Sunday, January 09, 2005

So I haven't posted in quite some time. But thats because my computer is crappy lately and I'd rather not even bother with it. But I'm making a killing tonite.

So Christmas was cool. I got a whole bunch of cool little things. And $100 to Old Navy, since my mom didn't buy us clothes this year. She decided we could get alot more with the after Xmas sales. And I still haven't gone, so there will be nothing left, and the sales are over. Oh well. I just want 2 pairs of good jeans and I'm fine. Matt gave me a flippin' sweet book by Alton Brown called "I'm Just Here for More Food." Its awesome. I haven't really dug into it yet, but I will once I return to Alb and have more time. The one thing I wanted most was cool plates and bowls for my boring house, and only Kat got me some. Two little kid sets with a cup, bowl, plate, and a spoon I think. They're flippin' awesome!

Been doing some pretty good quality partying this break. A very successful party at Kassi's for Kat's birthday, a great New Year's party at Sexy Kyle's, and a going away party for Irena last night at Kyle Tuffli's (aka Mediocre Kyle). Matt was able to attend all three, and seemed to have a good time with my friends, which are now becoming his friends as well. He's fitting in very nicely with everything. My family loves him, even though he really is just with me to get to Lorn (Gross Matt, really sick). Its hard being away from him for more than a couple days, but with both of us working more, its hard. He's in classes all this coming week from 8-5, so I'll make a couple evening runs down there. He took me to an opening of a museum....well, it was the empty building that a museum is going to be in. I felt bad that I didn't really fit in. Its the Unser Racing Museum. And I know absolutely NOTHING about racing, and its Matt's life, so I felt out of place when I had nothing to say to anyone, except for the women in the bathroom when we discussed the backed-up toilet. But it was fairly fun to dress up, and Matt looks especially cute when he's in a suite.

So my mom forgot to pay UNM on time, and now I may be dissenrolled, which means I'll have to re-register for my classes, which will royally SUCK, considering I barely got into the classes I really want: Pilates and the cool honors class about pirates and stuff. I especially need to be in pilates so that I am forced to exercise. I'm getting too fat.

Just four more days of work at Souper Salad and then I'm done till this summer. I've enjoyed working as a server, its put me in a new social circle at work. The mexicans in the back still hate me, I can tell. Only two of the women like me back there. And we can't even really talk. I tried talking to one of them, and she talked too fast and I gave up. And I'm majoring in Spanish. I'm looking forward to school starting up again. And I'll need to find another job right away. I'm gonna talk to my managers at Le Soup to see if they can get me any sweet hookups with the Soupers in Alb. That would be sweet. I hate always needing money. And then I go and blow it on pitches and gas and food. Oh well.

Irena left back to Hawaii last night. It was really fun having her back, I missed my spoony. Kassi left a week ago, and I feel bad because I didn't get to say bye to her. But I still plan on going to San I should see her soon enough. Kyle will prolly be leaving soon. And Paula's here to stay!! I'm so glad she's back for good. I missed her alot alot. I hope she'll like it at UNM.

That should hold me off for a while. Take care, kids.

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