Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I'm free!! I finished my last exam on Monday, and I haven't done shit since!

Yesterday I slept till 12:30 and spent my whole day on the couch watching tv. It was great. I took a break to take a shower, and that was about it!

Josh called me this morning with bad news. Cooper was run over last night. Josh and I shared a house last year, and we got a cat, Cooper. He was awesome. Given, he wasn't neutered, so he pissed on everything, which was great, but he kicked ass. When he meowed it sounded like he was saying "hello." And he was a tough fucker. And last night someone ran him over in Josh's apartment complex. Very sad.

Saturday we had our last party here. It was kick ass. Alot of people showed up, and we were very very close to getting caught. The RA looked through everything, but we hid all the alcohol just in time! It was very scary, and we all got very drunk. And a record of 4 people got sick! I think it may have been the really spicy (with spices, not like hot-spicy) punch I made with The Captain. It was delicous, but I probably would have thrown up too if I drank more of it. It was awesome.

I packed up most of my room in less than an hour. Tomorrow I just have to take down my posters, pack up my clothes, get my bed out of my room, and clean the living room. And I have all day to do this. No problem.

Tonight Becca, Paula, Brian, and I are going to The Melting Pot! How exciting!! Fondue! I've never had it, and shit, dipping food in cheese?! Does it get any better? I don't think so!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well school is almost over! I'm so excited. I hate my classes this semester. I'm taking two classes that aren't worth my time or effort (so I don't put any into them!), which are Earth and Planetary Sciences (I like to call it FUCKEPS) and Geography (which has seriously the worst teacher I've ever had. She can't teach!). I haven't been to those classes in about.....2 months. And then there's Spanish, which wasn't hard, but I didn't learn anything. Its a writing class, and I haven't improved my writing at all this semester. I don't like the teacher. She wastes our time. Then I have my Env Sci Lab, which is awesome. The people at my table are chill, as is the TA. She's honest and funny and a little mean, which I like. Then I have tennis, which is always fun. I love tennis. I rock at it. And I don't go to aerobics because I hurt my shoulder.

So! This semester sucks, school-wise. So I never go, but I work alot. I always look forward to work, mainly because I love the people I work with. The managers are way cool (most of them) and my co-workers are hilarious. I'll miss them all over the summer, but I'm sure I'll be back in the fall.

For the summer I got a job at a restaurant that is opening in a few weeks called Blueberry. Its a mostly-organic restaurant just open for breakfast and lunch, which means early mornings, but evenings off, which is sweet! I'm excited. I'll work as a server, but the owner said he'll probably train me to be a PREP COOK!!! I want to be a chef, and I really want to learn about it, so that's way exciting.

Those are my only plans for summer, to work full-time, make some money (and save it). And of course plans to camp and take some road trips to concerts. Even though DMB isn't till school starts again. But Beck is coming to the Keva Auditorium, which is on campus, on June 23rd. Matt and I are going to that. Nine Inch Nails are playing at the JP on my birthday (5.31), which I think I'll go too, since I've got connections to get free tickets.

I've got finals and papers due this week, and my last final is on Monday, then I'm FREE!! My last day of work is Friday, which is sad. Only two more days :(