less than half an hour after we were in. Many many many thanks to Brian's parents. They made that night one of the funnest I have ever had. So Howie, of course, was really really fucking awesome. I took a 2.5 minute recording of SHE SAYS on my camera....I had a musical orgasm during that song. I involuntarily jumped up and down like a little girl when he said "This next song is called She Says." It was a little embarressing. But I love that song. Its the first one of his I ever heard, and its still my absolute favorite. And Alex Band of The Calling totally had the rocker bulge, and I got a nice close up picture of it. After the show, Kat and I got our picture with "Chops," the really cool guitarist of The Calling who looks like a much hotter version of Carrot Top. And hell, since we were in a bar......why the hell not? I spent $64 on my debit card at the bar (although I payed for Kat and Brian too) (YOU BOTH OWE ME $20!!!) And since none of us had eaten anything significant all day, we got very trashed very quickly. Kat shook her stuff on stage and got with Ryan from the Peak, who's an awesome guy, and was also trashed since he was celebrating his birthday which was Sunday. And all of the sudden we were the ONLY white people in that whole bar, and I'm not even exaggerating. It was so wierd. This one guy was looking at the "moose on my shirt" aka boobs and tried to kiss me and it was scary and I missed Matt. And of course my eye fruck out, but not as badly as usual, so Kat and Brian dumped me in my car and went to sober up, then dumped me in Brian's room while they went to Frontier and brought back Kieran and Katen (Kayton? Keaten?) who drove our drunken asses to my house, where I abruply passed out in my bed.
I wanted to leave by 9:30 to Santa to make empanaditas with my aunts, but we didn't leave till 2 since I really thought death was coming for me. Kat and Brian, of course, felt just great. I got their share of hangovers.
Then I got to pick up Matt Sunday night, and I was very happy to see him. And Mabel, this girl I was in 6th grade with, was in the same little group thingy as him, which was crazy. But I'm so happy Matt is back. I really missed him. I had to stay alone in my creepy house for 5 nights. But I blame him for my sore throat now, since he's always sickly.
And tonite my mommy daddy and Lorn brought me some firewood and xmas lights, and we went to Dion's, and to the mall. It was fun. Yay.
Its cold in my house. The fire burnt out.
Friday, December 03, 2004
So last night, Howie news went from really really fucking awesome, to not so good, to not good at all. I got an email from Elana, the merch queen, saying she needed two people to help at the booth. Awesome. I emailed her back right away saying Brian and I would help out. She emails back in five minutes. They already had someone. Oh well. I think we can still get in. I call Ned's to check on the 21 rule again. This time the chick says there is no way anyone under 21 is getting in. Yet the dude a couple nights ago said it was fine since they would still be serving dinner, we could sit at the tables. What the hell. So looks like my chances with Howie tonite are pretty slim. I'll still try. But is it really bad that I'm not even too sad about the whole situation? I guess I'm not so attached to Howie now cuz he's getting popular, or atleast Collide is. I don't want to share him. I have loved Howie since like....'01. He was mine all mine all mine. I was willing to share him with Brian, and that was pushing it. And now everyone and their mom is going around humming "The dawn is breaking, a light shining through..." (and yes, my mom loves Collide. Along with both of my sisters. Its the #1 requested song in many cities right now.) But oh well. All good things must come to an end sometime.
But some good news - "I like guys too." -John Mayer
So last night, Howie news went from really really fucking awesome, to not so good, to not good at all. I got an email from Elana, the merch queen, saying she needed two people to help at the booth. Awesome. I emailed her back right away saying Brian and I would help out. She emails back in five minutes. They already had someone. Oh well. I think we can still get in. I call Ned's to check on the 21 rule again. This time the chick says there is no way anyone under 21 is getting in. Yet the dude a couple nights ago said it was fine since they would still be serving dinner, we could sit at the tables. What the hell. So looks like my chances with Howie tonite are pretty slim. I'll still try. But is it really bad that I'm not even too sad about the whole situation? I guess I'm not so attached to Howie now cuz he's getting popular, or atleast Collide is. I don't want to share him. I have loved Howie since like....'01. He was mine all mine all mine. I was willing to share him with Brian, and that was pushing it. And now everyone and their mom is going around humming "The dawn is breaking, a light shining through..." (and yes, my mom loves Collide. Along with both of my sisters. Its the #1 requested song in many cities right now.) But oh well. All good things must come to an end sometime.
But some good news - "I like guys too." -John Mayer
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
The semester is coming to an end and I'm starting to really freak out. I'm not showing it, but I'm constantly feeling anxious, and I hate it. I have a research paper, 8-10 pages, due next Wednesday, and I don't have a topic yet. I have a spanish presentation on Tuesday, where I have to talk for 5 minutes with NO notes, and I haven't started that. I have 3 weeks of math homework to catch up on, and a project to do with Nick for Thursday. And I have to do my english portfolio, and I don't even know what that means.
But when all of that is over, it will be winter break, and I will be working at Souper Salad, which is my favorite job ever. Paula, Lorn, and I will go back to The Painted Dish and finish our beautiful pieces of art. I'll do pilates with Lorn everyday and we will get awesome hot bods in one month. Paula will be back for good and I will be so happy because I really really miss her. I'll drink eggnog everyday. It will be Christmas!
Matt is leaving tomorrow, and I won't see him again till Monday. This will be very, very hard for me. It's hard when I can't even spend the night with him. It's not gonna be easy.
The semester is coming to an end and I'm starting to really freak out. I'm not showing it, but I'm constantly feeling anxious, and I hate it. I have a research paper, 8-10 pages, due next Wednesday, and I don't have a topic yet. I have a spanish presentation on Tuesday, where I have to talk for 5 minutes with NO notes, and I haven't started that. I have 3 weeks of math homework to catch up on, and a project to do with Nick for Thursday. And I have to do my english portfolio, and I don't even know what that means.
But when all of that is over, it will be winter break, and I will be working at Souper Salad, which is my favorite job ever. Paula, Lorn, and I will go back to The Painted Dish and finish our beautiful pieces of art. I'll do pilates with Lorn everyday and we will get awesome hot bods in one month. Paula will be back for good and I will be so happy because I really really miss her. I'll drink eggnog everyday. It will be Christmas!
Matt is leaving tomorrow, and I won't see him again till Monday. This will be very, very hard for me. It's hard when I can't even spend the night with him. It's not gonna be easy.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
I met Matt's family last night. And he didn't warn me that I was going to. Bastard. It turned out fine though. His 5 year old sister, Amy, who is adorable, took a liking to me. She's the one that seemed the most intersted, anyway. He says they liked me, but his parents didn't really talk to me. That's ok. The banquet had killer mashed potatoes. *Sidenote: I'm starving, and just decided I'm gonna make mashed potatoes out of the potatoes that have been sitting in my fridge since I moved in. This is gonna rock.* But I had fun last night. Amy invited me to go play horses with her in her room sometime, which I look forward to.
I'm considering quitting Keva Juice before winter break. If I work there over break, I will be driving between Alb and Santa so much that I won't even be making any money. Plus, Souper Salad is hiring, which has been my favorite job so far. I could work there during break. But then I'd have to find another job when I get back. Its something to consider.
Drunken Exorcist night with Brian and Matt was fun. The Admiral kicked mine and Brian's asses the next day though. I left Keva Juice after an hour. I didn't want to barf on the customers, and the wheat grass was making that difficult to control. I never threw up, but I did sleep for 3 hours. And then Kat and I went to Becca's dancy thing, which was awesome. She's getting really good. And it turns out I might have been re-introduced to my first friend ever: Reesa (sp?). She was my friend when I was like 3. Her mom and my mom were friends. And she's in dance with Becca. It'd be cool if its her. Can't wait to find out.
Gotta go buy milk for mashed potatoes. Woohoo! I love mashed potatoes!!
I met Matt's family last night. And he didn't warn me that I was going to. Bastard. It turned out fine though. His 5 year old sister, Amy, who is adorable, took a liking to me. She's the one that seemed the most intersted, anyway. He says they liked me, but his parents didn't really talk to me. That's ok. The banquet had killer mashed potatoes. *Sidenote: I'm starving, and just decided I'm gonna make mashed potatoes out of the potatoes that have been sitting in my fridge since I moved in. This is gonna rock.* But I had fun last night. Amy invited me to go play horses with her in her room sometime, which I look forward to.
I'm considering quitting Keva Juice before winter break. If I work there over break, I will be driving between Alb and Santa so much that I won't even be making any money. Plus, Souper Salad is hiring, which has been my favorite job so far. I could work there during break. But then I'd have to find another job when I get back. Its something to consider.
Drunken Exorcist night with Brian and Matt was fun. The Admiral kicked mine and Brian's asses the next day though. I left Keva Juice after an hour. I didn't want to barf on the customers, and the wheat grass was making that difficult to control. I never threw up, but I did sleep for 3 hours. And then Kat and I went to Becca's dancy thing, which was awesome. She's getting really good. And it turns out I might have been re-introduced to my first friend ever: Reesa (sp?). She was my friend when I was like 3. Her mom and my mom were friends. And she's in dance with Becca. It'd be cool if its her. Can't wait to find out.
Gotta go buy milk for mashed potatoes. Woohoo! I love mashed potatoes!!
Sunday, November 14, 2004
All at the same time. Got this from The Peak website.
