Saturday, December 27, 2003

Well I'm here in Vegas. I almost got lost in the huge airport, got to Jacinda's house, stayed up, talked until 1am, and slept. I slept so well, and until 10am. I needed it.

We're gonna do something today, we just don't know what.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Oh yeah, and Merry Christmas everyone.
I really should be in bed....

The past three mornings I have been up before 9am. And tomorrow will be even earlier, since I have to be AT Wal-mart at 7am. God help me. But at 8:45pm, I will be on my way to Las Vegas! Woohoo! I'm so excited for tomorrow, yet I'm really dreading it. I'm gonna need a big nap, just like my 2 and a half hour one today. I'm so proud of myself, I've saved up plenty of money for the trip.

Now lets just see if I have any for my car payment when I get back....I definitely won't, oh boy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Tonite was the Secret Santa party at Harley's house. It was so much fun, I loved it! Harley was my Secret Santa, and she got me a GIANT pez dispenser! I was so happy I screamed. I saw one at costplus today while shopping for Becca and I wanted it so bad! The only bad thing is it plays really loud christmas music for a really long time and there's no way to stop it. But I love! It dispenses the pez containers.

Tomorrow I have a dentist appt at 8am. So I will have approximately 6 hours of sleep. Oh joy! I can't wait! Atleast I get to go with Irena to pierce one of her nipples afterwards!

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

"Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows..."

I can't stop listening to this song!
yep, failed calc. I'm just hoping I got a 30%. If I did, then I have a 69 in the class, which he counts as a c. I'm fine as long as I get a c.

Soooooo happy exams are over. Half way through senior year!! I'm so relieved. I need to shop, I got most of mine done today, just need to get one for my secret santa and shop for Lorn. I'm gonna shop tomorrow morning, I hate crowds, and I despise children in crowds.

Dave (and friends, including Trey Anastasio of Phish) was on Letterman last night and tonite. Last night they played Save Me and tonite it was Gravedigger. I love Dave.

I visited Dave at the Zia Diner. Well, he was a waiter that looked like Dave. He was very nice and had very crooked teeth. It was fun!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

I have hiccups!!! Ugh, I get the worst hiccups in the world. They are loud, and my whole body convulses, and they hurt!!

Its probably from 6 straight (ok, maybe not straight) hours of Calculus. and I'll still DEFINITELY fail. Oh well, thats life.

"I'm a model, you know what I mean and I do my little turn on the catwalk, yeah on the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah I do my little turn on the catwalk" I'm listening to this song now. I love it!


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I heard Better Man by Pearl Jam on the radio this evening. I love that song. I'm pretty sure its my favorite Pearl Jam song.

waitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock, it's got to stop
tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
as he opens the door, she rolls over...
pretends to sleep as he looks her over
she lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
she dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
can't find a better man
can't find a better man
talkin' to herself, there's no one else who needs to know...
she tells herself, oh...
memories back when she was bold and strong
and waiting for the world to come along...
swears she knew it, now she swears he's gone
she lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
she dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
she lies and says she still loves him, can't find a better man...
she dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
can't find a better man
can't find a better man
she loved him, yeah...she don't want to leave this way
she feeds him, yeah...that's why she'll be back again
can't find a better man
can't find a better man
can't find a better man
can't find a

Sunday, December 14, 2003

What a week. and I went to school ALL WEEK. Well, we had two 2-hour delays, but I was at school the whole time we had it. First time in.....a really long time. This year I will not allow myself to go to an entire week of school. This week didn't count since we had snow delays. But I cannot go to five consecutive days of 8 hours of school. I just don't want to.

Tomorrow night I am going to my company's christmas party. My youngest co-worker is like 35. So it'll be me, a teenager, sober, among all my drunken co-workers. Good thing there's only 10 of them. But it'll be their spouses too. I told Kat she had to go, but she probably won't be able to. This is going to be really really weird....

I'm pretty happy. I'm just content right now, at this moment. Last night Chris said that Dex said that he wants to date me when I move to Albuquerque. Thats very good news. Its probably the best feeling in the world, knowing someone you like likes you back. Its only happened to me once....seriously anyways....and its so nice. It makes me feel very good about myself, which I don't get much of.

I love my hot doctor. Sooooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwwww!! I can't get over him. He's like Austin Yost, but hotter, and he has a little patch of hair right below his lip which is the hottest thing in the world. Its such a huge incentive to kiss someone when they have that.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

I'm back! I haven't posted in a very long time. I caught strep for a week, then had thanksgiving break, and this week I have a scratch on my cornia. Most painful thing I have EVER endured. Now I know that I can endure the pain of childbirth. But I still don't want to squeeze those things through there. Anyways the hot doctor (yes, very hot eye doctor) said I can't wear eye makeup for a week, so I get to go to school looking more beautiful than I usually am. Oh the joys.

I have an entire......7? page govt project to do and I have to read half of a large novel, Brave New World. What a joyous Sunday it will be :)

Monday, November 17, 2003

Well, it happened. I caught The Disease. Its been going around school for nearly a month. And it caught me. My nose is going to fall off. Goodbye nose.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Definitely check this out:

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

This is what my 7th Level Of Hell beholds: Guarded by the Minotaur, who snarls in fury, and encircled within the river Phlegethon, filled with boiling blood, is the Seventh Level of Hell. The violent, the assasins, the tyrants, and the war-mongers lament their pitiless mischiefs in the river, while centaurs armed with bows and arrows shoot those who try to escape their punishment. The stench here is overpowering. This level is also home to the wood of the suicides- stunted and gnarled trees with twisting branches and poisoned fruit. At the time of final judgement, their bodies will hang from their branches. In those branches the Harpies, foul birdlike creatures with human faces, make their nests. Beyond the wood is scorching sand where those who committed violence against God and nature are showered with flakes of fire that rain down against their naked bodies. Blasphemers and sodomites writhe in pain, their tongues more loosed to lamentation, and out of their eyes gushes forth their woe. Usurers, who followed neither nature nor art, also share company in the Seventh Level.

Oh man, thats awesome!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Its snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love snow so much!!! "I love you oh so well, like a kid loves candy and fresh snow" That kid is me. I love snow, I can't describe how much I love it! Its even better when it replaces school!

CD of the week: Band-Sugarcult; CD-Start Static. Its very good! Paula thinks they sounds like the Foo Fighters, I say they sound more like Jimmy Eat World. Their cd credits both and many more bands. Check it out. They are playing at the Sunshine Theater on Dec. 2nd or 3rd, Time4Change is also playing that night! Also a very good band!

How cool is this?!

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Tonite I learned:

Many people I know are full of bullshit.

Many people I know do not have respect for others.

Jessica's car is a boat.

I love little kids' laughs (I already knew this though).

I still know Backstreet Boys songs.

I still know KC and Jo-Jo songs.

That I forget things really easily.

And that the word that Jess doesn't like is "lard."

...and yet tonite was painfully uneventful...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

So I just totally watched Finding Nemo. And man, I totally love this movie more and more everytime I see it. On the rad dvd it has a game, and Crush (psha!) narrates it. So I'm totally in Crush-mode. Its totally rockin', man!

So guess what! My friend's friend's aunt's best friend is the bass player for HOWIE DAY!!! Totally! He's going to come to New Mexico....I'm going to make it happen. And it will. And I'll have my concert-luck with me :D

There was a cool Howie quote I was gonna put....but I don't remember it.....I'll post it later.


Monday, November 03, 2003

And I stole it from Kristin (link at right)

pick a band. answer with song titles.

DMB (or just Dave)

are you male or female? Big Eyed Fish
describe yourself: Some Devil
describe your bf/gf/interest: The Best of Whats Around
how do you feel about yourself: You Never Know
where would you rather be? All Along The Watchtower
describe what you want to be: So Damn Lucky
describe how you live: Stay (Wasting Time)
describe how you love: Up and Away
share a few words of wisdom: Pantala Naga Pampa

What does "Pantala Naga Pampa" mean?

It has long been said that the phrase is Gambian for "welcome to our home,"
which makes the brief song particularly appropriate as the introduction to the
album "Before These Crowded Streets." After some research, however, it turns
out that not only is Gambian not a language, but the languages spoken in that
country (English is their official language, but the native languages include
Mandinka, Wolof and Fula) are nowhere close to having any such words. Believe it
or not, "pantala naga pampa" is Indian for "I have a python in my pants."

The story goes that there was an Indian chef who cooked for the band during the
UTTAD and Crash sessions, who would exclaim "pantala naga pampa" for reasons
that were not entirely clear. This apparently amused Dave, who would say it as
well. When the instrumental piece appeared on BTCS as the first track, it was
realized that it would have to be titled for the CD's track listing. Dave, who
may or may not have then known what the phrase meant, thought that it would be
amusing to title the track "Pantala Naga Pampa." And so he did.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Bastard squirrel ate Mike's eye!!!!! ::gejwgoinbswmerwlkjet:: (thats me cussing out the squirrel....)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I carved my $15 pumpkin today. Its Mike Wazowski! I was so excited all day! I was debating (master debating, even) about what to carve it: Mike, or the DMB firedancer. Both would be extremely cool. I decided Mike, cuz it would be cute. So its a pumpkin with a huge eye and a big 'ol Mike smile :D As for the pupil, I tied a piece of pumpkin to a rubber band, so his eye is swinging around. He sees all. Careful. He knows when you're sleeping, and knows when you're awake. And it doesn't matter if you're bad or good, because he's going to kill you anyways.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Jess and I went to Albuquerque to visit Chris Day yesterday. It was really fun! We went to the haunted house at The Beach. It was so cool. It scared me shitless, but afterwards I loved it. I highly suggest it. Its got Jason AND Freddy, and a whole bunch of other cool characters. I can't wait to move to Albuquerque.

Friday, October 24, 2003

"Up and Away" By Dave Matthews

Everyday, Everyday with you
Every little thing you do the way you do
Little darlin' in your eyes
Got me all up and away
You get me high

I saw you there since then everyday
It's like I'm lost and thinking of you in everyway
Since I fell into your eyes
All I know is that you get me high
You get me high

Like I'm dy-ewwwwhoooo
Up and away
You take me baby
Ohh you take me baby

And then you walk the way you walk
You blow my mind to know the way you walk in my way
Then I fall into your eyes
Up up and away the way you rise
Ohh baby
The way you make me high

Before you came you know I didn't care
It's just a game I play
All up and away, I
All up and away
You take me baby

All for you I give it all
Cause when I'm thinking of you
When I'm flying above the world
How I wish I was drowning in you
I must admit that I'm oh so in love you know
Please don't ever let me go
You've done nothing to me but up up and away you go
All up and away
Ah you take me baby
Mmmmm baby

Awwww baby

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

I was gonna make a post, and then I decided I have nothing to say.

Wait, yes I do.

Saturday I have ACTs. Joy. But afterwards Jess and I are cruisin down to Albuquerque to hang out with Chris. And hopefully Dex. We're gonna go to a haunted house. And we're staying with her mom on base. I hope I have fun. I'm planning on it.

We don't have school Friday. Nice.

Monday, October 20, 2003

I played guitar for the first time tonite since May. Jesus. It really hurt, especially to play Crash. But I did it, and I remembered almost everything. Not bad.

Paula said I could borrow John's electric guitar since he goes to St John's and didn't take it, which wasn't too cool on his part. But now I get to see how I do on electric. I've been wanting one, but I'm afraid of them. So this'll work out hopefully.

So Chris told me that, judging from what Dex said, that Dex likes me. Chris is his best friend, I assume he knows. So that made me really happy! But damnit, Dex is never online! Grrrr

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Tonite was fun. I decided I was over Dylan and onto someone else. Someone that might...MIGHT...feel the same way?

Went to the toga party, and then into town to drink, and then back out to eldorado for Kyle's party. Saw Dylan at St. Mike's (where we drank), he fell up a hill. Not hot at all. He's like a big buffoon...but it was really funny. So I'm definitely onto someone new....

So the new guys name is Dex. He's in Time 4 Change. I love that band. He's so cute. He's dorky, but so so so cute. Irena and I hung out with him and Chris and Chris' other friend Zach and his whiny girlfriend at Denny's. It was alot of fun. Dex knows every song in the world, which I love. Last night I was IMing him and he told me he thought I was cute. I think I'm overthinking all of this...but its not often even something this mild happens...but he lives in Albuquerque. Total bummer. Oh well...

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Fuckhead, I just lost what I typed!!

Anyways.....I had lots of fun tonite! We, being everyone in the world, went to Warehouse 21. The Blue Waldos headlined. They are Ben Clarey's and Crazy Haired Aaron's band. I love their band. Aaron has a surprisingly awesome singing voice. And hair. I love his hair! Its like Paula's only shorter and springier. Carazy. Speaking of Paula, she had eye-sex with the bass player the whole time. Actually it was just him smiling at her the whole time. Actually I like to think he was smiling at both of us and then moved on to just her......right. Yeah. But I had so much fun. And then we went to Denny's. Manny was working, so we got free fries and drinks. Kat, Paula, Kyle, and I went to Denny's. At Warehouse it was Kat, Paula, Kyle, Irena, Becca, Kassi, Harley, Matt, Jess, Alex, Brian....and millions of other people. I had sooo much fun. I love having fun!!

Tomorrow night Big Red is having a toga party. I'm going just cuz its a toga party. And then Kyle is having an after-party party to learn swingdancing. And then we can spend the night. Totally a plan. It should be fun! Hooray!!

Monday, October 13, 2003

Today I figured out the reason why I think Dylan is so hot. Besides his height. I knew it was something else...its his hair! I mean I knew I always liked his hair, but its Howie Day hair! All carazy and everywhere. I love hair like that!

This is Howie Day's hair:

Exams. Ugggggghhhhhhh. But for some REALLY weird reason I have a 97% in Govt!! I don't know how that happened. IT HAS to be wrong. But I'm hoping he won't notice. That would be so nice.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Tonite was Alex's surprise party for her 18th bday. She was surprised, I'm glad it all worked out, and everyone kept it a secret. It seemed like everyone had fun. I felt empty for some reason though....probably just sleep deprivation.

Paula and I went to Alb for a college fair. So I'm totally hanging out at college fairs to meet guys. They were everywhere, and it was awesome. There was one that was so hot that when I was telling Paula something both of our brains just kind of emptied.....and I forgot what I was talking about that. I like it when that happened.

I hung out at Irena's dad's last night with Kyle, David, Kassi, Becca, Irena, and for a while, David Horrowitz (sp??). This kid Brice was gonna come with Marcos and Dylan, so I got really nervous, then excited, and then he said they weren't coming and I was sad. I just needed a bit of alcohol in my system and I totally could have brought myself to talk to Dylan. But the white wine was disgusting anyways. Then we all cuddled. It was a very strange night.

and for some rediculous reason, I feel confident about myself...when I'm not looking in the mirror, that is. Its weird, and I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

For some reason, things have been down lately. I just am not happy. Nothing really specific....except that I'm still EXTREMELY SINGLE. I don't like it. Yet I refuse to do anything about it. Ugh. Its really just my brain that makes me sad.

I just don't know...

SATs are on Saturday. I haven't studied, and I'm not sure if I will. I need to see Ms. Sunseri on Friday though....just to ask her last minute stuff.

I've definitely decided on UNM. For 2 main reasons. 1-we really don't have the money for out of state. that can be fixed for some colleges with good scholarships, but 2-I'm so dependent on my family is ridiculous. and I can't live without my mom. So I need to stay close. I cannot be alone, I become all depressive super fast when I'm alone.

So UNM it is. and I'm ok with that. Now to find what to do with my life.....

Sunday, October 05, 2003

I'm so mad at my body. It ruined homecoming.

I was having and awesome time. I loved dinner, I loved playing pool, I was having fun at the dance! Then I lie down for a while, cuz I was exhausted, and my eyes start really hurting. Then I can't see. Then I'm dizzy and confused. Its happened before. It first happened at a concert at the Sunshine Theater. But it was worse then. Its also happened after Casey's costume party last year. And another time I can't remember. It always happens when I wear more makeup than usual, and its hot. I guess its the sweat plus the shitty eyeshadow. Anyways, its hurst like hell.

So I went home at 11. I didn't even have a curfew last night. We were gonna go to Jess' mom's house for breakfast. I wanted to stay and have fun with my friends. Instead I'm alseep at 11:30 when everyone else is partying. I don't think there's a worse feeling.

Atleast my mom said she'd buy me all new makeup.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Hate is a strong word. But right now, I honestly hate my sister. I want to kill her in her sleep. Sure, I won't hate her later, and I didn't hate her 30 minutes ago. But right now, I want her dead. She's a stupid fucking lazy bitch.

I'm so fucking fed up with everything. School, my family, money, work, exercising, homecoming. I hate it all. I do not want to go to homecoming. But I do not want to spend my time at home. I cannot wait till I move away from this hell hole.

and I fucking hate boys. Alot. I hate them all.

and I hate Jessica West and her boobs.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

You know you've got it bad for Johnny Depp when he has no eyes, has a bloody face, and you still can't resist him. Ahhh....

So I saw Once Upon a Time in Mexico today with Jess, Kat, Kristin, Alex, and Steph. I had fun. I loved the movie. Very good.

I got to spend my day at school for the Fiesta De San Miguel. I resisted from spending anything more than a dollar for 2 diet cokes. Then I blew all my money at the movies.

Husband of the Week: :D

Saturday, September 27, 2003


Ok, actually her birthday ended 2 hours ago. Thats ok. My little girl is 18 today, so she got a birthday hole in her stomach! Its actually really good looking. I had her party at my house. I think everyone had a great time, which is good. Big Red tried to feel me up. Again. But I succeeded in warding him off! :D

Tomorrow I have to send out the stuff for the Howie Day b&p (with #41 on it!) I'm so excited! I need money!

Its weird, the more amount of people that know about this guy I really like....the more I like him...weird. Gah.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

So Some Devil came out yesterday. On the way home from the game I was so excited (I was actually more excited for the cd than the game when we were driving there) that my cd would be waiting for me when I got home! So when we got home I actually forgot and my dad reminded me so I ran to the door and nothing was there. Ugh. So I planted myself in the living room, waiting for that UPS dude to bring me Dave. Finally I heard April barking and got really excited. He flew up the driveway, nearly killing our house, practically threw the package at me like it was burning his flesh, and zoomed away in that huge truck. I don't know how our fence survived. Cut to the point: I love the cd. Its pretty mellow, only 2 or 3 songs that get your groove on, so to speak, but still an awesome cd. Of course.

The game was insane. Once you think about it...its just a football game. But don't tell that to my dad. He went fucking insane. As did everyone else there. Raiders and Broncos are THE rivalry team. It was awesome. Fireworks, music, noisemakers, grown men everywhere painted orange and blue/black and silver jumping up and down and screaming over a coin toss, drumlines, dance teams, more fireworks (everytime the Broncos scored a touchdown, in fact). And Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to top it off :) They performed at halftime. We kicked the Raiders' asses! I actually do hate the Raiders now. Evil team. Die. No teenage guys though. Huh.

