Monday, January 09, 2006


So Christmas and New Years happened...both were pretty sweet. Got a little mp3 player made to look like the new iPods, with the black front and the shiny back. It works just fine for me! Got a newer version of my old camera with the broken LCD screen, as well as some sweet cds, warm fake converse shoes, loads of awesome autographed Howie Day stuff and Jack Johnson vinyl records from Matt, among other things.

Christmas was nice, but it went by too fast. It didn't really seem like many were in the "Christmas spirit." I'm pretty sure its because 2005 just sucked. Just...overall....sucked. War, idiot president, so many poeple dying, and then a whole bunch of people breaking up towards the end of the year. Whats with that? My sister's and a couple of my friends' relationships ended right after Christmas...I guess thats when people wait to end relationships...even though John Mayer thinks its St. Patrick's Day. I guess there's enough time between Christmas and Valentine's Day for people to break it off and not feel bad. However, my sister's was the only surprise break up, not a mutual thing like alot of others. So now I'm one of the few people among my friends who is still in a relationship. Kassi and Irena broke up with their's over summer, then came Kat and kind of Becca around New Year's. Kyle's been single for a while, and David is always on and off. But then, the biggest surprise, Nick/Doug Rob has a girlfriend now! And so it seems Paula and I are the only ones left. Its just weird. At one point, almost all of us were in a relationship.

What the hell is going on with the weather? It was like 59 degrees the other day, in the middle of winter!! I guess snow was blowing around this morning...even though the sky was clear, but I wasn't awake to witness that oddity.

So I've been home for all of break now and the only income I've had is from 2 babysitting jobs. That amounts to $80, which I almost immediately spent both times. I was thinking of working for this guy we know who has a catering business, but when I talked to him....I just wasn't sure about it. No one pushed me, so I ended up sitting around...and baking a shitload of cookies the week before christmas, which is always fun. I've been cooking a bit too, and thinking more and more about dropping out of UNM and finding a culinary school here in Santa Fe. I've heard there's one...maybe even more. But I may stick around and get a degree in Spanish.

So when I move back I'm pretty sure I'm moving into a 2 bedroom aparntment with Josh Zwemer and his girlfriend Jen at the Sun Village apartments off of Indian School. Its close to campus, and there's a shuttle bus that takes you there, which is sweet. We just still need to get everything done. I'm not looking forward to school starting. I have shitty ass classes for this semester, because I don't know what to take besides spanish. And I waited too long so most of the spanish classes filled up, so I'm stuck with taking one when I could have been taking 3. Oh well. I'm taking tennis, aerobics, earth and planetary sciences, spanish, and history, but am gonna try to drop history if I can yellow card into another spanish. I hate history.

This past week has been really boring now that my sisters are back in school. I sit around most days till they get home at 3 then finally have a chance to do something.

Oh yeah, and Howie Day got arrested. Again: