Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So I haven't posted in a month. Sorry! Now that I'm back in Santa (yay!) I'm never online. Its too dificult to search the whole house for Daniel's computer and the phone cord that is never long enough. But tonight I found the strength. Why don't I use my own computer, you ask? Because its too slow, I have too many pictures on it! I've decided I need a million dollars to go print out all my digital pictures at Walmart, and another million dollars to buy photo albums, because they're just cool and old-school.

Well, its summer break now. And I'm back at Souper Salad/The Soup/Le Soup/SS. I love it there, and Kat's working there too! We're super hot so we make great tips. Plus I get to practice my spanish again with Benito and Oscar. And every Tuesday I go and play softball with my bosses (Shawn and Angela) and a co-worker Lisa and her almost-boyfriend Marcus. Kat and I went last week, but this Tuesday was my birthday, so I didn't go. But next week, here I come!

Thats right, yesterday was my birthday! My sweet Matty brought me really pretty roses, and the sweet Before These Crowded Streets VINYL RECORD that I've been dying for forever on Ebay!! He gave that to me early though. Its so sweet, I've wanted it for my entire life, and its so freakin' expensive because its so freakin' rare! Thank you Matt, I'm inlove with you forever and ever now. My parents bought me a pretty watch, and gift cards to the GAP, American Eagle, and Best Buy. I already spent the Best Buy one on Guster's "Lost and Gone Forever," DMB's "Under The Table and Dreaming," Howie Days' new duel-disc (cd and dvd on the same side!!) "Stop All The World Now," and Cake's "Comfort Eagle." All of that was $57. I miss my cds!! But I'm so happy to have these ones back, I've really missed them! Kat gave me flowers in a cup, Becca promises a burned copy of Jack Johnson's "On and On," which I also can't live without. I'll be throwing myself a great party at the Alb-house on Saturday night, so anyone who actually reads this anymore is invited, just gimme a call. My Aunt Chelo gave me $10 (sweeeeet!). I bought myself a Mucho's Turkey Surprise birthday sandwhich and a beautiful hippy shirt from Durango.

That's right, we went to Pagosa Springs/William's Creek/Durango, CO for Memorial Day weekend! It was a whole shitload of us: Me, mom, dad, Meghan, Lauren, Meghan's friend Erin, Matt, Kat, Kat's mom, Kat's dad, Kat's sister, Our friends the Catnach's (4 of them) and their friend Jason=16 people in 2 camp sites. It was really really fun except when I threw a temper tantrum (sorry, I'd blame my period but it was over. No excuse.) We went to The Springs (ahhhh...) and to Durango where I went to my favorite hippy store in the whole world. It was wonderful.

What else what else....not too much I guess...not everyone is back from school yet, still waiting for Kassi, Irena, and Harlie. I can't wait for them! Matt got a super sweet job working for the governor, in "consituency services," which means he gets to answer the phones and deal with mad people/the press, and release the press statements and all sorts of important stuff!! I'm so proud of him! And he will prolly be moving to Sfe, which will rock will I move back to Alb, because then he'll be in my town without me :(, but we'll worry about that in September.

Speaking of jobs, I've decided I need to think about what I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm now a college sophomore, and I need to start taking serious classes for a career. Sure I love spanish and its my "major," but I really really REALLY wanna take cooking and baking classes, but UNM doesn't offer those, so I'm thinking about taking some TVI classes, or wherever I can. Maybe I'll go to the College of Santa Fe and live here for the rest of my life. I'd be cool with that. I wish I was the woman version of Alton Brown. He's my hero.

Well I guess thats just about it. Oh Wait! "Stand Up" (DMB) came out, and I'm sure every last one of you has it. Not really, I don't know any of my regular friends, who call themselves "fans" who have the cd. Its different, but great. Like the Chili Peppers' "By The Way," only hip-hoppy instead of...rocky? Dream Girl, Hunger For the Great Light, and Everybody Wake Up are my favorites on the cd. Please buy it or alteast burn it, and for the love of god get your tickets for the show at Journal on Aug 31st!!! All you "fans" are really slacking!! Bad!

Well, have fun till next month!