Note to self: get date to prom. As if I don't think about it enough...
and keep losing weight. I'm doing good :)

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I told myself I was going to take it easy this weekend! I shopped all weekend. Yesterday I shopped from 11-6. Exhausted. I finally found a homecoming dress though, and its perfect. I found it at Mira! for only $66. Its especially cool cuz it makes me look like I have boobs. And since I've lost 10 lbs since the beginning of the school year it looks really good on me. Now I just need to find a date ::grumble grumble::

Well tomorrow after 2nd period (I figured I'd go to English and Calc) I'm off to Denver with my dad and his friend Jim Johnson to see the Broncos game! I'm really excited. Shit, I need to pack... Afterwards I thought we were driving home but we wouldn't get home till like 5 in the morning, so we decided to stay the night and leave at like 5 in the morning and I'll make it to my afternoon classes. So I'll have to find a way to do the calc sheet on my own...this should be fun.

Husband of the Week: John Elway. Old, I know. But a damned good football player. We miss ya, John.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Gah, I've been busy. I'm ready for school to be over. Yet I'm not. I don't want to be in high school or college. What an overachiever, I know.

I don't even know what to talk about, lots has been happening.

I've started excercising (sp??) everday with my mom and Jessica. My momma bought Winsor Pilattes which I fell inlove with once I saw the infomercial, so I made her buy it. I love it. Its fun. And funny, cuz we suck at it :) But I feel taller, stronger, and more sculpted!

I saw "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star" tonite with Jessica and Matt. I really liked it. It was funny. Kind of sucky, but I love David Spade, so its ok! No touchy!

Earlier today my mom helped me ditch 7th (nice!) so I could go with Paula to get her ear pierced at Aware (sp? sounds like ah-wah-ray). She got that little nub pierced. Touch your nose, go in a straight line towards your ear, and touch the closest thing to your face, right in the middle of the ear. That little thing. She got that pierced. Very bloody, very cool. And the guy that did it it cool too. He's got a big man-fro.

Lets see....Thursday is our ring ceremony, which I'm really excited about. I can't wait to get my ring and I can't wait to get out of school early! Hooray! Even though I ditched work yesterday to go couch-shopping with Paula, I think I'll have to ditch on Thursday just for no reason except that I don't want to work. I got a check for $150 today, woohoo! Money! I owe Jess $15 and my mom $28. So that leaves me with $117. Still lots of money. Must save.

Kat's brother is hot.

I'm planning Jess' bday party, WHICH I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT CUZ JESSICA WILL READ! HAHAHAHA. Yes, I'm smarter than that. See me for party info...even though the 2 of you who read this a) already got the invite; b) live in Las Vegas. Tough luck. Thats what you get when you treat this thing like a diary where you just blab.

So this Saturday I'm going to a Peter, Paul, and Mary concert with my mom and dad. Yes, I'm that cool. As I'm sure you don't know, Peter, Paul, and Mary sang "Puff The Magic Dragon."

Monday I'm leaving school early to go to ::insert NFL theme song:: MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL! THE DENVER BRONCOS VERSUS THE OAKLAND RAIDERS (boooooo raiders!) Yep, I convinced my dad. I'm so proud. This is quite an accomplishment. Woohoo!

And next Saturday my dad had planned to take me to the Broncos-Lions game (lame!) but I dunno about it now. Prolly not. And next Saturday I have my SATs and then a UNM Senior Day. Gah! My life is busy! But I like it, its nice doing stuff after 2 1/2 months of nothing but work. Now we work and learn and go to concerts and football games and everything else!

I just pre-ordered Dave Matthews' solo debut, "Some Devil," which is released a week from today, the 23rd of September. And no DMB, is not breaking up. Save some money, go buy it.

Husband of the Week: Leif Garrett, former child star. He was in Dicky Roberts. I really like him and his goofy hat. But here's his hunky days. Actually I just decided he looks like a girl.

Here he is today

Oh yeah, much better, lol :D

There, Kyle, have anything to comment on?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

So I'm inlove with a new guy. He's the fair guy. We went to the state fair yesterday. He's one of the guys who runs the rides. He has long hair in a ponytail, and a baseball cap. He has that thing thats your lip but lower pierced. That thing that is right above your chin. It looked sooooo good on him. I thought he was really hot. And then he spoke. IN AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT!!! I almost died. I'm so in love I could die


Lol, I think I need a boyfriend, before I start stalking strangers....

Sunday, September 07, 2003

So I forgot to talk about Zozobra. It was Thursday night. Very fun. We made Kristin go since she had never gone before. So I went with Kat, Jess, Kristin, Kyle, David, Matt, and Brian. I think thats it...I'm probably forgetting someone. Nothing too exciting happened. It was freezing at first, but then 2390642828965 people showed up and things heated up. Someone in the crowd pushed out group and a little girl behind us fell out of her stroller (not a baby, she was like 7. In a stroller. She was asking for it) So we semi-got in a yelling fight with her insane mother. Good wholesome fun :) Then they burned him.

After the crowd cleared out, all of my insane friends danced to awfull techno music. And then like 20 people playing the drums were walking around with a bunch of people dancing with them so we went and danced with them. Alex Merrial (sp?) was right next to us (soooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwwww!) His band is the Alex Merrial Band of course. So this guy sings, plays guitar really really REALLY well, has long hair, and is sooooo hot. AND he was wearing a Denver Broncos hat. I'm inlove with him. I really am.

Then it was time to go, and the drum crowd was farther down towards the plaza, and David and Kyle stopped to talk to some chicks, and I saw this really got guy with really ugly dreadlocks. But his face was really hot! So we made eye-contact and I smiled at him :) Don't know if he smiled back, lol.

Then last night we went to a party and I saw the guy again. His name is Jasper. I've heard of this guy. I was pretty shocked. But DAMN! Hot!!

Saturday, September 06, 2003

School was alot better this week! I went home early Wednesday cuz my back was killing me (as it is today). I understood everything that went on in Calc yesterday, which was awesome. I missed the govt test Wednesday so I made it up yesterday after school. I was terrified cuz everyone said it was an essay test, so I studied my ass off all day. He handed back the tests in class so I read one of them, and then he gave me the exact same one, so I'm pretty sure I got an A.

One of my retarded nails is digging into my finger and it hurts like a bitch. It hurts when I type an e, d, or c. Yet I don't stop.

I wrestled with Jessica last night, and I won! And now my back is killing me again.

Dave's cd comes out in 17 days! I have to get $20 bucks soon so I can order it online and get a free cd with it.

Sunday, August 31, 2003

So Friday night I had this awesome dream. Me and someone (it might have been Jess) got backstage passes to a DMB show. This one chick who worked back there told me that if I talk to this other chick at a nearby table I could meet Dave. So I went and talked to her and filled out all these papers and Dave just walks up! So we start talking, and then Dave puts on some music and we slow dance. It was so romantic, ::sigh:: The only weird thing is, Dave's short. Like, a couple inches shorter than me. Thats ok though, cuz he kisses me! (gimme a break, this is my dream) So we're standing there, dancing/making out, and these people are taking pictures of us (I can see the tabloids now). But soon its show time, and he just walks off! He doesn't say a thing to me! Then we go and get out seats, its in a really small place, like a movie theater, so of course we've got good seats. And then it ends. I really liked it :D

Yeah, thats how my brain works.

I threw up strawberries yesterday. My parents are convinced I was hungover. I wasn't.

Husband of the week: This guy. He's from the Lemonheads. He's hot. Even in a dress :D

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Here's my college admissions essay. I don't really like it...I dunno.

"I'm coming slow but speeding." This is what I think about this point in my life. It is a quote by the Dave Matthews Band, the band I am associated with quite often. My main goal in life is to make the best of all I can, and music helps me with that. I make sure that I am happy with who I am. In order to do this, I have had to break some surprising news to my family, which hurt them, but helped me become a better person. Many difficult steps in my life have helped me to develop into the person I am known as today. Anyone who knows me knows of my love of music.
My feelings toward music are a little more than the average “music is pretty and I like to listen to it” statements. I adore music. It motivates me to the point where I feel that I can accomplish anything. The music that motivates me the most is the Dave Matthews Band. Front man Dave Matthews’ lyrics have taught me to take a closer look at my life. The most effective lyric, at this point, has been “I’m coming slow but speeding,” an excerpt from a song titled #41. It seems that, while enduring it, high school has taken such an infinitely long time. Yet, as I look at the “big picture,” so to speak, high school is just a minute slice of my life. I have been, in fact, speeding through my adolescence. As a senior, as I look back on the last five years of my life, I realize it has zoomed by like I had never imagined. I had this DMB lyric engraved on the inside of my class ring, because it is how I feel about my high school career, and it helps to prepare me
for college.
Goals for college are hard for me to formulate. While I am interested in music, playing it is not my forte. Choosing a college major will be a very hard decision for me. I have many hobbies that I enjoy, and I strive to apply one or more of them to my career. I thoroughly enjoy watching culinary arts on television, and I love the idea of becoming a pastry chef. However, my current skills have not proved to be extremely talented. I do not necessarily enjoy mathematics, but I find it easy, and occasionally, interesting. For this reason I have been contemplating studying accounting. It seems that it would be an enjoyable career for me. While I have not made any major college decisions, I have made other significant decisions that have had an effect on both my family and myself.
Having survived a private Catholic school, I have made many religious decisions. One of these decisions has been to explain to my family that I disagree with the Catholic church, and explained to them that I refuse to go to church any longer. This didn’t turn out so good, considering I had recently had my Confirmation. Of course, they were upset. They tried to change my mind by preaching to me. I did not yield, though. I have stood by what I believe in, and I do not allow the opinions of others to intervene. This has caused me to be detached, in a way, from my three siblings. All their life, they have followed the path of my parents, as has been expected. If there is a God, which I doubt, I should not be forced to praise him for an hour every week. There is no point in it. It is just how I see things. I tend to see things differently than your average teenager.
This is who I am, and this is how I feel. This is why I save up all the money left from my car payments in order to see DMB or any of my other favorite bands as often as possible. This is why I sleep in every Sunday morning while my family is at church. I feel that life should not be
wasted solely in order to get along with the crowd. I am unique. I may not have too many ways of showing it, but I am.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Thor is a fucking lunatic. I hate him. I am starting a coalition to kill him in his sleep. Just let me know if you're interested.

Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Ok, so I was excited for school until after school friday. Now I despise it. I'm ready for it to be over. I'm ready to sleep in and work everyday. I already miss summer.

I had to work are Walmart today, and then I had to shop. I was so frustrated I wanted to kill every little fucking kid there. I hate kids. Especially mexican kids. Don't fucking touch my cards, either.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

On another note, today was Book Day at school. I actually really enjoyed it. I have a top locker!! ::happy banana dance:: I also have great classes. A friend had family troubles after school, so it took me a while to meet Kyle and Kristin at the mall. But I had a really good day...I'm actually looking forward to school...werid.
Well, Irena ended up being able to go to Lollapalooza with me! Hooray! We had a super time. It was VERRRRRRRY hot though. It had to have been close to 100. In my mind, Audioslave was the best act. I mean: Chris Cornell. Come on! Wow. They did a cover of The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army." It was really cool. Apparently a bunch of people didn't even know it was a cover. They were amazing. Jane's Addiction was excelent (high five) as well. Perry Farrell may be one of the ugliest men on earth, but he's also one of the sexiest. He's sexy like the guy from STP and Mick Jagger. Really sexy (sexay even). I don't really feel like going into amazing details about the whole concert. Paula said this, and I completely agree with her. She said that it was probably the best concert she's been to...but she didn't really feel connected. There was no vibe...and thats exactly how I thought afterward. Weird. But it was still really really fun!

Monday, August 11, 2003

Well, tomorrow is Lalapallooza. And at the moment I have no one to go with. Guess we'll see what happens.

Husband of the Week: Dave Grohl, formerly of Nirvana, and of The Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone Age. He just got I thought I should make him my husband :D

Saturday, August 09, 2003

My car controls the weather.

I hadn't washed my car for weeks. Maybe a month or two even. It hasn't rained for weeks Before Jess & I left to Denver to see DMB, I washed it. On the way back, it rains. I don't wash it for weeks again. It doesn't rain for weeks. Wednesday, I wash my car. Yesterday, it rains. Today, it rains.

I think I will write the City of Santa Fe and tell them if they provide the funding to wash my car, it will provide the rain.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Gee, how could I forget?

Semester 1:

1st-English 12, rm 64 (Chitwood! ::happy banana dance::)
2nd-Calc Honors, rm 53 (Christiansen. Devil.)
3rd-Religion 12, rm MUSIC (Buddy)
4th-Yearbook, rm 40 (Mrs. Duran Eiker)
5th- Off campus lunch. (hopefully it won't be taken away for THE REST OF THE YEAR)
6th-Art 1, rm ART (White. Nice!)
7th-Govt & Econ, rm 53. (Just found out thats with Mr. Garcia. Kill me. I must have Roos!)

Semester 2
1st- English, same.
2nd-Calc, same
3rd-Art 2, w/Mr. White
4th-Yearkbook, same.
6th-Sociology, rm 55 (Ms. Sinceri)
7th-Govt & Econ, same.

Not a bad schedule, I do say. Except I need Ms. Roos to pass Govt/Econ. I find Mr. Garcia SOOOOO BORING. But I have Chitwood!! Hooray!!!! I think it'll be a pretty cake here, except for Govt/Econ. That'll kick my ass. Luckily its at the end of the day :D I'm good at math, so I'm really not worried about Calc. We'll see!

Monday, August 04, 2003

Vacation was good I guess. We ended up going as far as Vegas (NV of course) and staying there for 4 days. It was fun hanging out with Jacinda, we were as absent minded as ever of course :D Then we headed to Durango, where we took the train to Silverton. Its 40 miles each way. Yet takes 3 and a half hours each way. I don't wanna do the math, but I don't think the train ever hit any higher than 20. But there was this cool guy in the cart in front of us that looked like Buddy Holly only because he had think rimmed glasses. His hair was crazy, which I loved. He had a really long face, and was wearing a cowboy hat. I didn't say anything, and when I looked back, Meghan and my mom were smiling at me. They asked me if I thought he was cute and I just said, "He's Buddy Holly, I'm not sure..." and they laughed. They said they were positive it was someone I would have thought was hot. I do have weird taste like that...We fought alot on this trip. More than usual. But Lorn was on her menstrual, so don't blame her. Meghan was just Meghan.

Today I bought 4 Neon Tetras. Those are fish. Really cute little fish. And I bought 4 plants for the aquarium since one had died and the other was fake. So now I had the clear fish, named Karl, a big ugly fish, and 4 cute little fish. I cleaned out the tank and put pretty red rocks Paula gave me in it, and then decided to name them. The 4 cute little ones are Dave, Carter, Stefan, and Boyd. The big ugly is LeRoi, cuz he's big and ugly. But I still love him. :D

I also changed the lightbulbs in my room. I achieved this by standing on my cats' scratching post. Not the easiest thing to do. But I didn't fall! This was a miracle. I changed the lightbulbs all by myself :D Now its REALLY bright in my room. It hurts. I want it back to one light bulb, not 4.

Husband of the Week:
Buddy Holly :D I only know the songs of his they play on the radio. The actor who played him in La Bamba was cute.

what a sex-machine. Oh baby, oh baby.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Well, I'm off on the week-long family vacation. The only good thing that will come out of this, is I will see Jacinda. Hooray! Here goes hell...I'll be back in a week.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

One more thing:

Kyle, David, and I went and saw Pirates last night (4th time for me :D), David had seen it once, Kyle hadn't seen it. But he loved it! I'm glad. I haven't met one person who didn't like it. This is just an awesome movie. Throughout the whole thing Kyle kept talking about how Johnny Depp's characters are always the same. I've only seen Cry Baby, and don't really remember, so we went and rented Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and we watched it after we went and jumpstarted Willy Mike's car. The movie was really funny until Kyle left and I fell asleep. I'll watch the rest today after work. I also rented 3 tapes of Rocko's Modern Life :D

Ok, so this post is prettymuch what I wrote to Jacinda, but I'll add more:

Wow! What a past couple of days. Monday Jess and I left at 11am on our way to Denver to see Dave Matthews Band! We finally got through hours of construction and got to the Pepsi center at like 6:30. We hung out with a couple people from AmI at a tailgating party, which was fun. Then we went into the show, which was awesome! We had really good seats too! But close to the end of the full set (before the encore) someone threw a hunting knife onstage, and it stuck into the ground between Dave and Boyd! Someone tried to kill my guys!! So the encore lasted like 20 minutes, I'm sure they were deciding whether or not to go back out. So when they finally came back out, Dave explained the whole thing and everybody booed at the guy who threw it,
but no one knows who it is. very very sad. And it was really funny, Carter (the drummer) came out with a bright yellow hard hat on. It was so cute! I wish I could have gotten a picture of it but I used up my whole camera in the main set without realizing it. :D but the concert was really really fun, I loved it! A great thing about Dave fans, is 75% of them are potheads. I love them. lol. The whole time before the show there are blinking signs saying no smoking, and I"m thinking "riiiiiiiiight..." and the second the guys come on stage, Jess and I turn to eachother, and say "smell that?" "yep...:)" hahaha. I spent $135 dollars on merchandise :) 4 shirts at $28 each (2 for me, one for Alex, who gave me money for one, and one for Paula), a special Denver show poster for $15, and a sticker for $8. I was gonna buy 2 stickers (all the others I either had or didn't like), but they were out of the other one. all the money was very well spent, I think :D so we went and stayed at my uncle's for the night and left at 10 the next morning. we got back at like 4 I think, and becca called when we were leaving denver, asking if I still wanted to go see John Mayer, and I said sure, why not! so we met at 5:30 and then went to alb to see maroon 5 (I hate their song on the radio, but their other songs are really good!), the counting crows (who weren't that great. Adam wouldn't sing, he would talk the lyrics, and not even at the right time. I didn't like it at all), and john mayer! It was really fun. I went with Kassi, Becca, Becca's bf Dylan, and his friends Nick and Mike. afterwards we went to the Frontier (restaurant near UNM open 24/7) and ate, and we finally got home at 3:00am. it was alot of fun!

I love DMB so much. I'm off in Daveland, I just don't really show it for some reason this time. And so, a late:

Husband(s) of the Week: Dave Matthews Band! I love them all so much!! LeRoi might not be the most exciting or attractive person, but damn, he can play those horns! He's an amazing saxafone player, and he also plays like all the other woodwinds that exsist in the whole world. He's amazing. Boyd is a very odd person. He's the buffest guy, and he plays a tiny little violin. How cute! He can't really sing too well, and his lyrics are shit, but he's still cool. Cuz he's Boyd. He's such a rock star, and he knows it. Have you seen the way he dresses? And his hair is cool. But he kicks ass at the violin. He goes off on awesome jams. Stefan is so cute I could just.....lick him! Ok so he holds his bass wayyyyyy up high and it looks really dorky, thats ok! Cuz he's such a bass prodigy. He joined the band when he was like 16! When he really gets into the music, he does this dance where he just bends his knees and bops up and down. He's so cute! Carter, ah! I love him so much! When he came out with a hard hat I could have died. He's the cutest person in the whole world. Not to mention the best drummer as well. He's insane. But we've gone over that before. And Dave. :D He's just one of the coolest people in the whole wide world. During the concert, while listening to lyrics of numerous songs, I found out that MANY of them describe the way I feel right now in my life. Weird. Live music does some crazy shit to ya. I love my guys so much!! Lets find a really good one here....

here we go, I love this picture!!