Peak's Acoustic Christmas with Howie Day and The Calling
Friday December 03
It's a holiday show with Howie Day, The Calling, and local groups Soular and Man Born Blind at Ned's Downtown. Tickets are just $5 at the door and all of that goes to buy gifts for the children of the Giving Tree. This is a 21+ show.
Brian and I are making up a plan of attack as I write this. We will find away around it.
All at the same time. Got this from The Peak website.
Peak's Acoustic Christmas with Howie Day and The Calling
Friday December 03
It's a holiday show with Howie Day, The Calling, and local groups Soular and Man Born Blind at Ned's Downtown. Tickets are just $5 at the door and all of that goes to buy gifts for the children of the Giving Tree. This is a 21+ show.
Brian and I are making up a plan of attack as I write this. We will find away around it.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
I guess its about time to post again.
I've been working when I'm not at school and at school when I'm not at work. It was a busy week. I almost, ALMOST went to all of my classes. If I hadn't had to work at 3:30 on thursday I would have gone to Astro, but that class ends at 3:15, and there's no way I could make it across the city in 15 minutes.
Thats another reason why I don't like Albuquerque. Its just too big. I think I'd like to stick with Santa Fe-sized cities. Santa Fe is so personal, and I know every little corner of that city. Albuquerque....its ugly to start with. Its just not a pretty place. Except for a couple parts. I drove down Rio Grande Blvd on my way home, it was really pretty. Tons of cute ranches with horses and big big trees. And I have to remember to tell Jacinda I saw a Dietz Road and a Dietz Ranch. Its her last name, and its not too common, so I thought that was cool. And I heard Changes by David Bowie on the radio (radio free Santa Fe, actually) when I was driving through there. I love that song! I just downloaded it! For free! I downloaded Goodbye Yellowbrick Road by Elton John last week. Sweet!
So yeah, I don't like Albuquerque. But actual school is ok. I like the campus. It has a lot of huge trees and I love huge trees.
And of course I've been spending alot of time with Matt. Unfortunately we both are busy alot, with work and school, so we usually only see eachother at night. But weekends are usually better. I only worked till 5 last night so we all got to party together. Kat, Matt, Becca, Dylan, and the like. It was a total sausagefest. Hanging out at Phi Delt rocks. And I love playing DDR now. Weird. And I love hanging out with Matt. Especially when we study. :)
I guess its about time to post again.
I've been working when I'm not at school and at school when I'm not at work. It was a busy week. I almost, ALMOST went to all of my classes. If I hadn't had to work at 3:30 on thursday I would have gone to Astro, but that class ends at 3:15, and there's no way I could make it across the city in 15 minutes.
Thats another reason why I don't like Albuquerque. Its just too big. I think I'd like to stick with Santa Fe-sized cities. Santa Fe is so personal, and I know every little corner of that city. Albuquerque....its ugly to start with. Its just not a pretty place. Except for a couple parts. I drove down Rio Grande Blvd on my way home, it was really pretty. Tons of cute ranches with horses and big big trees. And I have to remember to tell Jacinda I saw a Dietz Road and a Dietz Ranch. Its her last name, and its not too common, so I thought that was cool. And I heard Changes by David Bowie on the radio (radio free Santa Fe, actually) when I was driving through there. I love that song! I just downloaded it! For free! I downloaded Goodbye Yellowbrick Road by Elton John last week. Sweet!
So yeah, I don't like Albuquerque. But actual school is ok. I like the campus. It has a lot of huge trees and I love huge trees.
And of course I've been spending alot of time with Matt. Unfortunately we both are busy alot, with work and school, so we usually only see eachother at night. But weekends are usually better. I only worked till 5 last night so we all got to party together. Kat, Matt, Becca, Dylan, and the like. It was a total sausagefest. Hanging out at Phi Delt rocks. And I love playing DDR now. Weird. And I love hanging out with Matt. Especially when we study. :)
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
It took a couple months and lots of internet time, but I finally read all of Guster's Road Journal: http://www.guster.com/test/tanindexflashsite.html
The drummer, Brian, AKA "Thundergod" writes the current entries, although the first ones, dated all the way back to May of '00, are written by all 3 members. They are hilarious, I recommend them to everyone when they need to waste months of their lives.
Oh, and Guster's music isn't too bad either.
And Irena showed me a groovy website, http://www.thefacebook.com/. Its like myspace, but there are less people, and its only a representation of given universities. UNM is one. I looked up St. Mike's and found several kids. Its a fun site as well. Check it out.
It took a couple months and lots of internet time, but I finally read all of Guster's Road Journal: http://www.guster.com/test/tanindexflashsite.html
The drummer, Brian, AKA "Thundergod" writes the current entries, although the first ones, dated all the way back to May of '00, are written by all 3 members. They are hilarious, I recommend them to everyone when they need to waste months of their lives.
Oh, and Guster's music isn't too bad either.
And Irena showed me a groovy website, http://www.thefacebook.com/. Its like myspace, but there are less people, and its only a representation of given universities. UNM is one. I looked up St. Mike's and found several kids. Its a fun site as well. Check it out.
I am soooooooo glad Nov 2nd is here. I'm so fucking sick of seeing those damn commercials on tv. I took my absentee ballot into Santa Fe on Wednesday, and I wish the tv knew. The commercials would stop. Stupid backstabbing commercials. I wish they really played the "Kerry is Satan" video, that would just be funny. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Kerry. Its just a funny little clip.
I love David Spade. Llama face!
I am soooooooo glad Nov 2nd is here. I'm so fucking sick of seeing those damn commercials on tv. I took my absentee ballot into Santa Fe on Wednesday, and I wish the tv knew. The commercials would stop. Stupid backstabbing commercials. I wish they really played the "Kerry is Satan" video, that would just be funny. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Kerry. Its just a funny little clip.
I love David Spade. Llama face!
Friday, October 29, 2004
because its just fun. Plus people are bitching about me needing to post. So here ya go
Yeah, guilty. I wanna be a hippy.
I'm definitely more lazy than grunge...but thats kinda the same thing.
because its just fun. Plus people are bitching about me needing to post. So here ya go
I AM 13% WHITE TRASH! http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=117">I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box. Take'>http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=117">Take the WHITE TRASH test at Fuali.com |
I AM 40% HIPPIE! http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=116">I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man. Take'>http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=116">Take the HIPPIE test at Fuali.com |
Yeah, guilty. I wanna be a hippy.
I AM 37% ASSHOLE/BITCH! http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=115">I may think I am an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is I am a good person at heart. Yeah sure, I can have a mean streak in me, but most of the people I meet like me. Take'>http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=115">Take the ASSHOLE/BITCH test at Fuali.com |
I AM 45% GRUNGE! http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108"> |
I'm definitely more lazy than grunge...but thats kinda the same thing.
I AM 21% GEEK! http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103">I wanna be a geek. But I' > Take'>http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103">Take the GEEK test at Fuali.com |
Monday, October 11, 2004
Its raining!!
Rain is nice. Especially an hour ago when I had to walk all the way from the SUB to Phi Delt...which to those who don't know, is quite a distance...about a 15 minute walk. And it especially sucks when its raining. I got soaked. SOAKED. But its really ok, because it was fun walking in the rain. I just wish I didn't have to do it alone. I like jumping in puddles...I need a puddle-jumping-buddy.
Having a boyfriend is fun. I'm soooo happeh :D
And competely smitten. Completely.
Rain is nice. Especially an hour ago when I had to walk all the way from the SUB to Phi Delt...which to those who don't know, is quite a distance...about a 15 minute walk. And it especially sucks when its raining. I got soaked. SOAKED. But its really ok, because it was fun walking in the rain. I just wish I didn't have to do it alone. I like jumping in puddles...I need a puddle-jumping-buddy.
Having a boyfriend is fun. I'm soooo happeh :D
And competely smitten. Completely.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
I Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today
I'm awake, you're still sleeping
The sun will rise like yesterday
Everything that we are now
Is everything we can't let go
Or its gone forever, far away
I hope tomorrow is like today
Don't you go away tomorrow
I don't think I could handle that
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on
Then you start to fall
But then you rise
and shine forever
Don't go away
I hope tomorrow is like today
My title never shows up, and I don't know why. Kristin!
The sun will rise like yesterday
Everything that we are now
Is everything we can't let go
Or its gone forever, far away
I hope tomorrow is like today
Don't you go away tomorrow
I don't think I could handle that
You're probably dreaming that you're flying on
Then you start to fall
But then you rise
and shine forever
Don't go away
I hope tomorrow is like today
My title never shows up, and I don't know why. Kristin!
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Wrinkle Tard
On the way home today I found myself smiling for no reason. Well, no reason other than the fact that I spent the day with Matt instead of doing all of my very important homework. That can wait till tonite. I'm so happy -- I have been this happy in a very long time. Yet he's so bad for me. I slacking with my school work. I have to get my act together. I just need to get past the initial smitten phase and I'll be ok. Then I'll be able to function again.
"Your mom's chest hair!!"
"Your mom's chest hair!!"
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Be Calm, Be Brave, It'll Be OK
Things that bother me about Albuquerque:
1. Not as liberal as Santa Fe. Of course, this would be hard to do in the first place. But I drive around and see the Dubya stickers everywhere, and not one "No War!" sticker, except for my own. Far too many republicans here. Even though I was told its actually pretty evenly divided. I'm just used to SF, where everyone and their mom is either democratic, a hippy, or a lesbian. And I miss that.
2. The curbs here are too high up! Everytime I park on the street, my door always scratches against the curb. Why must they make them so high up? I see no reason except to hurt my car!
That is all for now. I'll think of more.
1. Not as liberal as Santa Fe. Of course, this would be hard to do in the first place. But I drive around and see the Dubya stickers everywhere, and not one "No War!" sticker, except for my own. Far too many republicans here. Even though I was told its actually pretty evenly divided. I'm just used to SF, where everyone and their mom is either democratic, a hippy, or a lesbian. And I miss that.
2. The curbs here are too high up! Everytime I park on the street, my door always scratches against the curb. Why must they make them so high up? I see no reason except to hurt my car!
That is all for now. I'll think of more.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
The Title Hasn't Been Working
So blogger hates me. It really does! After I post this, it will take a couple days to actually post. It says its published, but I go to check the actual page, and the new post isn't there. Kristin! Why is it doing this??
Apart from that...I'm never drinking again.
Atleast not till next weekend.
And I'm definitely drinking next weekend.
Last night was Becca's bday. Little youngin' just turned 18. Yay for her. Fun for everyone. She had a party at her place. At first no one was showing up, and then the frat guys came, yay! Those guys are fun. Dirty, Matt, Joey, Dukeheart (sp?), and a couple other that I don't know their names. And I've always thought Matt was cute, so I'm glad he came. And at the end of the night, he handed me his number! That has never actually happened to me before. Being given a number. I think all things are prettier when italicized! So I'm unsure as to go about calling him...after all I was quite drunk last night, and I have my doubts about whether or not he even knows my name. I'll definitely call him and re-invite him to my upcoming weekend party...but I'm not sure what to do otherwise. Well, I know what to do, I'm just too chicken-shit to do it. How come I can always give the advice but never follow it?
I hate homework.
But I love Sugarcult!
And Dean Martin.
My dad bought me a $7 Best of Dean Martin cd at Target Friday night, after he made fun of me for wanting it. There's nothing wrong with liking old music. My mom hates it because its what her parents used to listen to. But I love it. I need Frank Sinatra too.
I need a shower. Very very badly.
Apart from that...I'm never drinking again.
Atleast not till next weekend.
And I'm definitely drinking next weekend.
Last night was Becca's bday. Little youngin' just turned 18. Yay for her. Fun for everyone. She had a party at her place. At first no one was showing up, and then the frat guys came, yay! Those guys are fun. Dirty, Matt, Joey, Dukeheart (sp?), and a couple other that I don't know their names. And I've always thought Matt was cute, so I'm glad he came. And at the end of the night, he handed me his number! That has never actually happened to me before. Being given a number. I think all things are prettier when italicized! So I'm unsure as to go about calling him...after all I was quite drunk last night, and I have my doubts about whether or not he even knows my name. I'll definitely call him and re-invite him to my upcoming weekend party...but I'm not sure what to do otherwise. Well, I know what to do, I'm just too chicken-shit to do it. How come I can always give the advice but never follow it?
I hate homework.
But I love Sugarcult!
And Dean Martin.
My dad bought me a $7 Best of Dean Martin cd at Target Friday night, after he made fun of me for wanting it. There's nothing wrong with liking old music. My mom hates it because its what her parents used to listen to. But I love it. I need Frank Sinatra too.
I need a shower. Very very badly.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The Ten Commandments of College
Student was searching for divine inspiration. Student walked high on the mountain of knowledge and came across God. Student asked God how to live life as a college kid should. And God said unto him, follow these Ten Commandments and you shall be all a college kid is. And Student thanked God and it was good. And Student spread the Ten Commandments of College to all.
I- Thou Shalt NapAnd God gave unto Student a great gift, the gift of napping. God said to him, You shall spend half your day napping. You shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. And God said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. And Student said, Nap I shall, and it was good.
II- Thou Shalt Get Sick All the TimeNow God said to Student, you must be sick all of the time. And student said why. And God said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and make out with people you don’t know. Therefore, God said, you shall be sick all year round. But God said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. And it was good.
III- Thou Shalt Write Witty Away MessagesStudent asked, but God, how will I show everyone that I am funny? And God said unto him, thou shall write witty away messages. God said to student, you shall never just say you are in the shower, you shall say you are getting wet and wild…in the shower. You shall never say you are at class, you shall say you are sleeping…in class. God said, if you do not write witty away messages, I shall smite you. Blessed are the funny, for they will get many girls to be their friends but never hook up with them. And it was good.
IV- Thou Shalt Wear a HoodieAnd then Student asked God, God how do I look like a college kid. And God said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. And you shall never wash it either. Student asked God what kind of Hoodie should it be and God said, you shall own one with your school’s logo on it and you shall own many others of varying colors and creeds. And Student was pleased and God was pleased.
V- Thou Shalt Shit a LotAnd Student asked of his bathroom habit and God told him, Student, you shall eat in the Cafeteria and you shall shit a lot. And it will not be good shit, it will be the shit of the devil for your ass shall burn for hours. Your school shall put laxatives in their food and you shall feel their pain. And Student began to weep, and God said unto him, Student, fear not the shit, for all your fellow students will be experiencing the same. And Student dried his eyes and thanked God and God told him to use wet naps to ease the pain.
VI- Thou Shalt Eat EasyMacStudent asked unto God if there was any alternatives to the cafeteria, and God said to him, you shall eat a lot of EasyMac. It is easy to make and you don’t need milk or a stove. And student said microwaves were forbidden by the RA. And God said to him, you shall hide the microwave under your bed with a towel on top. And Student asked, what if it is discovered. And God told him to stop being such a pussy, and it was good.
VII- Thou Shalt Hook UpStudent then asked of sex. And God said, Student, you shall hook up and be happy. You shall go home with random people every weekend and forget about them the next day. You shall see them at class and be awkward amongst their company. You shall exchange saliva at bars and parties and it will be good. And Student became gleeful and God told Student to wrap it up because He knows where she has been, but Student does not.
VIII- Thou Shalt Join a Club and Never Go to MeetingsStudent inquired of his spare time and God reminded him that he should be napping. But Student said he wanted to do other things. So God said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. And Student asked why he should not go to meetings, and God told him, because the glee club is gay. And Student understood His wisdom.
IX- Thou Shalt Wake Up ConfusedGod said to Student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. You will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. You will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in Sharpie. And Student was disturbed by this, but God said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends someday. And Student understood and God took a sip of a beer. And God gave Student the final Commandment
X- Thou Shalt Gain WeightAnd Student wished to hear the final commandment and God said he would not like it. But Student insisted, so God said unto him, you shall gain weight. However, God said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear sweat pants a lot. God said, Student, you will watch a lot of TV and become fat to which Student wept profusely. But God comforted Student saying, you will still get ass even if you cannot tie your shoes anymore. Student felt better and God pointed to Student’s chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits. And it was good.
This is the word of God, follow the Ten Commandments of College or you will be smote!
and I'm sick.
I- Thou Shalt NapAnd God gave unto Student a great gift, the gift of napping. God said to him, You shall spend half your day napping. You shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. And God said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. And Student said, Nap I shall, and it was good.
II- Thou Shalt Get Sick All the TimeNow God said to Student, you must be sick all of the time. And student said why. And God said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and make out with people you don’t know. Therefore, God said, you shall be sick all year round. But God said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. And it was good.
III- Thou Shalt Write Witty Away MessagesStudent asked, but God, how will I show everyone that I am funny? And God said unto him, thou shall write witty away messages. God said to student, you shall never just say you are in the shower, you shall say you are getting wet and wild…in the shower. You shall never say you are at class, you shall say you are sleeping…in class. God said, if you do not write witty away messages, I shall smite you. Blessed are the funny, for they will get many girls to be their friends but never hook up with them. And it was good.
IV- Thou Shalt Wear a HoodieAnd then Student asked God, God how do I look like a college kid. And God said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. And you shall never wash it either. Student asked God what kind of Hoodie should it be and God said, you shall own one with your school’s logo on it and you shall own many others of varying colors and creeds. And Student was pleased and God was pleased.
V- Thou Shalt Shit a LotAnd Student asked of his bathroom habit and God told him, Student, you shall eat in the Cafeteria and you shall shit a lot. And it will not be good shit, it will be the shit of the devil for your ass shall burn for hours. Your school shall put laxatives in their food and you shall feel their pain. And Student began to weep, and God said unto him, Student, fear not the shit, for all your fellow students will be experiencing the same. And Student dried his eyes and thanked God and God told him to use wet naps to ease the pain.
VI- Thou Shalt Eat EasyMacStudent asked unto God if there was any alternatives to the cafeteria, and God said to him, you shall eat a lot of EasyMac. It is easy to make and you don’t need milk or a stove. And student said microwaves were forbidden by the RA. And God said to him, you shall hide the microwave under your bed with a towel on top. And Student asked, what if it is discovered. And God told him to stop being such a pussy, and it was good.
VII- Thou Shalt Hook UpStudent then asked of sex. And God said, Student, you shall hook up and be happy. You shall go home with random people every weekend and forget about them the next day. You shall see them at class and be awkward amongst their company. You shall exchange saliva at bars and parties and it will be good. And Student became gleeful and God told Student to wrap it up because He knows where she has been, but Student does not.
VIII- Thou Shalt Join a Club and Never Go to MeetingsStudent inquired of his spare time and God reminded him that he should be napping. But Student said he wanted to do other things. So God said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. And Student asked why he should not go to meetings, and God told him, because the glee club is gay. And Student understood His wisdom.
