Monday, June 30, 2003

Since pictures are back up, Husband of the Week is back! And yes, Irena, Cillian Murphy, who plays Jim in 28 Days Later, is this weeks husband! (And it doesn't matter if you said he was hot first, I claimed him as my husband! :P )


He was really really good in this movie. He was a very smart yet at the same time very stupid character. He was stupid because he would go into old gas stations, and see that there were bodies, and say " 'ello?"....he already figured out when happens when he does that!!! On the other hand, towards the end he gets his act together and figures out how to survive. Good boy. Go to my room :)
Here's the hottest pic of him I could find. This is for Megan, who enjoys when men beat others with bats :)

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Well, I'm not so sure about Lalapalooza anymore. 1-we might be on vacation, depending on how the allstars tournament goes for my sister. 2-I have no one to go with, so unless I find someone who wants to come...I'll prolly just save the money. I really do wanna go....I just....I dunno. I think it'll be boring with anyone besides Paula.

Tonite I'm going to see the Godfather at the Cinemacafe with Irena and Brian. I'm really excited. I'm gonna order dinner and everything since its the Cinemacafe's last night! :( you have no idea how sad that makes me. That place is one of the few unique fun things we have to do here.

Last night I saw 28 Days Later w/Irena. Brian was supposed to come but his parents kidnapped him. It was really cool! I loved it. The "zombie"-like people, who were really just the people who were infected with a monkey virus, were the coolest things in the whole world. I loved them. I wanted to see more of them. Not to mention the incredibly hot main character. Once he shaved, daaaaaaamn! And we also first saw him naked :D

I wonder if pictures are working...

Saturday, June 28, 2003

I am procrastinating going to work. I woke up at 11 and was ready by 12. Yet two hours later I'm still sitting here. If I want to go see 28 Days Later at 4 I'm gonna have to move it. But it just occured to me that Brian can't go at 4. He has a hair appointment, hehehe.

Our little chickadee is growing so fast! She can fly around, she likes to run really fast and fly. And she loves April. Too bad April doesn't love her back. :( She's actually afraid of Peepers. its very cute. And she's just jealous.

Friday, June 27, 2003

I rented the Blue Lagoon. After watching I Love The 80's on VH1 again (I think I've seen every year atleast twice :) ), I wanted to watch it all. Its very cool! the Ending is crap, but hey, atleast we all get to see Brooke Shields naked. I have the same birthday as Brooke Shields. Anyways, I want to be her in this movie. They're so stupid! They're like, "why did a baby come out of you??" and when she gets her period she freaks out. Its awesome. Plus, they both run around naked and have killer bodies.

Sharks are scary.

"Music will never cheat on you or make you go to the grocerie store." :D I would enjoy dating music.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Ooh, blogger changed. I was very pissed yesterday when I couldn't post. I had something to say then....not now though. Bastards.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Sooo tired. I actually feel hungover. And I didn't drink at all. Last night was the Chili Peppers concert. It was really fun. I took Rachel. It was her first concert. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it. It seemed so. We saw Jesse there. He had a GA ticket but he snuck into the seating, and right infront of us! Crazy! So he sat with us. And afterwards we brought up old shit and got all emotional and shit. Shit. I think I am close to saying I am over Chris. Not that I ever liked him so much that it would take me this long to get over him, but he was my first bf, so thats just gonna happen.

Friday, June 20, 2003

I have a chick on my shoulder. I hope it doesn't crap on me.


we bout 4 baby chicks. We do every year, to add to our chickens. We usually lose about 4 a year, so it works out. 3 of them died. Very tragic. So the last one is very lonely. He peeps REALLY loud all the time cuz he's sad. So I take him around w/me. Right now, he's on my shoulder, sleeping. Cute, huh? His name is Peeper. Meghan pretends "her" name is Chiqita. How lame. He's Peeper!

Tomorrow's the Chili Pepper concert!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! Kiedis!!! Sooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwww!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I don't feel like posting. But I have to say that everyone should rent a movie called Singles. Under the comedy section. its such a wonderful movie. I loved it. It has an awesome soundtrack (and no, not Dave!). Pearl Jam stuff. And it has Pearl Jam guys, and Chris Cornell in there. Not lead rolls, just small parts. But its an awesome movie. Halarious. Romantic. Sexy. I loved it so much. You won't be disapointed. And if you don't like it, you can slap me.

I hate the fact that people can't get over things that they weren't even a part of. Just bringing up old shit. I can't get over this shit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Well, it seems I now have no one to go to Lalapalooza with. Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome to. I'm gonna buy 2 tickets soon. They are around $70. It is on August 12, at 1:00PM, at the Journal Pavilion in Albuquerque.

Fuck blogger. It won't let me post pictures.
picture check.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Got back from camping in Pecos today. Holy Ghost, actually. We were only there overnight. It fucking sucked. The stupid mexicans next to us blasted their god damned mariachi music until 2 IN THE MORNING which usually wouldn't be a big deal for me, but I went to bed at 10:00. I was fucking pissed. And when I finally fell asleep, I couldn't stay asleep. I would wake up so often and my nose would be freezing. Lorn and I were sleeping in the tent. Meghan and my mom and my dad slept in the motorhome. Daniel stayed home and had a party. And now I'm talking to Jacinda on the phone!