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Spent the weekend in Alb watching Lauren's allstar tournament. It sucked. Paula isn't coming to DMB with me, so I called up Jess today, and she wants to go! Hooray! Dave tomorrow!!! Dave!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

If there's a god, its looking down on me now!! The only DMB show I'm going to is in Denver, and I was planning on going on Sunday, and now I DEFINITELY am! Boyd is signing autographs at Twist & Shout on Sunday, July 20 at 4:00 PM. Twist and shout in located on 300/330E. Alameda Ave. in Denver, Colorado! I am so excited! I will most likely be meeting Boyd in less than a week!!!!

::does the happy banana dance::

Monday, July 14, 2003

Applesauce is the food of the gods. Its delicious, and a low 80 calories a bowl :)
I really good thing just happened to me. Turns out life isn't so bad. I don't even know what to say. It just turns out that someone I thought had no longer cared for me really does care for me. You know when your so happy you cry? Yeah...

I saw Pirates again last night. I took my Momma and Lorn. They really liked it. Afterwards me and Lorn were Pirates for like an hour, which was really really fun. So since Casey's costume party is coming up soon, and I can't find any Lucy skirts, I'm gonna be a pirate! Arrrrrr!!! (meeho!)I'll stop by Party City today after work. This time of year costumes are nice and cheap :D

Sunday, July 13, 2003

A bunch of strange 12 y/o girls and their parents (of course, not their teenage brothers) are at my house. Its Lorn's allstar teams party. They won regional, so they get to go to state. Hooray. The only good that has come out of this is that I just ate a delicious tortilla burger.

Iced tea is good.

Yesterday was Paula's bday party. We caught frogs. I wanted to keep one of them but I forgot, and John and Jeremy let them back into the lake. Brian gave Paula midevil (sp?) terrot (sp?) cards. They are the coolest things I have seen recently. Paula used them on me. It was terrifying how close it was to everything (or lack thereof) that is going on w/me right now. But they were awesome. I think the outcome was good and bad at the same time. So I asked it if I was going to get a boyfriend by the end of the summer ( I asked her magic 8 ball the same thing. It said yes 3 out of the 4 times I asked it). The ending result was this king-like dude (forget what he was called), apparently signifying some sort of male role in my life. I assume boyfriend, since that was my question. But he was also like overbearing power and maybe this won't be such a great bf. Oh well, I'll give it a shot anyways. Anything for something new.

This summer sucks.

I found another bug bite from last night. Hooray.

So next monday (the 21st) is the DMB concert in Denver!!! Hooray!!! I'm super duper excited but equally scared. See, I think I'm driving there. This was my original plan that I wanted, but my parents said no. So I checked out bus and train schedules, and they would be atleast $100 overall for me and for Paula. I am NOT paying $100 just for me to get there and back. Hell no. So I check the airline schedules, using discount sites and everything. Cheepest is $230 each. Nuh uh. So I have a talk with the dad. He says we can just drive. Now just to convince Paula's parents. I've only driven as far as Albuquerque though, so I'm a bit scared. But I'll get over it. I think it'll be awesome. I think we'll leave Sunday, the 20th, and stay at my 2nd cousin's house, then we can do whatever Monday until the concert. Then I want to leave early Tuesday if I'm gonna go to John Mayer. I'll figure all this out today. Hooray!!! Dave!!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Lost Pearl. I LOVED it! I saw it with Paula, which was fun! It was funny and Johnny Depp is REALLY REALLY REALLY HOT!!! I don't mean to sound all girly and shit, but holy god....I am so inlove with him. I've always had this strange affinity for pirates, so when I saw the previews I had to see it. He was so hot. I thought the movie was excelent!

Ok so I just REALLY shocked myself. A guy IMed me, a guy I know and talk on the phone with and everything. He's an awesome guy, and I really liked him (in that way) for a really long time. So when he IMed me, I mistook his sn for another guy...and I found myself being ALOT happier thinking it was the other guy. I don't know what it is about the other guy. I think of him alot...its weird.

Sooooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwwwwww!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I forgot to do a Husband of the Week on Sunday! So here it is!

Husband of the Week: Carter Beauford, drummer of the Dave Matthews Band. He is the cutest human being alive. Not to mention he's a god. Imagine our kids. Ok so he's old enough to be my dad (he's 46, the oldest DMB member) thats ok. He started his musical career when he was only 3, when his father took him to a Buddy Rich concert, and Carter says he wanted to play drums from then on. Seriously, if you've ever heard this dude, or SEEN him, you'll be blown away. He's got about 29306809234625987 things on his drumset and the plays them all at once and still manages to blow bubble gum bubbles. At a concert some guys held up a sign that said "Carter is God" and they got drumsticks from him! What a cool guy...He's married and has a little girl :D

Here's his drums:


Tuesday, July 08, 2003

So Paula's bday is on Thursday, and her party is on Saturday. I made her something REALLY cool and crafty and arsty farsty. She says she rubbed off on me. Rrrrrrrrrow...I guess thats right. And I'll buy her other shit. I like shopping for others, especially when I know what to buy them.

I have nothing to say...

Oh! A really long time ago, I found a wedding card in the sympathy section! Coincidence? I think not...

Monday, July 07, 2003

It takes me really long to get out of my car! Especially now that I got my new faceplate for my radio. So I pull into the parking spot. Put the car in park...take out any cd I was listening to...put that cd in a single cd case in my door...take off the the faceplate in its little case...put the case in my purse...take out my keys...put the keys in my purse...take off my seatbelt...look in my mirror for any eye goopeys...roll up all the windows...check all the door locks...hide both of my cd my door...grab my purse...step out...lock my door...and finally close my door and walk to wherever I'm going. Now if someone is with me, add "roll up your window and lock the door, please!"

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Well, my family (plus Erin-Meghan's friend; and Teresa-Daniel's wife) went to Colorado this weekend. It was ok, no major fights (not even between Meghan and Lauren). But I just need my privacy. 4 straight days with the family is just too much for me. We went to Pagosa Springs on Thursday, spent Friday there, we tubed in the river which was really fun, and really really painful. The river was kinda low so you got a rock up your ass every once a while. And I got a little sunburnt, so the rest of the trip I was afraid of the sun. Friday evening we drove to Durango and watched the fireworks there. Saturday we went to Vallacitos (a lake about half an hour from Durango. its beautiful, despite it getting quite a bit burnt from the fire 2 years ago) and screwed around in the boat. All the kids went tubing (not me, I was still afraid of the sun. plus tubing hurts like hell), which was amusing. I just sat in the front and listened to music. Thats one of the things I love doing the most. Sitting in the front of the boat listening to good music. Its very peacful for me. The air blowing in my face. I loved it. And I hid under a towel the whole time. Oh yeah, I lost my sunglasses in the river in Friday, so I spent the rest of the weekend blind. I've become very acustomed (sp?) to my sunglasses, so my eyes really hurt w/o them. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to drive. Saturday evening we went shopping in Durango, which was fun until Meghan let me know that I wasn't welcome to hang out with her and Erin, which actually hurt my feelings quite a bit. Its not like I had anyone else to hang out with. Daniel and Teresa? I'd rather not be part of a threesome with my brother. Lorn? She gets a little annoying, as she was that day. So I just chilled by myself. We had to wait for a certain trolley cuz Meghan and Erin made friends with one of the drivers last time they were there, for Memorial Day. His name is Josh. He was really cute! He was 25 but looked no more than 20. He is married and his wife is due to have a baby any day now. He had this huge goal to create a charter school for children with learning disabilities, but after hearing about it for like half an hour, I decided it was really far fetched. I wish him the best of doesn't seem like he'll succeed. Meghan, Erin, and I rode on the trolley talking to him for 3 hours (once Meghan announced I could hang out w/them again). It was nice I guess. Then today we left. It was a good trip I suppose. Not sure if I'm glad to be home.

The good thing about summer is that when its really hot I have no appetite for anything. So I don't eat. Its awesome. Except once it cooled down we ordered pizza and I stuffed my face. I wish I could be bolemic. But I don't like to throw up. Oh well.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

I wrote this last night at 1 AM, when I couldn't get to sleep. So many thoughts. I was dead tired, but just couldn't sleep. You all know what I mean.

She was always there for me. She comforted me when I needed her. She stood by me. She was always very giving. Not a day would go by that we would not atleast talk on the phone. She as there when others weren't. She was with me on the most emotional day of my life. I loved her. She was one of the best friends I ever had. But then it happened, and I lost her. I still don't fully understand what I did wrong. I miss her so much. Its been almost 3 months since then. I can honestly say that not one day goes by that I don't think of her. I miss her more than words can describe. I need my friends so badly right now. I know many are here for me, though distances and boyfriends keep us apart. It keeps me up at night. The pain I have. I miss her so fucking much. We had the best of times together. We were so close. I didn't have to act like someone I wasn't when I was with her. She apparntly felt differently. I really just want to know exactly what I did. I want to fight for her back, but others have advized me not to. I just need to get this out there. Maybe she'll realize how badly I need her. I just want her to be happy. And if that means being without me...I guess I'll just have to deal. I've tried dealing for over 2 months. It doesn't get easier. I've nearly completely gotten over the ex, but she was much more special to me than he will ever be. I can't say I'm sorry, because I don't exactly know what to be sorry for. I know I can be extremely emotional one second and be perfectly fine the next. Its a fault. I can't change it. Its the way I am. A moody teenage girl. IF she reads this, then I just want her to know that I still love her, and I wish her the best of luck with everything, even if it excludes me.