IX- Thou Shalt Wake Up ConfusedGod said to Student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. You will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. You will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in Sharpie. And Student was disturbed by this, but God said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends someday. And Student understood and God took a sip of a beer. And God gave Student the final Commandment
X- Thou Shalt Gain WeightAnd Student wished to hear the final commandment and God said he would not like it. But Student insisted, so God said unto him, you shall gain weight. However, God said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear sweat pants a lot. God said, Student, you will watch a lot of TV and become fat to which Student wept profusely. But God comforted Student saying, you will still get ass even if you cannot tie your shoes anymore. Student felt better and God pointed to Student’s chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits. And it was good.
This is the word of God, follow the Ten Commandments of College or you will be smote!
and I'm sick.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
If You Wanna Be Free Take A Sip Of This Tea
So I think it has become evident that everyone is having a hard time just like I am. I'm really glad Doug Rob called me to make me feel better.
I hate crying. I did alot of that today, so now I have cry-face. I hate cry-face.
Doug is right. I really need to get out and do stuff. Join a club or even a study group. Today I ditched 2 out of my 3 classes, and had planned on doing alot of homework. I did one journal entry. I was also planning on going grocerie shopping, and instead of that I just ate alot of our food. And instead of going to my "spiritual advisor" dude, I cancelled, claiming I was "up to my ears on homework." When I was really just playing games on gsn.com. So now I'm going tomorrow at 1. After my only class ends at 11 Becca and I are gonna hang out, which I'm looking forward to since I haven't seen her in like a week. I haven't been hanging around campus like I did the first week. I've wanted to be home, but now I hate being here. I really want to be at home-home. In Santa Fe. But its not home-home anymore. Everyone is gone. My room is empty. I'm just thankful my family is still there. I'll see them Thursday at Zozobra I guess. That should be fun. Hell, I even miss St Mikes (but don't tell anyone). I miss Ms Chitwood and Mr White. Thor can still die though.
I'll be ok. I just don't adjust easily.
I hate crying. I did alot of that today, so now I have cry-face. I hate cry-face.
Doug is right. I really need to get out and do stuff. Join a club or even a study group. Today I ditched 2 out of my 3 classes, and had planned on doing alot of homework. I did one journal entry. I was also planning on going grocerie shopping, and instead of that I just ate alot of our food. And instead of going to my "spiritual advisor" dude, I cancelled, claiming I was "up to my ears on homework." When I was really just playing games on gsn.com. So now I'm going tomorrow at 1. After my only class ends at 11 Becca and I are gonna hang out, which I'm looking forward to since I haven't seen her in like a week. I haven't been hanging around campus like I did the first week. I've wanted to be home, but now I hate being here. I really want to be at home-home. In Santa Fe. But its not home-home anymore. Everyone is gone. My room is empty. I'm just thankful my family is still there. I'll see them Thursday at Zozobra I guess. That should be fun. Hell, I even miss St Mikes (but don't tell anyone). I miss Ms Chitwood and Mr White. Thor can still die though.
I'll be ok. I just don't adjust easily.
Its 9:39am, I have to leave for class in 21 minutes, and I just now noticed that I haven't even put on my makeup...even though I thought I was ready for school. And I just decided I'm not gonna wear any today, since I have already completed my get-ready-for-school process.
Kat and I went to Denver this weekend! Brian had to work, bummer. We went to see Guster, an awesome band that I saw with John Mayer 2 years ago in Santa Fe. The drummer plays with his hands! They are very happy music. Kat absolutely loved the concert, which I'm glad about. I forgot how energetic their shows are. I love them even more now.
So we actually thought that Howie Day was gonna be playing too, but I really just made that up in my brain for some reason. Kat and I were standing in line for the show, waiting for the gates to open, and all the sudden it all clicked. On Howie's tour card, this show wasn't on there. And he wasn't listed on the Guster tour printout I had, even though he was on there for all the shows before that. And no one knew he was playing. Weird. Mabye thats because I assumed he was playing with Guster since Guster had joined the Howie Day-Matt Nathanson-OAR tour for a couple weeks. Turns out the show we went to was the first without the rest of those acts. Thats really ok though, because that left Guster to play for about an hour and a half. I just felt like an idiot, but thats cool. I bought a Guster (or as Kat likes to call them, "Gunther") shirt with a llama on it! Its so cool. And its green! And its a llama!
The point is, we had a great time. On the way up to Denver, we played some car games with 2 17y/o boys, and had lunch with them in Pueblo. It was quite the adventure.
I'm still looking for a part time job since I'm getting pretty close to broke. Hopefully KivaJuice will call soon. Or I'll have to resort to Bob's Burgers.
Kat and I went to Denver this weekend! Brian had to work, bummer. We went to see Guster, an awesome band that I saw with John Mayer 2 years ago in Santa Fe. The drummer plays with his hands! They are very happy music. Kat absolutely loved the concert, which I'm glad about. I forgot how energetic their shows are. I love them even more now.
So we actually thought that Howie Day was gonna be playing too, but I really just made that up in my brain for some reason. Kat and I were standing in line for the show, waiting for the gates to open, and all the sudden it all clicked. On Howie's tour card, this show wasn't on there. And he wasn't listed on the Guster tour printout I had, even though he was on there for all the shows before that. And no one knew he was playing. Weird. Mabye thats because I assumed he was playing with Guster since Guster had joined the Howie Day-Matt Nathanson-OAR tour for a couple weeks. Turns out the show we went to was the first without the rest of those acts. Thats really ok though, because that left Guster to play for about an hour and a half. I just felt like an idiot, but thats cool. I bought a Guster (or as Kat likes to call them, "Gunther") shirt with a llama on it! Its so cool. And its green! And its a llama!
The point is, we had a great time. On the way up to Denver, we played some car games with 2 17y/o boys, and had lunch with them in Pueblo. It was quite the adventure.
I'm still looking for a part time job since I'm getting pretty close to broke. Hopefully KivaJuice will call soon. Or I'll have to resort to Bob's Burgers.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I can't believe blogger is actually letting me post! Anytime I have actually wanted to post in the last month, I haven't been able to.
So I'm in Albuquerque now, living with Daniel, my brother, in a house on the west side of town, kind of near Rio Rancho. You know, not at all near campus. But its actually not bad. Only takes 15 minutes to get to campus if traffic is moving along, which is always is at 9 or 10 in the morning. Its nice having an actual house, instead of a dorm. I guess it levels itself out. When I go into everyone's dorms, its cool because its like they are living with dozens and dozens of people. Its very easy to be social, I would imagine. They are living AT college, instead of just being students there. I'm the only one among the St Mike's crowd that is not living on campus or near campus. Its ok though. Like I said, I have an actual house. With my own bathroom. And a big room where I can be naked and not have to worry about my roommate walking in on me. And I like my classes. Only two of my teachers are insane, and I actually really enjoy one of my classes -- my "ancient legacy" class. Its honors, which is cool, and its all discussion about old books like Giglamesh and The Iliad. And these kids can ACTUALLY discuss, which is really nice! It makes 2 and a half hours every week go by really quickly. Its such a weird feeling, ENJOYING a class. I could get used to this.
The weird thing is, I don't feel like a "college" kid. It doesn't seem like I have moved out of my house, even though I have packed up my entire room and haven't been back for almost 2 weeks. It seems like I am just on a vacation, and taking some classes while I'm at it. Like some freakish summer learning program. I have no rules. No parents. No curfew, no nothing! So much freedom. Too much, infact. I'm already broke. Well, I was for a day, till I deposited a check. Now I'm just close to being broke. I can't believe how much money I spent this summer. But its ok actually, because it was such an awesome summer. There's no way I will every forget it. Partying in the woods, peeing in front yards, sneaking into hot tubs and swimming pools downtown, climbing roofs and getting fiberglass splinters, going to concerts, getting addicted to ebay, and actually feeling good about myself. It was an incredible summer, I would have to say.
And of course I can't leave out the fact that last monday was the Dave Matthews Band concert. It was so fun, I can't even describe it. Fun doesn't even begin it! Paula, Kat, Harlie, Becca, Kat, Jess, and little Lorn all came. Paula and I had the best seats, about 10 rows back, a little to the left. Every year I get closer and closer to my band. All the other kids were chillin in the lawn. "You know the good thing about the lawn? Its kinda hard with all these chairs in the way up here, but in the lawn, you can bump uglies." -Dave
I got amazing pictures and recordings with my uber cool camera, and even got "tapped" by a security guard, since we weren't supposed to have cameras (like that ever stops me, hah!), and he obviously saw me repetedly holding my camera above the crowd for long periods of time, recording the band. He scared the shit out of me....but that doesn't mean I stopped doing it. Paula had my back the entire time too. Hah! Take that stupid security guard. You don't scare me! We visited Ryan at the Peak van and he gave us free stuff, and he even recognized Jess and I, which was very cool, since to me Ryan is a celebrity thats my buddy, just like Howie and Johnny Rzeznik! I had SO much fun during the show, holy shit. AWESOME set list, even though they didn't bust out #41. Our section of the audience was all the Warehouse members, and we sat next to this kick ass couple that I got to talk about the band to before the show, they were very cool, and kept offering us cigarettes. Anywho, the entire section was chanting "41" between most of the songs, which was very exciting! Its ok that they didn't play it, cuz they made up for it by playing Crush and Tim-fucking-Reynolds came out for the last songs!!! It was insane. Timmy hadn't played with the full band since 1998. I'm sure he was there since he lives in Santa Fe. It was awesome, he got very into Help Myself, and played with his teeth. Very impressive!
