Sunday, February 06, 2005

STOP buying crap!

OK! So I can finally post. My computer had some problems this last month or so. It's still sick, but atleast it will let me post and email now.

School's going good, I like all of my classes. Sadly, my least favorite is Sociology. The professor talks too fast, and expects us to read the entire chapter before he even starts lecturing on it. And he talks too quietly. Its really hard to take notes w/him. I have no problem w/reading the chapter because I like sociology....just not the teacher I guess. I love pilates. Its hard, but its fun, and I can already feel myself getting better at it. I wish it was more than twice a week though. And I'll be pissed if I can't get into the session for the rest of the semester. It forces me to exercise, because its for a credit.

So Wednesday night Kat and I went to see the sneak peek of Hitch at Cottonwood, but it was full, so we headed over to the dollar theater, and saw Ray. When we came out, my door was unlocked, the glove compartment was open, and my DMB cd case that had 30 cds in it, and my other cd case with 40 cds were both gone. The estimated cost of all the cds plus the cases is $1130. Luckily insurance will take care of it. According to what Matt saw on the news, there's been alot of break-ins on the west side, so hopefully they'll find the fuckers. I was really pissed when it happened (and by pissed I mean cry-ie), but now I've accepted it and I just look forward to going on a cd shopping spree with the money from the insurance company. Although I think I'll save some of it, as I am almost broke again.

I think I'm gonna have to work for Halmark again. Souper Salad isn't gonna work out, and my mom needs to hire people in Alb, and I already know how to do it, and its good money, AND I get to work whenever I want. I just hate the actual work. Stocking cards at Wal-mart. I HATE wal-mart. I wish I didn't even shop there. But its the cheapest place....and I'm poor. So I don't really have a choice.

Valentine's day is coming up next week...oh man. I know what I'm gonna get for Matt, I just wish I had a better idea than this. Its convenient....but not necessarily romantic. I mean, what do you get for a guy? Kat said no one else has suggested anything. So we'll see.

I'm watching the Super Bowl and the commercials suck so far. I might as well be doing homework.

And earlier when I was driving home I saw a stop sign that said "buying crap" underneath it and thought it was pretty funny. Last night we talked about "HUMP Dr. Greer's Mom" and I also remember "this SCHOOL sucks!"

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