"Its not where, but who you're with that really matters." Couldn't agree w/ya more Dave.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Tonite I went to see Alex & Emma with my mom, Meghan, my cousin Anna, and my aunt Helen. When we are together, everything is funny. Anyways, even though the movie got AWFULL reviews, I liked it! It was just a typical romantic comedy, but it was good! Kate Hudson was awesome, she played multiple characters, which were really funny. She does accents really well. Out of 10, I give it a 6.

After the movie, we were discussing our plans for a picknick tomorrow, when this middleaged couple walks up to us, and the man says "Do you ladies know where SERILLOE road is?" He said it will the L's instead of a Y!!! Like how texans do it!!! It was the funniest thing I've heard in a really long time. Poor guy, we all CRACKED UP, and couldn't breath. My aunt finally said, "yeah, CERILLOS (the correct way) road...." and proceeded to give him directions, while Meghan and I continued to die laughing. Luckily we didn't really die. But I always pretend like tourists say Cerilllllos, but I have never actually heard it! Anyways, they walked away, saying something about not being able to find their car, lol. Then another couple walks near us and stops at their car nearby, and my mom cracks up, thinking it was the same couple, and that they passed right by their car without seeing it. Silly mommy. So we crack up again. Shouting things like "they changed into an older couple!" and proceeded (sp?) to gasp for breathe. Then a younger couple walked by, so we tease my mom about them changing too. Its alot funnier than it seems....its a "you had to be there" thing.

I saw 28 Days Later with Kyle last night. He loved it. It was barely good enough to see twice. I mean, its really good....just not good enough to see over and over, unlike Finding Nemo (3 times), Chicago (5 or 6 times?), and Monster's, Inc. (4 times).

Monday, June 30, 2003

Since pictures are back up, Husband of the Week is back! And yes, Irena, Cillian Murphy, who plays Jim in 28 Days Later, is this weeks husband! (And it doesn't matter if you said he was hot first, I claimed him as my husband! :P )


He was really really good in this movie. He was a very smart yet at the same time very stupid character. He was stupid because he would go into old gas stations, and see that there were bodies, and say " 'ello?"....he already figured out when happens when he does that!!! On the other hand, towards the end he gets his act together and figures out how to survive. Good boy. Go to my room :)
Here's the hottest pic of him I could find. This is for Megan, who enjoys when men beat others with bats :)

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Well, I'm not so sure about Lalapalooza anymore. 1-we might be on vacation, depending on how the allstars tournament goes for my sister. 2-I have no one to go with, so unless I find someone who wants to come...I'll prolly just save the money. I really do wanna go....I just....I dunno. I think it'll be boring with anyone besides Paula.

Tonite I'm going to see the Godfather at the Cinemacafe with Irena and Brian. I'm really excited. I'm gonna order dinner and everything since its the Cinemacafe's last night! :( you have no idea how sad that makes me. That place is one of the few unique fun things we have to do here.

Last night I saw 28 Days Later w/Irena. Brian was supposed to come but his parents kidnapped him. It was really cool! I loved it. The "zombie"-like people, who were really just the people who were infected with a monkey virus, were the coolest things in the whole world. I loved them. I wanted to see more of them. Not to mention the incredibly hot main character. Once he shaved, daaaaaaamn! And we also first saw him naked :D

I wonder if pictures are working...

Saturday, June 28, 2003

I am procrastinating going to work. I woke up at 11 and was ready by 12. Yet two hours later I'm still sitting here. If I want to go see 28 Days Later at 4 I'm gonna have to move it. But it just occured to me that Brian can't go at 4. He has a hair appointment, hehehe.

Our little chickadee is growing so fast! She can fly around, she likes to run really fast and fly. And she loves April. Too bad April doesn't love her back. :( She's actually afraid of Peepers. its very cute. And she's just jealous.

Friday, June 27, 2003

I rented the Blue Lagoon. After watching I Love The 80's on VH1 again (I think I've seen every year atleast twice :) ), I wanted to watch it all. Its very cool! the Ending is crap, but hey, atleast we all get to see Brooke Shields naked. I have the same birthday as Brooke Shields. Anyways, I want to be her in this movie. They're so stupid! They're like, "why did a baby come out of you??" and when she gets her period she freaks out. Its awesome. Plus, they both run around naked and have killer bodies.

Sharks are scary.

"Music will never cheat on you or make you go to the grocerie store." :D I would enjoy dating music.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Ooh, blogger changed. I was very pissed yesterday when I couldn't post. I had something to say then....not now though. Bastards.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Sooo tired. I actually feel hungover. And I didn't drink at all. Last night was the Chili Peppers concert. It was really fun. I took Rachel. It was her first concert. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it. It seemed so. We saw Jesse there. He had a GA ticket but he snuck into the seating, and right infront of us! Crazy! So he sat with us. And afterwards we brought up old shit and got all emotional and shit. Shit. I think I am close to saying I am over Chris. Not that I ever liked him so much that it would take me this long to get over him, but he was my first bf, so thats just gonna happen.

Friday, June 20, 2003

I have a chick on my shoulder. I hope it doesn't crap on me.


we bout 4 baby chicks. We do every year, to add to our chickens. We usually lose about 4 a year, so it works out. 3 of them died. Very tragic. So the last one is very lonely. He peeps REALLY loud all the time cuz he's sad. So I take him around w/me. Right now, he's on my shoulder, sleeping. Cute, huh? His name is Peeper. Meghan pretends "her" name is Chiqita. How lame. He's Peeper!

Tomorrow's the Chili Pepper concert!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! Kiedis!!! Sooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwww!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I don't feel like posting. But I have to say that everyone should rent a movie called Singles. Under the comedy section. its such a wonderful movie. I loved it. It has an awesome soundtrack (and no, not Dave!). Pearl Jam stuff. And it has Pearl Jam guys, and Chris Cornell in there. Not lead rolls, just small parts. But its an awesome movie. Halarious. Romantic. Sexy. I loved it so much. You won't be disapointed. And if you don't like it, you can slap me.

I hate the fact that people can't get over things that they weren't even a part of. Just bringing up old shit. I can't get over this shit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Well, it seems I now have no one to go to Lalapalooza with. Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome to. I'm gonna buy 2 tickets soon. They are around $70. It is on August 12, at 1:00PM, at the Journal Pavilion in Albuquerque.

Fuck blogger. It won't let me post pictures.
picture check.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Got back from camping in Pecos today. Holy Ghost, actually. We were only there overnight. It fucking sucked. The stupid mexicans next to us blasted their god damned mariachi music until 2 IN THE MORNING which usually wouldn't be a big deal for me, but I went to bed at 10:00. I was fucking pissed. And when I finally fell asleep, I couldn't stay asleep. I would wake up so often and my nose would be freezing. Lorn and I were sleeping in the tent. Meghan and my mom and my dad slept in the motorhome. Daniel stayed home and had a party. And now I'm talking to Jacinda on the phone!

Husband of the Week: Its sunday!!! Hooray!!! This week its Ewan McGregor. Now I'm usually not too inlove with him. Yeah, he was cute in Moulin Rouge. He was good in Star Wars, but he had a beard. Which is gross. But in Down With Love, I fell in love with him. He was so cute and witty and funy and ahhh. I loved him. Afterwards I told my mom, "Mom, I'm gonna marry Ewan McGregor now, k?" And she approved. What a nice mom :)

Saturday, June 14, 2003

I hate the green goblin! He's mean and evil and cliche and ugly and evil!!!! I'm glad he's dead!!!!

I just watched Spiderman. I wish I was Mary Jane. Her hair was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. So red. So beautiful. They're making a 2nd one you know. I want to be MJ cuz I'd like to have a romance-thing with a superhero. Very cool. I'm glad Kirsten Dunst has pretty hair in this movie. Crazy/Beautiful was the grossest hair movie in the world. It made me want to die. She needed a bra too. Floppy boobs are gross.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Gosh I work alot. I figured out something cool. I work 3.5 hours a day at the Firebird. Times that by $7.50/hour that is $26.25. Times that by 5 days a week that is $131.25. Times that by 2 weeks that is 262.5! Each check will be about that much! I'm rich! Each check used to be about $80....I'm rich!!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

I do bad posts at night. I need to stop.

I just got home from Finding Nemo for the 2nd time. I love that movie. I caught different jokes this time, and it seemed to be ALOT funnier.

I wish I could speak whale.

Ummm....I have to get up around 9 and go to the hell hole that is called Wally World and die. And then I have to mosey on over to the Firebird and turn into a pile of quivering mass for another day. I hate work. It takes up all my time.

It seems I was stood up tonite. Was supposed to spend the night at Paula's house and I called all afternoon. I even called Karl once, even though he despises me. No answer anywhere. I'm a little worried. I'll call her before I go to bed.

Gosh my posts are exciting lately. I don't see how I could have a stalker. I'm a very dull person!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

I got back from Denver today. it sucked. I mean, it was fun, but my family drives me insane. especially Meghan. I honestly think she thinks that she rules the world! she is such a selfish little bitch. she is a spoiled little brat. she demands that everything is her way. she DOESN'T share. she ISN'T kind. but of course, when she's in a nice, happy mood, I'll do anything for her! I'll lend her money, I'll take her places. I'll take her friends places. Jesus, even my own little sister walks all over me. You see how I want people to like me?

Yet I know so many don't. I know of 2 who hate me. Ok, hate is a strong word. they definitly dont' like me. at all. and that hurts me. because I really like them. I miss my friendship with them. but thats gone. and I'm sick of trying to get it back. but I'll always want it back. I had the time of my life with them. and I don't understand why they don't like me. because they haven't told me so. so I know they don't want to resolve anything. I'm sure they know who they are. and if they read this, which I doubt...I want you to know that I still love you. Ok, I never loved one of them. but I greatly enjoyed their presence. but the other. I loved them. and I miss them.

I've an idea that 2 others don't like me either. not for any particular reason. I just suppose I vibe them. I really miss my friends. I don't mean to complain or bitch. but this is just what I am feeling. and I know most people don't wanna hear it directly, the bitching. I like blog.

Husband of the Week: another week, another husband! is it odd that I go from really depressed writing to this kinda stuff? I believe so. I actually can't think of someone right now. I can think of plenty hot guys I like. but husbands aren't just hotness. they are the attitude, the personality. and most often, the lyrics! hell, I just pick Dave. he understands me. anyways, lets get a really hot one up here:

the pic I was looking for actually had him standing up talking on the phone w/o a shirt. but this'll do! :D

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

I know I've already posted twice today. Tough. I'm feeling inspired.

Two really funny Katie's-friends quotes: "see now if I were Yoda I'd bring the ship up and run luke over with it." -Paula "Thats gayer than my dog!" -Irena.
these are spur-of-the-moment quotes that I have found HALARIOUS and have saved in my phone. go on, be a rock star and say something that deserves being quoted!
FUCKER FUCKER FUCKER!!! why won't the incredibly (sp??) hot picture of Kiedis show up?? he's wearing a tube sock!! its hot!! ok. EVERYONE has to do this. go to yahoo. type in (not with the "s) "hot pictures of anthony kiedis". then click on "red hot chili peppers - pictures - anthony kiedis" that takes you to a page of like 5 pictures. and the middle one is the HOTTTTTTT one :D :D isn't it hot?? nice but ;) check out the other pictures too. the one of Kiedis and Flea dressed as women is halarious!!
What is with everyone putting this long ass survey in their blog! its too long!! but of course I still read all of them..thats how cool and hipocritical I am.

I have to be at work in 17 minutes. it takes 15 to get there, I am posting, and I need to pee. I'm in such a rut.

I got up at 7:30. thats so fucking early. it was Lorn's 6th grade graduation today, so I mosied on over to that damn old school of mine, pinon. surrounded by INSANE parents and spanish. I hate spanish. I'm done w/it. but I knew what they were saying! but yeah, the parents were insane!! they were STANDING in front of everyone taking pictures and recording the kids singing to Grease. and the kids sucked. I knew the song better than they did, and I haven't seen that movie in over a year. and they've been practicing. I was dissapointed, and I let Lorn know. of course, I also let her know she smelt like B.O. I'm really caring like that. but hey! I didn't want her just walking around smelling bad! it was for her well being!! and cuz it was making me sick....

we (my mom, Meghan, and I) found a perfect little boy for Lorn. He's super smart, and was on the "principle's honor roll" or something like that during all of elementary. he looks like a teddy bear. actually, he looks a little like Ryan Kovach. anyone remember him? he was hot. but this kid was a mini of him. he was soooo cute. I wanted to take him home. and his little sister. she was cute too.

k well now I'm down to 14 minutes till work. and I still have to pee.

ugh! I'm wearing this awesome shirt that is too big so it falls down in the back. it hooks over my neck, and the shirt is too big around so it floops down and shows my strapless bra which is the devil. actually its Meghan's. its too small for her. that makes me want to die. no, even worse. Lorn wore my other strapless bra that is BARELY too small for me. Lorn. the 6th grader. she's 5 years younger. and Meghan is 2 years younger. and like 4 sizes skinnier. why does "god" hate me? please, give me boobs!! PLEEEEAAAAASE!!! I don't understand. its just logic. larger people have larger boobs. but NO!! lets give her sister, the skinny one, the bigger boobs. she's prettier anyways, so hell, lets make her even more perfect!! bah!!!!!

9 minutes. and I'm spent.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Ok so my mom and I went to see Down With Love w/Renee Zelwegger (sp???) and Ewin McGreggor (also sp??). I loved it. Alot. I love love. I wish I had love. But I don't. I keep on thinking. Thinking about what the fuck happened. Ugh. I really can't type what I feel because I'm rather ashamed of it. Only Kat knows cuz I was having a bad day so I poured out my heart. Catch me on a really bad day if you wanna see the real me and what I really feel. Because I really put on this mask. Of happiness, actually. Which is odd. I'm not sure that many people would consider the person they see as "happy." Its just....when will things get out of my brain and let me go on w/my life? Its the worst at work when I'm forced to be a mindless drone and have nothing to think about. Thats when it hits me the hardest. And when I see love movies. Ugh. Right now I never want to leave my house again. Yet I really really do. All of my friends should really call me and make me be social. I listed my friends to my mom today. Like, friends I really enjoy hanging out w/. One out of town, and I have to compete for their attention anyways(boyfriend). One...things are just different and I can't handle them often. One...girlfriend. One...boyfriend. One...I dunno, I feel like I'm bugging them. One...doesn't speak to me. One...doesn't live here. The ones I most enjoy being with have a bf or gf. and thats what really bugs/hurts me. is that I can't be w/them because they have someone and I don't. I know I'm just being all whiny and shit.....but that happens to me at night. Especially when all day I've been thinking about it. I just know it will make me so happy, because it did. And then when it left, it was like I was crushed by this huge cement block. I'm still recovering.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Good morning all--

Well yesterday, my birthday, was super duper. I got my radio, I actually sat in my car for an hour at home just listening to how beautiful and clear the music was :D

Yesterday it RAINED!!! I loooooove rain so much. Rainy birthdays rock! There were puddles! Hooray! And it looks like it might rain today too, we'll see.

My mom got me little presents, one of them are bracelets made out of guitar strings! How cool is that?? They break really easily, but I just put them back together. I love them! She also got me this little flip-notebook sorta thing, that you use when driving. On each side it says different things. It says: "Bye" "Take Me Home With You" "Love Me Till I Scream" "Pull Over" "Wanna Party?" "Let's Get Physical" "Traffic Sucks" "Hey Hot Stuff" "Excuse Me" "You're Sure Cute!" "Are You Attached?" "Follow Me" "Get Off My Tail!" "Relax" "No Chance" "Let Me Pass!" "Learn To Drive!" "Whats Your Name?" "Your Place Or Mine" "Go'in My Way?" "Pick A Winner" "Your Fly Is Open" "Need Lust Will Travel" "Quickie?" "You're So Sexy!" "Asshole" "Let's Get Naked" "I (heart) You" "Do You Fool Around?"....and my favorite...."You Pervert". I have a feeling I will be using "You Pervert", "Learn To Drive", "Asshole", and "Get Off My Tail" quite often! Road rage?? me?? nahhhhh.....

Husband of the Week: Ok so he's been my husband of the day, but thats in the past, and I have started Husband of the Week :D Here he is, the sexiest man alive

ahhhhhh, Anthony Fucking Kiedis....sooooooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwwwww!!! :D :D :D

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Happy birthday to me! Here is a present for everyone :D

I was gonna put up Dave too but my mom just called me and told me to bring my car to best buy so they can put in a radio!! THANK GOD!!!! I have missed my radio SOOOOOO much!! To anyone who doesn't know, my radio got stolen a couple months ago. IT SUCKS.

Friday, May 30, 2003

just a quick post, I still have things to do!

I pierced my ears again today, so now I have 3 holes in each ear! hooray! I actually REALLY like the way it feels, being pierced. I enjoy some forms of pain. wow I'm weird :)

tomorrow is my birthday, so I except 2309570398424309587123 comments telling me happy birthday and how beautiful I am. or something....anyways I'll be 17. what does that offer? getting into R movies legaly, oh hooray. its not like I pay for movies anyways!

alrighty well I gotta finish my cake for tomorrow and then head on over to Irena's! I don't know what we're gonna do, I just don't wanna be hungover for my bday.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

OK so I've decided to change Husband of the day to Husband of the Week, simply to make it easier for me and my poor little Katie-brain.

I feel really alone for some reason. People are bothering me. Not like, vibing me, just annoying me! But I feel like I am losing my friends. I don't know. I feel really empty. I'm sitting here, ready for the day, and I spent a really long time getting ready and putting more effort into it than usual, and I know that all I will probably do today is go to work. I don't know. I need my friends.

Monday, May 26, 2003

It rained today! Like REALLY rained! I drove Jacinda back to the airport, and it was thundering and lightning-ing and ahh! It was so cool!! I love rain. I love the smell, the sound, the look, the feel. I love lightning, I love thunder. I love when the electricity goes out. I love rain.

Well I'm very in love with A Mighty Wind. I'm just so in love with Eugene Levy's character! He was the cutest thing in the world!! And so...

Husband of the Day: Mich. So adorable! You don't understand unless you see the movie! See??? Its a little big, lo siento.

I feel rather empty. I actually have nothing to talk about.
Well I thought the party was good. I personally didn't have the best possible time (nothing bad....just nothing outrageously good), but it seems others had fun, which is awesome. I got enough $$ for a whole concert, which kicks ass, thanks to everyone who contributed to the Katie-summer-concert-fund!

Jacinda's in town, which is cool. I don't have much to entertain her w/, but last night we went to the Cinemacafe and saw Chicago (for the 5th time for me :D) which was really cool! It was alot bigger than I had imagined for some reason...and they had really good popcorn :D Before that we went and saw Bruce Almighty, which was really funny. Jim Carrey flick. Just as expected. I really liked it, but not enough to see again. Today we went w/Kyle and saw A Mighty Wind which was sooooooo good! Its about a fold music reunion, lol. Folk music, guilty pleasure. Plus we got in for free, which is always a plus!

Husband of the Day: I guess I've never had Anthony Kiedis as my husband! Which is really really weird, considering he is the sexiest man alive. OMG here he is kissing Eddie Vedder, another one of my husbands. That is so hot :D :D :D I'll find a REALLY good pic some time, but for now this is awesome!

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I hate my sister. I hope she dies an awfull death. She thinks the whole fucking world revolves around her, and I'm sick of it. I want sooooooo badly to slap her. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

oh the other hand, my birthday party is on Friday, so EVERYONE must come and make me happy :) plus it kicks off summer!! woohoo!!! trig exam raped me.....