The Stone
Fool To Think
I Did It
Hello Again
Sugar Will
Grey Street
When The World Ends
One Sweet World
Joy Ride
Ants Marching
Typical Situation
Help Myself*
Crash Into Me*
Dancing Nancies*
Too Much*@
*Tim Reynolds joined on these songs
@ It was very cool, in Too Much, Dave, according to dmbalmanac.com, "extended scat outro with Lil' John's "YEAH! WHAT? YEAH! OK!" interpolation." When I listened back to this on my camera, I thought He might be doing Lil' John, but I also thought my brain was just making up shit, but it turns out he really was! How cool!
Hope everyone got their DMB fill there!
So I've noticed I am desperately clinging onto highschool. I'm still hanging out with Kat, Jess, Becca, Brian, David, and Bryan. I really miss Irena. I'm gonna miss Paula the most. Why the hell are these kids moving so fucking far away! Its too difficult! Now I realize that I really really loved highschool. Things were so fun, I got to see everyone everyday. Its hard now. Different schedules, different cities, different land masses. Paula, Harlie, and Kassi are still in Santa Fe, but its hard to find the time to travel just one hour. Not to mention gas money is low.
I really want to meet new people, and make new friends, but its hard when my old friends are still around and so easy to get ahold of. I met one guy, Nick, and loborientation, and we have math together, and we exchanged numbers, but thats all I've done so far. And no romantic posibility, as he is definitely quite gay. But he's an awesome kid.
I miss home.
Kat, Brian, and I are most likely heading up to Denver this weekend, to catch Howie! He's playing not only with Matt Nathanson and OAR again, but with Guster too! I love Guster! I saw them 2 years ago with John Mayer, and absolutely loved them! They are very happy music, so I'm very excited. I really shouldn't go though, since I don't have much money. But I want to go really really bad. Its as exciting as Dave! Howie AND Guster...I will pop. Maybe I'll ask Howie to be my boyfriend, since I already refer to him as that. And Brian and I are gonna have him record our voice mails, so he says "Hey, this is Howie Day, leave Katie/Brian a message." and for me he could also say something like "Katie is the most beautiful girl in the world and we are getting married and are gonna have one thousand little Howie-haired babies." ...or something like that.
So I'm in Albuquerque now, living with Daniel, my brother, in a house on the west side of town, kind of near Rio Rancho. You know, not at all near campus. But its actually not bad. Only takes 15 minutes to get to campus if traffic is moving along, which is always is at 9 or 10 in the morning. Its nice having an actual house, instead of a dorm. I guess it levels itself out. When I go into everyone's dorms, its cool because its like they are living with dozens and dozens of people. Its very easy to be social, I would imagine. They are living AT college, instead of just being students there. I'm the only one among the St Mike's crowd that is not living on campus or near campus. Its ok though. Like I said, I have an actual house. With my own bathroom. And a big room where I can be naked and not have to worry about my roommate walking in on me. And I like my classes. Only two of my teachers are insane, and I actually really enjoy one of my classes -- my "ancient legacy" class. Its honors, which is cool, and its all discussion about old books like Giglamesh and The Iliad. And these kids can ACTUALLY discuss, which is really nice! It makes 2 and a half hours every week go by really quickly. Its such a weird feeling, ENJOYING a class. I could get used to this.
The weird thing is, I don't feel like a "college" kid. It doesn't seem like I have moved out of my house, even though I have packed up my entire room and haven't been back for almost 2 weeks. It seems like I am just on a vacation, and taking some classes while I'm at it. Like some freakish summer learning program. I have no rules. No parents. No curfew, no nothing! So much freedom. Too much, infact. I'm already broke. Well, I was for a day, till I deposited a check. Now I'm just close to being broke. I can't believe how much money I spent this summer. But its ok actually, because it was such an awesome summer. There's no way I will every forget it. Partying in the woods, peeing in front yards, sneaking into hot tubs and swimming pools downtown, climbing roofs and getting fiberglass splinters, going to concerts, getting addicted to ebay, and actually feeling good about myself. It was an incredible summer, I would have to say.
And of course I can't leave out the fact that last monday was the Dave Matthews Band concert. It was so fun, I can't even describe it. Fun doesn't even begin it! Paula, Kat, Harlie, Becca, Kat, Jess, and little Lorn all came. Paula and I had the best seats, about 10 rows back, a little to the left. Every year I get closer and closer to my band. All the other kids were chillin in the lawn. "You know the good thing about the lawn? Its kinda hard with all these chairs in the way up here, but in the lawn, you can bump uglies." -Dave
I got amazing pictures and recordings with my uber cool camera, and even got "tapped" by a security guard, since we weren't supposed to have cameras (like that ever stops me, hah!), and he obviously saw me repetedly holding my camera above the crowd for long periods of time, recording the band. He scared the shit out of me....but that doesn't mean I stopped doing it. Paula had my back the entire time too. Hah! Take that stupid security guard. You don't scare me! We visited Ryan at the Peak van and he gave us free stuff, and he even recognized Jess and I, which was very cool, since to me Ryan is a celebrity thats my buddy, just like Howie and Johnny Rzeznik! I had SO much fun during the show, holy shit. AWESOME set list, even though they didn't bust out #41. Our section of the audience was all the Warehouse members, and we sat next to this kick ass couple that I got to talk about the band to before the show, they were very cool, and kept offering us cigarettes. Anywho, the entire section was chanting "41" between most of the songs, which was very exciting! Its ok that they didn't play it, cuz they made up for it by playing Crush and Tim-fucking-Reynolds came out for the last songs!!! It was insane. Timmy hadn't played with the full band since 1998. I'm sure he was there since he lives in Santa Fe. It was awesome, he got very into Help Myself, and played with his teeth. Very impressive!
The Stone
Fool To Think
I Did It
Hello Again
Sugar Will
Grey Street
When The World Ends
One Sweet World
Joy Ride
Ants Marching
Typical Situation
Help Myself*
Crash Into Me*
Dancing Nancies*
Too Much*@
*Tim Reynolds joined on these songs
@ It was very cool, in Too Much, Dave, according to dmbalmanac.com, "extended scat outro with Lil' John's "YEAH! WHAT? YEAH! OK!" interpolation." When I listened back to this on my camera, I thought He might be doing Lil' John, but I also thought my brain was just making up shit, but it turns out he really was! How cool!
Hope everyone got their DMB fill there!
So I've noticed I am desperately clinging onto highschool. I'm still hanging out with Kat, Jess, Becca, Brian, David, and Bryan. I really miss Irena. I'm gonna miss Paula the most. Why the hell are these kids moving so fucking far away! Its too difficult! Now I realize that I really really loved highschool. Things were so fun, I got to see everyone everyday. Its hard now. Different schedules, different cities, different land masses. Paula, Harlie, and Kassi are still in Santa Fe, but its hard to find the time to travel just one hour. Not to mention gas money is low.
I really want to meet new people, and make new friends, but its hard when my old friends are still around and so easy to get ahold of. I met one guy, Nick, and loborientation, and we have math together, and we exchanged numbers, but thats all I've done so far. And no romantic posibility, as he is definitely quite gay. But he's an awesome kid.
I miss home.
Kat, Brian, and I are most likely heading up to Denver this weekend, to catch Howie! He's playing not only with Matt Nathanson and OAR again, but with Guster too! I love Guster! I saw them 2 years ago with John Mayer, and absolutely loved them! They are very happy music, so I'm very excited. I really shouldn't go though, since I don't have much money. But I want to go really really bad. Its as exciting as Dave! Howie AND Guster...I will pop. Maybe I'll ask Howie to be my boyfriend, since I already refer to him as that. And Brian and I are gonna have him record our voice mails, so he says "Hey, this is Howie Day, leave Katie/Brian a message." and for me he could also say something like "Katie is the most beautiful girl in the world and we are getting married and are gonna have one thousand little Howie-haired babies." ...or something like that.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I met Howie Day!!!! It was amazing! Brian and I went to his show last Thursday night (July 22) at the Sunshine Theater, and since I'm a rep for Howie online we got to work his merch booth and then after the show we met him! It was wonderful and amazing and I died! He's perfect in everyway, so hot, such beautiful hair, perfect smile, great body....ahhh....
I love Howie.
And the only thing I remember from Buddy's class is that idolization and infatuation are both pitfalls of romance. Shit.
Ok, but at the time I was actually really cool and mellow. Well, thats because I was too tired to physically respond, since I had also been at the John Mayer show the night before. I was a little sleep deprived. So Howie is like the nicest person I've ever met. He was so cool and nice about signing our shit and posing for pictures, and when I asked him for a hug he was just like "sure!" and he was so cute. I've also noticed that in most of his pictures with fans, he smiles with his mouth closed, which hides how hot he is. However, in my picture with him, he's smiling with his teeth showing! He didn't do that for Brian or Lindsey (another rep that worked with us)! This means he was truly happy with me...probably from my outstanding beauty. Who knows. The point is, I made him happy, which makes me happy :D
and I am too dumb to post the picture right on here...or its just being an asshole, so just go here!
I love Howie.
And the only thing I remember from Buddy's class is that idolization and infatuation are both pitfalls of romance. Shit.