Husband of the Week: Its sunday!!! Hooray!!! This week its Ewan McGregor. Now I'm usually not too inlove with him. Yeah, he was cute in Moulin Rouge. He was good in Star Wars, but he had a beard. Which is gross. But in Down With Love, I fell in love with him. He was so cute and witty and funy and ahhh. I loved him. Afterwards I told my mom, "Mom, I'm gonna marry Ewan McGregor now, k?" And she approved. What a nice mom :)

Saturday, June 14, 2003

I hate the green goblin! He's mean and evil and cliche and ugly and evil!!!! I'm glad he's dead!!!!

I just watched Spiderman. I wish I was Mary Jane. Her hair was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. So red. So beautiful. They're making a 2nd one you know. I want to be MJ cuz I'd like to have a romance-thing with a superhero. Very cool. I'm glad Kirsten Dunst has pretty hair in this movie. Crazy/Beautiful was the grossest hair movie in the world. It made me want to die. She needed a bra too. Floppy boobs are gross.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Gosh I work alot. I figured out something cool. I work 3.5 hours a day at the Firebird. Times that by $7.50/hour that is $26.25. Times that by 5 days a week that is $131.25. Times that by 2 weeks that is 262.5! Each check will be about that much! I'm rich! Each check used to be about $80....I'm rich!!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

I do bad posts at night. I need to stop.

I just got home from Finding Nemo for the 2nd time. I love that movie. I caught different jokes this time, and it seemed to be ALOT funnier.

I wish I could speak whale.

Ummm....I have to get up around 9 and go to the hell hole that is called Wally World and die. And then I have to mosey on over to the Firebird and turn into a pile of quivering mass for another day. I hate work. It takes up all my time.

It seems I was stood up tonite. Was supposed to spend the night at Paula's house and I called all afternoon. I even called Karl once, even though he despises me. No answer anywhere. I'm a little worried. I'll call her before I go to bed.

Gosh my posts are exciting lately. I don't see how I could have a stalker. I'm a very dull person!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

I got back from Denver today. it sucked. I mean, it was fun, but my family drives me insane. especially Meghan. I honestly think she thinks that she rules the world! she is such a selfish little bitch. she is a spoiled little brat. she demands that everything is her way. she DOESN'T share. she ISN'T kind. but of course, when she's in a nice, happy mood, I'll do anything for her! I'll lend her money, I'll take her places. I'll take her friends places. Jesus, even my own little sister walks all over me. You see how I want people to like me?

Yet I know so many don't. I know of 2 who hate me. Ok, hate is a strong word. they definitly dont' like me. at all. and that hurts me. because I really like them. I miss my friendship with them. but thats gone. and I'm sick of trying to get it back. but I'll always want it back. I had the time of my life with them. and I don't understand why they don't like me. because they haven't told me so. so I know they don't want to resolve anything. I'm sure they know who they are. and if they read this, which I doubt...I want you to know that I still love you. Ok, I never loved one of them. but I greatly enjoyed their presence. but the other. I loved them. and I miss them.

I've an idea that 2 others don't like me either. not for any particular reason. I just suppose I vibe them. I really miss my friends. I don't mean to complain or bitch. but this is just what I am feeling. and I know most people don't wanna hear it directly, the bitching. I like blog.

Husband of the Week: another week, another husband! is it odd that I go from really depressed writing to this kinda stuff? I believe so. I actually can't think of someone right now. I can think of plenty hot guys I like. but husbands aren't just hotness. they are the attitude, the personality. and most often, the lyrics! hell, I just pick Dave. he understands me. anyways, lets get a really hot one up here:

the pic I was looking for actually had him standing up talking on the phone w/o a shirt. but this'll do! :D

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

I know I've already posted twice today. Tough. I'm feeling inspired.

Two really funny Katie's-friends quotes: "see now if I were Yoda I'd bring the ship up and run luke over with it." -Paula "Thats gayer than my dog!" -Irena.
these are spur-of-the-moment quotes that I have found HALARIOUS and have saved in my phone. go on, be a rock star and say something that deserves being quoted!
FUCKER FUCKER FUCKER!!! why won't the incredibly (sp??) hot picture of Kiedis show up?? he's wearing a tube sock!! its hot!! ok. EVERYONE has to do this. go to yahoo. type in (not with the "s) "hot pictures of anthony kiedis". then click on "red hot chili peppers - pictures - anthony kiedis" that takes you to a page of like 5 pictures. and the middle one is the HOTTTTTTT one :D :D isn't it hot?? nice but ;) check out the other pictures too. the one of Kiedis and Flea dressed as women is halarious!!
What is with everyone putting this long ass survey in their blog! its too long!! but of course I still read all of them..thats how cool and hipocritical I am.

I have to be at work in 17 minutes. it takes 15 to get there, I am posting, and I need to pee. I'm in such a rut.