Husband of the Day: Chris Cornell. VERRRRRRRY sexy (or sexay as Jacinda would say). Lead singer of Audio Slave, formerly of Sound Garden. Very sexy voice, body. ahhhhhhh. This picture of him is old, but sexier than he is now. Long hair :D rrrrrrrrrrrrrow

Monday, May 19, 2003

OK, sorry I haven't posted in a while, my grandparents are staying here (ugh!!) and are staying in the computer room, so I can't be online at all hours of the night. Infact, its 9:19, they'll probably want to go to bed soon! Well, I was only grounded this weekend, which was my brother's graduation party anyways, so it was: get ready for party, party, recover from party. It was fun! Today at Wallmart I discovered 2 things: Lupe is such an ugly name! Who would name their kid Lupe! Cruel parents! And....fuck. Never mind, I forgot the second one.

Husband of the Day: OK I had a really good one earlier but I forgot, so we'll go w/.....ooh!! Ryan from the peak!!! He's sooooooooo hot! I'm very in love with Ryan! I love his nothin' but 90's friday nights! I've met him a couple times, he likes Dave. And I LOOOOOOVE it when he talks about Dave! If we ever had sex, instead of saying something like "oh, Ryan, talk dirty to me!" I'd say "Oh, Ryan, talk about Dave!!!" lol......this picture is him (right) with David Lee Roth!

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Well, today I got caught ditching w/2 friends. We are suspended tomorrow, we don't get to make up any work we miss. Which really isn't too bad cuz most classes are reviewing. But the whole thing still sucks. I don't know what my parents are gonna do, they still haven't said anything at all, which is really really weird. But I'm still really scared! Thats all I have to say about that...

Husband of the day: Forrest Gump :) He is the ulitmate man (besides Dave of course). He is just so sweet and caring and giving and ahhhh. He's such a wonderful person. I'm inlove w/him, lol.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

it's all good

What Dave Matthews Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I like to watch baseball. Even softball. My family has been involved in it for 13 years, so I live at the park in the summer. I just got back from watching Lorn's softball game. They won. It was quite exciting. As was sitting next to a really hot guy.........and not saying a word to him. Oh well. Its weird, cuz I was at Wally World before going there, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to, but I thought, "oh hell, lets go, maybe some hot guy is watching his little sister." Well, one was! How encouraging. I need a boyfriend to take my mind off of other things...

Husband of the day: Boyd Tinsley. Violinist of the Dave Matthews Band. Not outrageously handsome, in fact he's a little ugly. But he is VERY buff (he's Buff Boyd!) and kicks ass at the violin solos! He's got a solo album coming out on June 17th, titled "True Reflections." The song True Reflections can be found on various live DMB albums. He has a single out, entitled Listen. I've heard it sounds a bit like Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, but having never heard them, I can't say anything! It could be described as "summery" I suppose. Its a good listen, check it out. I'll find a link later. Here he is! Check out the buff-ness!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

I hate being single.

Husband of the day: Dave Matthews. I know, its about time. There's just all these great newcomers that I'm also in love with! What can I NOT say about Dave? He's extremely handsome (even though he's mid-30's, thats ok!), has an amazing voice, amazing talent, amazing lyrics, ::sigh:: I wish I could meet him just to dry He's an amazing person. Giving, caring, inteligent, funny as all hell, loving.....he is involved in so many things to help people and the earth. He is the ultimate man. I love Dave!

Sunday, May 11, 2003

OK I changed my photo on hotornot and now I'm a 4.2. Am I really that bad? I thought this picture was fairly good, but I guess not. I was a 7.something before. Guys are asses. If you notice the guys can be REALLY ugly and still be around a 7, but chicks can be fairly pretty and be around a 3. Whats up with that? Here's the picture I changed it to that makes me a 4.2 :(

I don't think its so bad.....guys just naturally hate me I suppose.
Husband of the day, Howie Day :D I'm very very VERY in love w/him, isn't he adorable?? Don't you love him??

Saturday, May 10, 2003

It appears some people hate Jack Johnson. Those people suck :D Yesterday Jack Johnson was my husband again, so I don't feel the need to do him (heheheh) again. Today, since I found Yield, which I thought I had lost, and was very sad about, my husband is Eddie Vedder. He is very very sexy. As is this kid on hotornot that looks like him AND likes Dave! Wow! But he won't talk to me, lol. Maybe its cuz I'm so inlove with him. ANYWAYS, here's Ed from Pearl Jam, whom I will see on June 7 in Pheonix at the Cricket Pavilion!

Yesterday I saw XMen (the first one) so I could go and see the 2nd one sometime this weekend. It was SOOOOO awesome! I'm very inlove with Wolverine!!! Ahhhhh, ::woosh:: hehehe. It was so cool, I want to see X2 this very moment. But I must go to work instead and battle all the mother's-day-card-buying idiots. Ugh.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

OK I just decided in the kitchen that I'm gonna have this thing EVERYDAY called "My husband of the day." How creative of me, I know. So today my husband is Jack Johnson. I'm off in JJ-land, can't stop listening to On & On, its SOOOOOO good!! The fact that he is married is irrelivent (sp?). :D I wish I could figure out how to do pictures and I could post my husband of the day everyday! Kristin or Kyle should help me w/that.....;)

here's a pic! hooray!!


Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Holy crap, everyone and their grandma is online! But I'm only talking to 2 of them....what does that say about me?

I just made up something kinda cool. "Life is just a bunch of floating boats." You know, when people say "whatever floats you're boat"? All I do is do silly stuff and make myself as happy as possible in order to float my thats what I'm making my life. I am now a floating boat :)

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Today was a really good day until school ended, izn't dat veird? Once I went to work and everything, everything crashed and burned. I just was trapped in this depressive state. I think it was from reading the Potok book. I really do hate this book. Alot. Ok, so its got good symbolism and imagery, but I fucking HATE the plot...I hope this book dies an awfull death.

On the other hand, I bought Jack Johnson's new cd, "On and On." I'm only on song number 7, "Wasting Time," but I already really like it! Its different from "Brushfire Fairytales" in the sense that there are more musical instruments in this one. On BF, if I'm not mistaken, all the songs are just Jack and his guitar. Very cool. But on O&O, we've got Jack, his guitar, a bass guitar, and percussion! Sounds the same for the most part, just more mmf to it, you know? I highly suggest it, very very good!

I've come to the conclusion that I HATE Wal-mart. OK, I already knew this, it just slapped me harder in the face today. It said "fuck you, Katie, we, the cards, HATE you, and we will KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!!!" Ok, a little exagerating....but the cards really do hate me. I am ready to quit this job, I'm sure I will for the summer to have mas dinero!

Monday, May 05, 2003

I just came to the conclusion that my friends are weird. I mean, really, really, confusing. I don't know what they want, and I doubt they do. I think only 2, MAYBE 3 people in the whole world actually know me. The real me. The others I, in a way, hide myself from, because of the way they think of things and the way they react to me. I know I keep bringing this up but I really don't understand. To my face they'll be the sweetest people. But later.....I dunno. Screw it. If they can't respect me, I don't need them. I've got my real friends anyways, they know who they are. I love both of you so much!! As for my other friends, my "fun" friends, I love all of you guys too, and I really have nothing against you! All of my friends make life worth living. Even when things like this happen, thats ok! I'm moving onto better things for me! Its time I stopped letting people walk all over me, and I do somethings for myself once a while. :D

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Man, prom was fun!! We got there right at 9, so no one was there, lol, and it was kinda freaky. But once people showed up things got fun. And once I got out on the dance floor I danced to all the SHIT they were playing. And man, were they playing shit. Rap, techno....rap, techno...slow song...rap...techno...rap, pop, rap...prettymuch it. Towards the end it got better, 2 oldies songs, The Beatles! They played 2 or 3 swing songs, which were fun, I wish I knew how to swing dance though, lol. The dj was an asshole. I told him too :) Damned bastard wouldn't even play Dave....grrrrrrrr. Oh well, I still had fun. And afterwards Kat, Kyle, Maggie, Oscar, and I met Irena, Kassi, and Becca at IHOP and were loud and annoying, which is always fun. IHOP sucks though. They take too damned long. I like Denny's more, plus I have connections there ;) Anyways, I had alot of fun last night. But throughout the night I saw SO many couples that sat the whole time or made out the whole time! "Hey! Lets pay $30 each to make out at school! Woohoo!!" No offense to anyone, but....come on! Oh well, to each their own. I had an awesome time. Could have been more fun with a date for those slow songs, but Kat and I danced :) I'm gonna miss a couple seniors: Sisco, Kat, Emma, Eztrella, Ed, John. They're all cool kids and I wish them the best of luck! I can't wait for our senior prom! Woohoo!! :D

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Well I got up at 8:00 this morning, and my mom anounced that I HAD to go to work today. I said I definitely didn't have time because I was going to help set up at school. Well she bitches and bitches and I end up going to work, which made me sick. Seriously, I don't feel very good. So I'm taking it easy, hoping I'll be better by tonite, which is why I'm not at school. On the other hand, I'm whitening my teeth! My mommy bought me Crest Whitening strips, and I just put them on.....they make my lips and tongue tingle, cuz I kinda got the gel everywhere, lol....well I get to do this twice a day for like a month I think and I'll have whiter teeth! Hooray!

Well, I was right, people are upset with me because of my decisions. I personally think I made a good decision. Because I love my friends, and I hate being mad at eachother. There's nothing I could do about the situation, so I felt I should just drop it and go on with life. I don't wanna spend my last year with them being mad at them and losing them for stupid reasons. But if some feel that way.....thats just kinda low. Hey, I'm only human.