Ok, but at the time I was actually really cool and mellow. Well, thats because I was too tired to physically respond, since I had also been at the John Mayer show the night before. I was a little sleep deprived. So Howie is like the nicest person I've ever met. He was so cool and nice about signing our shit and posing for pictures, and when I asked him for a hug he was just like "sure!" and he was so cute. I've also noticed that in most of his pictures with fans, he smiles with his mouth closed, which hides how hot he is. However, in my picture with him, he's smiling with his teeth showing! He didn't do that for Brian or Lindsey (another rep that worked with us)! This means he was truly happy with me...probably from my outstanding beauty. Who knows. The point is, I made him happy, which makes me happy :D
and I am too dumb to post the picture right on here...or its just being an asshole, so just go here!
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
So lately all I do is work and sleep and hang out with friends, which is why I'm never home, which is why I never post. Is that good enough of an excuse for everyone? Good!
So I started working at Souper!Salad! almost a month ago. Its cool...all the hot guys in Santa Fe eat there. Well, not all of them...but alot of them. Plus I get to push buttons all day, which is something I've always wanted to do. The downside is our uniform is the same as St. Mike's clothes, only a little cooler, and less strict. My managers rock, and I get free food. I work 11-3 and 5-8 Tuesday through Saturday, so everyone come visit me! (and no I can't get you free food...but you could get yourself free food if you just walk in and only order water, pretending like you lost your receipt. Very easy. Especially since I don't pay attention.)
Anywho all my concerts are coming up! I've got John Mayer & Maroon 5 on July 21, Howie Day (yayyyyy!!!) the next day on July 22, then Alanis Morrissette & The Barenaked Ladies on Aug 1, and then DMB on Aug 23rd. Yay for concerts!
I also have a debit card now, which is the most dangerous thing I can think of myself owning. I can't stop spending money. I've become a shopaholic, in shops and online (especially online. and now I have discovered ebay. uh oh.)
So I started working at Souper!Salad! almost a month ago. Its cool...all the hot guys in Santa Fe eat there. Well, not all of them...but alot of them. Plus I get to push buttons all day, which is something I've always wanted to do. The downside is our uniform is the same as St. Mike's clothes, only a little cooler, and less strict. My managers rock, and I get free food. I work 11-3 and 5-8 Tuesday through Saturday, so everyone come visit me! (and no I can't get you free food...but you could get yourself free food if you just walk in and only order water, pretending like you lost your receipt. Very easy. Especially since I don't pay attention.)
Anywho all my concerts are coming up! I've got John Mayer & Maroon 5 on July 21, Howie Day (yayyyyy!!!) the next day on July 22, then Alanis Morrissette & The Barenaked Ladies on Aug 1, and then DMB on Aug 23rd. Yay for concerts!
I also have a debit card now, which is the most dangerous thing I can think of myself owning. I can't stop spending money. I've become a shopaholic, in shops and online (especially online. and now I have discovered ebay. uh oh.)
Friday, June 04, 2004
I know I haven't posted in a about 2 million years. Sorry. Actually its only been about a month and a half. Prom was ok, but got busted booooozin' it up buddy and got suspended, which was actually really nice. Graduated, which rocked. And now I'm working and sleeping and.....other stuff. You never know who reads this thing, even though NO ONE leaves comments.
I'm quiting the Firebird, as the boss' daughter is stealing my job, but its ok cuz it was planned for her to take over my job cuz I'm movin' away to Alb. I wanna work in a coffee shop -- thats what my mom, my sister, and I decided where I needed to work. I've also decided I need to work somewhere where I can meet guys.
Guys suck. And they're weird. But I still love 'em.
I'm glad Howie Day makes it known that girls can get on his tour bus. Now there's the motivation I need for my diet!!
Speaking of which, I've decided I'm addicted to food. Is there a Food-eaters Anonymous?
I'm quiting the Firebird, as the boss' daughter is stealing my job, but its ok cuz it was planned for her to take over my job cuz I'm movin' away to Alb. I wanna work in a coffee shop -- thats what my mom, my sister, and I decided where I needed to work. I've also decided I need to work somewhere where I can meet guys.
Guys suck. And they're weird. But I still love 'em.
I'm glad Howie Day makes it known that girls can get on his tour bus. Now there's the motivation I need for my diet!!
Speaking of which, I've decided I'm addicted to food. Is there a Food-eaters Anonymous?
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
I wrote this down in my phone about a week ago, and just now got around to typing it up:
I was just about to fall asleep, and I faintly heard Crash Into Me on my radio, so I turned it up. I had a very emotional couple of minutes, lying in bed listening to one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, both out of happiness. It was a state of bliss, complete NIRVANA. Its hard for me to explain how much this band really means to me. With each of their songs I heard, I go back to my memory of when I first really listened to each song. Its one of my favorite emotions, remembering those situations. It is one of the most peaceful feelings I have ever felt, and aI love it. I frst really listened to Crash when I was camping at Vallecitos, the most beautiful lake. Everytime I heara song off that album, I immediately see gigantic pine trees peacefullyl flowing in the wind. I love it.
I was just about to fall asleep, and I faintly heard Crash Into Me on my radio, so I turned it up. I had a very emotional couple of minutes, lying in bed listening to one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, both out of happiness. It was a state of bliss, complete NIRVANA. Its hard for me to explain how much this band really means to me. With each of their songs I heard, I go back to my memory of when I first really listened to each song. Its one of my favorite emotions, remembering those situations. It is one of the most peaceful feelings I have ever felt, and aI love it. I frst really listened to Crash when I was camping at Vallecitos, the most beautiful lake. Everytime I heara song off that album, I immediately see gigantic pine trees peacefullyl flowing in the wind. I love it.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
I got my DMB seat locations! I'm in Section 3, Row L. Check the good map here. I'm gonna be so close to them that I will die! Only twelve rows back and a little to the left! I can't believe I got into one of the front sections. I may seriously pee in my pants at that concert. Paula, Kat, Harlie, Jess, Becca: Don't let me drink water before the show.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
So dmbrr.com, DMB Rhyme and Reason, is creating a DMB license plate page, and I'm on it! Quite exciting, I know. I'm on this page. I love how well the yellow stands out. New Mexico is good for something!
Saturday, April 03, 2004
"Katie, someday you're gonna make some guy very happy." I hear that from time to time. Last night I heard it from Taylor Osbourne. I suppose its fairly encouraging, but mostly depressing. SOME DAY. I'm impatient, I hate waiting for that day. I guess I have no other choice though. Last night I was talking to Chris about how it sucks when people pull the "your the greatest girl/guy, anyone would be so lucky to have you" shit, because it never seems to be true. I've only had one boyfriend, and that was for a grand total of 3 weeks. Regardless, it was probably one of my happiest times.
Boys suck. And I mean that in an "I love them" sort of way.
Boys suck. And I mean that in an "I love them" sort of way.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
I don't want to
Hear you whisper
I don't want to orbit
Your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
I don't like to
Hang around you
I don't want to
Live in your world
Of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
It's not that I don't like you
But it's not that I don't love you
It's not that I don't think you are
Two of the most
People in your world
In your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
In your world of two
There's only room
There's only room
There's only room
For you
-Cake, "World Of Two"
Thats the story of my life
Hear you whisper
I don't want to orbit
Your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
I don't like to
Hang around you
I don't want to
Live in your world
Of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
It's not that I don't like you
But it's not that I don't love you
It's not that I don't think you are
Two of the most
People in your world
In your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
There's only room for you
In your world of two
In your world of two
There's only room
There's only room
There's only room
For you
-Cake, "World Of Two"
Thats the story of my life
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
So it is suggested that I get braces. Great. I'm not gonna do it, and they can't make me. I don't even need them. Here's the story.
So a LOOOONG time ago, back in the dinosaur days, I fell off the top bed in a camper and knocked out my two bottom front teeth. When they grew back, they were discolored, so we put some temporary caps on them to make them pretty. So now, they are wearing out and I need new ones. It sounds so simple. Apparently my two top teeth are hitting the caps weird, so if we put on new ones, they won't last as long. My top teeth are hitting it weird because on the right side of my mouth, some of the teeth don't touch, so all the pressure is in the front. This is from a year and a half ago when I got a baby tooth pulled because it wasn't coming out by itself. The new tooth fused itself to my jaw, so it won't come all the way up. So now the orthodontist says I should get braces to fix that. Something no one can even see. So, should I spend $5000 on BRACES, big disgusting pieces of metal that will make me look rediculous for an entire year, or $300 on caps, that would make everything look even better? Hmmm...decisions decisions. I'm going with the caps. I'm sure my parents will too, just cuz their cheap.
My smile is one of the only things that I really like about myself. I'm not decorating it with metal. No thanks.
This has ruined my day. I had to get up at 8am to find this out. I'm going back to bed.
So a LOOOONG time ago, back in the dinosaur days, I fell off the top bed in a camper and knocked out my two bottom front teeth. When they grew back, they were discolored, so we put some temporary caps on them to make them pretty. So now, they are wearing out and I need new ones. It sounds so simple. Apparently my two top teeth are hitting the caps weird, so if we put on new ones, they won't last as long. My top teeth are hitting it weird because on the right side of my mouth, some of the teeth don't touch, so all the pressure is in the front. This is from a year and a half ago when I got a baby tooth pulled because it wasn't coming out by itself. The new tooth fused itself to my jaw, so it won't come all the way up. So now the orthodontist says I should get braces to fix that. Something no one can even see. So, should I spend $5000 on BRACES, big disgusting pieces of metal that will make me look rediculous for an entire year, or $300 on caps, that would make everything look even better? Hmmm...decisions decisions. I'm going with the caps. I'm sure my parents will too, just cuz their cheap.