I got up at 7:30. thats so fucking early. it was Lorn's 6th grade graduation today, so I mosied on over to that damn old school of mine, pinon. surrounded by INSANE parents and spanish. I hate spanish. I'm done w/it. but I knew what they were saying! but yeah, the parents were insane!! they were STANDING in front of everyone taking pictures and recording the kids singing to Grease. and the kids sucked. I knew the song better than they did, and I haven't seen that movie in over a year. and they've been practicing. I was dissapointed, and I let Lorn know. of course, I also let her know she smelt like B.O. I'm really caring like that. but hey! I didn't want her just walking around smelling bad! it was for her well being!! and cuz it was making me sick....

we (my mom, Meghan, and I) found a perfect little boy for Lorn. He's super smart, and was on the "principle's honor roll" or something like that during all of elementary. he looks like a teddy bear. actually, he looks a little like Ryan Kovach. anyone remember him? he was hot. but this kid was a mini of him. he was soooo cute. I wanted to take him home. and his little sister. she was cute too.

k well now I'm down to 14 minutes till work. and I still have to pee.

ugh! I'm wearing this awesome shirt that is too big so it falls down in the back. it hooks over my neck, and the shirt is too big around so it floops down and shows my strapless bra which is the devil. actually its Meghan's. its too small for her. that makes me want to die. no, even worse. Lorn wore my other strapless bra that is BARELY too small for me. Lorn. the 6th grader. she's 5 years younger. and Meghan is 2 years younger. and like 4 sizes skinnier. why does "god" hate me? please, give me boobs!! PLEEEEAAAAASE!!! I don't understand. its just logic. larger people have larger boobs. but NO!! lets give her sister, the skinny one, the bigger boobs. she's prettier anyways, so hell, lets make her even more perfect!! bah!!!!!

9 minutes. and I'm spent.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Ok so my mom and I went to see Down With Love w/Renee Zelwegger (sp???) and Ewin McGreggor (also sp??). I loved it. Alot. I love love. I wish I had love. But I don't. I keep on thinking. Thinking about what the fuck happened. Ugh. I really can't type what I feel because I'm rather ashamed of it. Only Kat knows cuz I was having a bad day so I poured out my heart. Catch me on a really bad day if you wanna see the real me and what I really feel. Because I really put on this mask. Of happiness, actually. Which is odd. I'm not sure that many people would consider the person they see as "happy." Its just....when will things get out of my brain and let me go on w/my life? Its the worst at work when I'm forced to be a mindless drone and have nothing to think about. Thats when it hits me the hardest. And when I see love movies. Ugh. Right now I never want to leave my house again. Yet I really really do. All of my friends should really call me and make me be social. I listed my friends to my mom today. Like, friends I really enjoy hanging out w/. One out of town, and I have to compete for their attention anyways(boyfriend). One...things are just different and I can't handle them often. One...girlfriend. One...boyfriend. One...I dunno, I feel like I'm bugging them. One...doesn't speak to me. One...doesn't live here. The ones I most enjoy being with have a bf or gf. and thats what really bugs/hurts me. is that I can't be w/them because they have someone and I don't. I know I'm just being all whiny and shit.....but that happens to me at night. Especially when all day I've been thinking about it. I just know it will make me so happy, because it did. And then when it left, it was like I was crushed by this huge cement block. I'm still recovering.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Good morning all--

Well yesterday, my birthday, was super duper. I got my radio, I actually sat in my car for an hour at home just listening to how beautiful and clear the music was :D

Yesterday it RAINED!!! I loooooove rain so much. Rainy birthdays rock! There were puddles! Hooray! And it looks like it might rain today too, we'll see.

My mom got me little presents, one of them are bracelets made out of guitar strings! How cool is that?? They break really easily, but I just put them back together. I love them! She also got me this little flip-notebook sorta thing, that you use when driving. On each side it says different things. It says: "Bye" "Take Me Home With You" "Love Me Till I Scream" "Pull Over" "Wanna Party?" "Let's Get Physical" "Traffic Sucks" "Hey Hot Stuff" "Excuse Me" "You're Sure Cute!" "Are You Attached?" "Follow Me" "Get Off My Tail!" "Relax" "No Chance" "Let Me Pass!" "Learn To Drive!" "Whats Your Name?" "Your Place Or Mine" "Go'in My Way?" "Pick A Winner" "Your Fly Is Open" "Need Lust Will Travel" "Quickie?" "You're So Sexy!" "Asshole" "Let's Get Naked" "I (heart) You" "Do You Fool Around?"....and my favorite...."You Pervert". I have a feeling I will be using "You Pervert", "Learn To Drive", "Asshole", and "Get Off My Tail" quite often! Road rage?? me?? nahhhhh.....

Husband of the Week: Ok so he's been my husband of the day, but thats in the past, and I have started Husband of the Week :D Here he is, the sexiest man alive

ahhhhhh, Anthony Fucking Kiedis....sooooooooo hot, want to touch the hiney, owwwwww!!! :D :D :D