Saturday, March 27, 2004

I don't want to
Hear you whisper
I don't want to orbit
Your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

I don't like to
Hang around you
I don't want to
Live in your world
Of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

It's not that I don't like you
But it's not that I don't love you
It's not that I don't think you are
Two of the most
People in your world

In your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

In your world of two

There's only room

There's only room

There's only room

For you

-Cake, "World Of Two"

Thats the story of my life

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

So it is suggested that I get braces. Great. I'm not gonna do it, and they can't make me. I don't even need them. Here's the story.

So a LOOOONG time ago, back in the dinosaur days, I fell off the top bed in a camper and knocked out my two bottom front teeth. When they grew back, they were discolored, so we put some temporary caps on them to make them pretty. So now, they are wearing out and I need new ones. It sounds so simple. Apparently my two top teeth are hitting the caps weird, so if we put on new ones, they won't last as long. My top teeth are hitting it weird because on the right side of my mouth, some of the teeth don't touch, so all the pressure is in the front. This is from a year and a half ago when I got a baby tooth pulled because it wasn't coming out by itself. The new tooth fused itself to my jaw, so it won't come all the way up. So now the orthodontist says I should get braces to fix that. Something no one can even see. So, should I spend $5000 on BRACES, big disgusting pieces of metal that will make me look rediculous for an entire year, or $300 on caps, that would make everything look even better? Hmmm...decisions decisions. I'm going with the caps. I'm sure my parents will too, just cuz their cheap.

My smile is one of the only things that I really like about myself. I'm not decorating it with metal. No thanks.

This has ruined my day. I had to get up at 8am to find this out. I'm going back to bed.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

"Now, I need another volunteer. You, come up here." Oh no... I think. We got here an hour early, we've got front and center. It was only a matter of time until I was chosen to embarress myself onstage. Jess and I are at a play called "How to pick up chicks," a one man show by Rusty "The Chick Magnet" Rutherford. I jump up on stage, feeling like I am outside of my body. Kind of like how when you die, you see yourself die. We go backstage and bring out this black table on its side, so it blocks off part of the audience's point of view. At this point Rusty, the 5'6'', 110 lbs chick magnet, is wearing shiny silver mc-hammer pants and drawn-on-abs.

"Would you tie my shoe for me, please?" I know what he's trying to pull. But I have no other choice than to go along with it. I kneel down behind the table, which has big white letters in the front that say "CENSORED." As I am tying his shoe, he makes the appropriate "Oh yeah, right there. Yes, a little to the left" sounds, as if I am giving him a blow job. I stand up once I've tied one of his shoes, and he quickly says "Done already?" I mutter an embarressed yes

"No no no, come down here, I'll show you how to do it." We both sit behind the table, and he starts to give me instructions on how to give a great blow job. Great The audience is dying laughing as he begins to throw out bras and underoos. Meanwhile, he's taking off his mc-hammer pants and putting back on his jeans. Finally, we're done. We both stand up.

"Thank you." "Oh no, thank you." "I'll see you after the show, baby." I sit down in my seat and bury my head into Jessica, wanting to hide from the whole atleast-80-people-packed-room-at-warehouse21. The whole ordeal probably took about 4 minutes. I definitely got the worst volunteer job.

But it was halarious. My cheeks and jaw hurt from smiling, my sides hurt from laughing.

What a chick magnet.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Tonite I went to the movies with my mom. I love my mom. We saw 50 First Dates, Adam Sandler's new movie. Now we all the know of the awfull dry spell he has been in with his movies lately. But this movie is really good! Its very very cute, and has some funny parts too! Rob Schneider is halarious in it! I recommend seeing it. Especially on a date. Not that my mom and I are dating....

I've been responsible lately. Its weird, and I like it. I haven't missed a day of work in 3 weeks and one day. Its so fulfilling, knowing I'll be getting a real paycheck tomorrow!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

So Paula got accepted into Udub, which is the university in Seattle. While I'm really happy for her, I almost cry every time I think about it. Seattle is too far away, I won't be able to handle it...this whole time I really thought she would just go to UNM like the (almost) rest of us.

Its gonna be too hard to leave all my friends.