My smile is one of the only things that I really like about myself. I'm not decorating it with metal. No thanks.
This has ruined my day. I had to get up at 8am to find this out. I'm going back to bed.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
"Now, I need another volunteer. You, come up here." Oh no... I think. We got here an hour early, we've got front and center. It was only a matter of time until I was chosen to embarress myself onstage. Jess and I are at a play called "How to pick up chicks," a one man show by Rusty "The Chick Magnet" Rutherford. I jump up on stage, feeling like I am outside of my body. Kind of like how when you die, you see yourself die. We go backstage and bring out this black table on its side, so it blocks off part of the audience's point of view. At this point Rusty, the 5'6'', 110 lbs chick magnet, is wearing shiny silver mc-hammer pants and drawn-on-abs.
"Would you tie my shoe for me, please?" I know what he's trying to pull. But I have no other choice than to go along with it. I kneel down behind the table, which has big white letters in the front that say "CENSORED." As I am tying his shoe, he makes the appropriate "Oh yeah, right there. Yes, a little to the left" sounds, as if I am giving him a blow job. I stand up once I've tied one of his shoes, and he quickly says "Done already?" I mutter an embarressed yes
"No no no, come down here, I'll show you how to do it." We both sit behind the table, and he starts to give me instructions on how to give a great blow job. Great The audience is dying laughing as he begins to throw out bras and underoos. Meanwhile, he's taking off his mc-hammer pants and putting back on his jeans. Finally, we're done. We both stand up.
"Thank you." "Oh no, thank you." "I'll see you after the show, baby." I sit down in my seat and bury my head into Jessica, wanting to hide from the whole atleast-80-people-packed-room-at-warehouse21. The whole ordeal probably took about 4 minutes. I definitely got the worst volunteer job.
But it was halarious. My cheeks and jaw hurt from smiling, my sides hurt from laughing.
What a chick magnet.
"Would you tie my shoe for me, please?" I know what he's trying to pull. But I have no other choice than to go along with it. I kneel down behind the table, which has big white letters in the front that say "CENSORED." As I am tying his shoe, he makes the appropriate "Oh yeah, right there. Yes, a little to the left" sounds, as if I am giving him a blow job. I stand up once I've tied one of his shoes, and he quickly says "Done already?" I mutter an embarressed yes
"No no no, come down here, I'll show you how to do it." We both sit behind the table, and he starts to give me instructions on how to give a great blow job. Great The audience is dying laughing as he begins to throw out bras and underoos. Meanwhile, he's taking off his mc-hammer pants and putting back on his jeans. Finally, we're done. We both stand up.
"Thank you." "Oh no, thank you." "I'll see you after the show, baby." I sit down in my seat and bury my head into Jessica, wanting to hide from the whole atleast-80-people-packed-room-at-warehouse21. The whole ordeal probably took about 4 minutes. I definitely got the worst volunteer job.
But it was halarious. My cheeks and jaw hurt from smiling, my sides hurt from laughing.
What a chick magnet.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Tonite I went to the movies with my mom. I love my mom. We saw 50 First Dates, Adam Sandler's new movie. Now we all the know of the awfull dry spell he has been in with his movies lately. But this movie is really good! Its very very cute, and has some funny parts too! Rob Schneider is halarious in it! I recommend seeing it. Especially on a date. Not that my mom and I are dating....
I've been responsible lately. Its weird, and I like it. I haven't missed a day of work in 3 weeks and one day. Its so fulfilling, knowing I'll be getting a real paycheck tomorrow!
I've been responsible lately. Its weird, and I like it. I haven't missed a day of work in 3 weeks and one day. Its so fulfilling, knowing I'll be getting a real paycheck tomorrow!
Sunday, March 07, 2004
So Paula got accepted into Udub, which is the university in Seattle. While I'm really happy for her, I almost cry every time I think about it. Seattle is too far away, I won't be able to handle it...this whole time I really thought she would just go to UNM like the (almost) rest of us.
Its gonna be too hard to leave all my friends.
Its gonna be too hard to leave all my friends.
Sunday, February 29, 2004
I have just decided I am definitely not going to school tomorrow. I am wasting time right now, because I REALLY don't wanna write an essay on an excerpt from the Tempest, and I still have to go work for an hour in Hell, and I'm gonna have to wait for the Sunday-night-Mexican crowds to die down before I go. So I'll take a mental-health day tomorrow, and work on the essay then :D
This was the most dissapointing weekend ever. While Brian's party had the potential to be really fun, it just wasn't for some reason. Not sure why. Maybe because two movies were going at once and once the movies started everyone became separated.
Yesterday sucked more. Chris said him and Dex were definitely coming up to party with us, so I was so excited, and then Chris calls and says their not coming because they don't feel like it. Whatever. Then we spend 2 hours looking for the party deep within the woods, never found it, and just went back to Kat's house, where we failed to get neither drunk nor high, so I finally passed out around 4. How exciting.
Hopefully next weekend will be better since I'll be going down to Alb for Teresa's party.
This was the most dissapointing weekend ever. While Brian's party had the potential to be really fun, it just wasn't for some reason. Not sure why. Maybe because two movies were going at once and once the movies started everyone became separated.
Yesterday sucked more. Chris said him and Dex were definitely coming up to party with us, so I was so excited, and then Chris calls and says their not coming because they don't feel like it. Whatever. Then we spend 2 hours looking for the party deep within the woods, never found it, and just went back to Kat's house, where we failed to get neither drunk nor high, so I finally passed out around 4. How exciting.
Hopefully next weekend will be better since I'll be going down to Alb for Teresa's party.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Anyone else sick of reality shows yet?...
So I actually watched the season finale of My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance. There was nothing else on, honest. And then I watched (and really got into) SUPER Millionaire, which was very cool of me. I still stick with Jeopardy, its more challenging, no multiple choice there! And I'm better at Jeopardy. So they're still popping out more and more reality shows. "Forever Eden" and something about a girl having to choose among guys (again), some of whom are gay. How exciting. Why is society so obsessed with gays anyways? America needs to get a life of their own.
Yet of course I can't resist reality shows. And neither can you. Admit it.
Go Jeopardy!
So I actually watched the season finale of My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance. There was nothing else on, honest. And then I watched (and really got into) SUPER Millionaire, which was very cool of me. I still stick with Jeopardy, its more challenging, no multiple choice there! And I'm better at Jeopardy. So they're still popping out more and more reality shows. "Forever Eden" and something about a girl having to choose among guys (again), some of whom are gay. How exciting. Why is society so obsessed with gays anyways? America needs to get a life of their own.
Yet of course I can't resist reality shows. And neither can you. Admit it.
Go Jeopardy!
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Thu, June 17 / UMB Bank Pavilion / Maryland Heights, MO
Fri, June 18 / Tweeter Center Chicago / Tinley Park, IL
Sun, June 20 / Verizon Wireless Music Center / Noblesville, IN
Mon, June 21 / Verizon Wireless Music Center / Noblesville, IN
Wed, June 23 / Germain Amphitheatre / Columbus, OH
Thu, June 24 / Germain Amphitheatre / Columbus, OH
Sat, June 26 / Post-Gazette Pavilion at Starlake / Burgettstown, PA
Sun, June 27 / Post-Gazette Pavilion at Starlake / Burgettstown, PA
Tue, June 29 / Blossom Music Center / Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Thu, Aug 05 / Riverbend Music Center / Cincinnati, OH
Sat, Aug 07 / Alpine Valley Music Theatre / East Troy, WI
Sun, Aug 08 / Alpine Valley Music Theatre / East Troy, WI
Mon, Aug 16 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Bonner Springs, KS
Wed, June 30 / Molson Amphitheatre / Toronto, ONT
Tue, July 06 / Tweeter Center for the Performing Arts / Mansfield, MA
Wed, July 07 / Tweeter Center for the Performing Arts / Mansfield, MA
Sat, July 10 / Hershey Stadium / Hershey, PA
Sun, July 11 / Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge / Bristow, VA
Tue, July 13 / Darien Lake Performing Arts Centre / Darien Center, NY
Wed, July 14 / Merriweather Post Pavilion / Columbia MD
Fri, July 16 / ctnow.com Meadows Music Theatre / Hartford, CT
Sat, July 17 / ctnow.com Meadows Music Theatre / Hartford, CT
Tue, July 20 / Tweeter Center at the Waterfront / Camden, NJ
Wed, July 21 / Tweeter Center at the Waterfront / Camden, NJ
Fri, July 23 / Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheatre / Virginia Beach, VA
Sat, July 24 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Charlotte, NC
Mon, July 26 / ALLTEL Pavilion at Walnut Creek / Raleigh, NC
Tue, July 27 / Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre / Atlanta, GA
Thu, July 29 / Tampa Bay Amphitheatre / Tampa, FL
Sat, July 31 / Sound Advice Amphitheatre / West Palm Beach, FL
Sun, Aug 01 / Sound Advice Amphitheatre / West Palm Beach, FL
Wed, Aug 04 / Starwood Amphitheatre / Antioch, TN
Wed, Aug 18 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Selma, TX
Fri, Aug 20 / The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion / Woodlands, TX
Sat, Aug 21 / The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion / Woodlands, TX
***Mon, Aug 23 / Journal Pavilion / Albuquerque, NM***
Tue, Aug 24 / Cricket Pavilion / Phoenix, AZ
Thu, Aug 26 / Coors Amphitheatre / Chula Vista, CA
Sat, Aug 28 / Home Depot Center / Carson CA
Sun, Aug 29 / Home Depot Center / Carson CA
Tue, Aug 31 / Sleep Train Amphitheatre / Marysville, CA
Sat, Sep 04 / Gorge Amphitheatre / George, WA
Sun, Sep 05 / Gorge Amphitheatre / George, WA
Finally! I have been so excited for the past week, cuz I knew they would soon be announced! I'm glad their stopping in Alb this year, they jipped us last year, so Jess and I took a trip up to Denver. But the wierd thing is, this year they skipped Colorado completely! No Denver at all. I'm dissappointed cuz I wanted to hit up both Alb and Denver. Oh Well. Gotta take what you can get! I'm SO excited now!!!!
Fri, June 18 / Tweeter Center Chicago / Tinley Park, IL
Sun, June 20 / Verizon Wireless Music Center / Noblesville, IN
Mon, June 21 / Verizon Wireless Music Center / Noblesville, IN
Wed, June 23 / Germain Amphitheatre / Columbus, OH
Thu, June 24 / Germain Amphitheatre / Columbus, OH
Sat, June 26 / Post-Gazette Pavilion at Starlake / Burgettstown, PA
Sun, June 27 / Post-Gazette Pavilion at Starlake / Burgettstown, PA
Tue, June 29 / Blossom Music Center / Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Thu, Aug 05 / Riverbend Music Center / Cincinnati, OH
Sat, Aug 07 / Alpine Valley Music Theatre / East Troy, WI
Sun, Aug 08 / Alpine Valley Music Theatre / East Troy, WI
Mon, Aug 16 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Bonner Springs, KS
Wed, June 30 / Molson Amphitheatre / Toronto, ONT
Tue, July 06 / Tweeter Center for the Performing Arts / Mansfield, MA
Wed, July 07 / Tweeter Center for the Performing Arts / Mansfield, MA
Sat, July 10 / Hershey Stadium / Hershey, PA
Sun, July 11 / Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge / Bristow, VA
Tue, July 13 / Darien Lake Performing Arts Centre / Darien Center, NY
Wed, July 14 / Merriweather Post Pavilion / Columbia MD
Fri, July 16 / ctnow.com Meadows Music Theatre / Hartford, CT
Sat, July 17 / ctnow.com Meadows Music Theatre / Hartford, CT
Tue, July 20 / Tweeter Center at the Waterfront / Camden, NJ
Wed, July 21 / Tweeter Center at the Waterfront / Camden, NJ
Fri, July 23 / Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheatre / Virginia Beach, VA
Sat, July 24 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Charlotte, NC
Mon, July 26 / ALLTEL Pavilion at Walnut Creek / Raleigh, NC
Tue, July 27 / Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre / Atlanta, GA
Thu, July 29 / Tampa Bay Amphitheatre / Tampa, FL
Sat, July 31 / Sound Advice Amphitheatre / West Palm Beach, FL
Sun, Aug 01 / Sound Advice Amphitheatre / West Palm Beach, FL
Wed, Aug 04 / Starwood Amphitheatre / Antioch, TN
Wed, Aug 18 / Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre / Selma, TX
Fri, Aug 20 / The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion / Woodlands, TX
Sat, Aug 21 / The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion / Woodlands, TX
***Mon, Aug 23 / Journal Pavilion / Albuquerque, NM***
Tue, Aug 24 / Cricket Pavilion / Phoenix, AZ
Thu, Aug 26 / Coors Amphitheatre / Chula Vista, CA
Sat, Aug 28 / Home Depot Center / Carson CA
Sun, Aug 29 / Home Depot Center / Carson CA
Tue, Aug 31 / Sleep Train Amphitheatre / Marysville, CA
Sat, Sep 04 / Gorge Amphitheatre / George, WA
Sun, Sep 05 / Gorge Amphitheatre / George, WA
Finally! I have been so excited for the past week, cuz I knew they would soon be announced! I'm glad their stopping in Alb this year, they jipped us last year, so Jess and I took a trip up to Denver. But the wierd thing is, this year they skipped Colorado completely! No Denver at all. I'm dissappointed cuz I wanted to hit up both Alb and Denver. Oh Well. Gotta take what you can get! I'm SO excited now!!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
There's nothing better than not going to school...well, except a really good concert. Today was a waste-of-time half-day, so I didn't go, and it was wonderful. And I got lots of Panda Express, and convinced myself it was ok to eat the whole thing since it was gonna be my breakfast and lunch. I shouldn't have eaten the whole thing. I don't know why I keep getting beef with brocolli, I always forget that I don't like it...but I eat it anyways.
Its such a beautiful day, it feels like a really cool summer day. I can't wait for summer. Freedom!
Its such a beautiful day, it feels like a really cool summer day. I can't wait for summer. Freedom!
Saturday, February 07, 2004
Thursday, February 05, 2004
My Warehouse package came today!!! (Warehouse being my Dave Matthews Band Fan Association). It was great. They send all the members an annual package, very exciting. I got an awesome keychain thing. It has one of those mountain climbing things that are always on keychains, and then a rope thingy...I'm really good with descriptions. Its very nice. Also got a picture, the annual Warehouse cd, which has Minarets on it, which I've been dying to listen to but its been scratched on the version I want...I also got a groovy Warehouse sticker with the firedancer on it. They've been using the firedancer logo alot more lately, I love it.
My eyes are dry. I need eye lube.
My eyes are dry. I need eye lube.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I had fun going to target tonite. I originally went for sunglasses, but ended up with sunglasses, target brand robotussin (non-alcoholic, what the hell?), a double pack of altoids, and cough drops. I'm set for life. what more could you need? I already have a toothbrush. I'm prepared to be a bum now.
Monday, January 26, 2004
I am drained of all emotion. And its only Monday. I have to stop watching depressing movies. Thats what I blame my constant state of not caring on.
And I can't stop eating once I get home. I just eat a bunch of shitty food. I hate it. I can't make myself stop. Its getting worse, and its disgusting. I want to be bolimic. I don't like to throw up though.
And I can't stop eating once I get home. I just eat a bunch of shitty food. I hate it. I can't make myself stop. Its getting worse, and its disgusting. I want to be bolimic. I don't like to throw up though.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
I spent all day doing nothing. It was very nice. Woke up around noon, watched tv all day, and spent an hour at Wally World. And my body hurts. Especially my throat and my brain.
Its pretty sad, I came to the conclussion with a friend that parties with alcohol are soooooo much better than parties w/o alcohol. Even though I had a great time at Brian's, I definitely would've done the "Drop it like its hot" thing if I was intoxicated. It sets me free.
Its pretty sad, I came to the conclussion with a friend that parties with alcohol are soooooo much better than parties w/o alcohol. Even though I had a great time at Brian's, I definitely would've done the "Drop it like its hot" thing if I was intoxicated. It sets me free.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Being grounded hasn't been that bad so far. Friday night Jess and Paula came over and we watched Newsies and they spent the night. Saturday we went to a swimmeet to take pictures for yearbook, so we hung out with Kat there. I actually enjoyed it. I love taking pictures with the still camera. And naked bodies. Everywhere.
Last night I saw Along Came Polly with my mom, Jess, Daniel, and Teresa. It was so funny, I loved it. Then Kat spent the night. Yet another non-schoolnight that I went to sleep well before midnite. How sad. Today I get to work. No school tomorrow!
Last night I saw Along Came Polly with my mom, Jess, Daniel, and Teresa. It was so funny, I loved it. Then Kat spent the night. Yet another non-schoolnight that I went to sleep well before midnite. How sad. Today I get to work. No school tomorrow!
Monday, January 12, 2004
Thursday, January 08, 2004
I want to drop calc. Now he's collecting homework, and I don't know how to do the work. At all. Its a whole different type of not knowing...nothing I've ever experienced in past math classes. It freaks me out.''
Tomorrow Chris' band "The Puff Daddies" is playing at Warehouse, along with the Blue Waldos. I'm so glad Chris is in town, I get to hang out with him. I invited Dex to come, he said maybe, he would talk to Chris. I really really hope he comes, I want to see him so bad.
I want to drop calc. Now he's collecting homework, and I don't know how to do the work. At all. Its a whole different type of not knowing...nothing I've ever experienced in past math classes. It freaks me out.''
Tomorrow Chris' band "The Puff Daddies" is playing at Warehouse, along with the Blue Waldos. I'm so glad Chris is in town, I get to hang out with him. I invited Dex to come, he said maybe, he would talk to Chris. I really really hope he comes, I want to see him so bad.
Saturday, January 03, 2004
I'm back home, and already bored out of my mind. It just really irritates me when none of my friends answer their phones.
I'm the kind of person that has to leave the house and do something productive everyday, or I go kinda crazy. So I slept in till 1 today, and began calling people at 3. I only got a hold of Kyle, who says he's going to sleep at 6, and Paula, who won't be back for an hour, since she's in Albuquerque.
Chris Day was in town yesterday, and I missed him since I didn't get back home till 1am.
I just really want to get out of the house more than anything.
Happy New Year.
I'm the kind of person that has to leave the house and do something productive everyday, or I go kinda crazy. So I slept in till 1 today, and began calling people at 3. I only got a hold of Kyle, who says he's going to sleep at 6, and Paula, who won't be back for an hour, since she's in Albuquerque.
Chris Day was in town yesterday, and I missed him since I didn't get back home till 1am.
I just really want to get out of the house more than anything.
Happy New Year.