Sunday, March 06, 2005


Man today was fun!!! I went sledding! I flew through the air!! It rocked so much.

So I went to Santa Fe this weekend, I went up there yesterday afternoon. When I got there, my parents and I went to wonderful Souper Salad, where I had delicious Vegetable Beef and ginger bread. Then I went home and took a nap, in order to store all the fat into my BELLEH!! (said like Fat Bastard) I woke up and watched a couple movies on tv, and became so bored I became depressed and started to cry a little. I hate when I do that. Then Kat called me! And we went and had coffee at IHOP!! We sat with some people she knew from swing, and they talked about it the WHOLE time and it was pretty weird. But I had awesome grain 'n nut pancakes, which were DELICIOSO! Came home, watched the end of a weird movie, went to bed at 2am.

Woke up at 9am in typical Sunday morning fashion to Dad and Lorn being VERY loud. Peed, and went back to bed until 12pm. Woke up, ate CEREAL!! Delicioso!! Rice chex, very yummay! Then after a while we decided (meaning I forced everyone) to go sledding! We drove up the mountain to where that ski shop is, but the sledding run was closed for no apparent reason. So we drove up to Big Tesuque and sled there, which was much better than the skiing run would have been anyways! We started off slow, then as we went farther up the trail the runs became steeper, faster, and with jumps. Lorn and I had some fun for about an hour, then for my grand finale, I decided to take the best run, and with more speed. I go down it alot faster than I had the previous times, and take a huge jump in the air. My dad said I went about 2 feet off the ground for a length of close to 6 feet. It seemed alot higher than that, but it was very fast. I was grateful when I landed well, but then I biffed it and tumbled over and fell on my head. I lied on the ground laughing/dying for a good minute, and it was wonderful. I LOVE sledding! Its the cheapest entertainment ever! Came home, and watched tv. And I guess that was it.

And now I need to write a 2 page reaction paper on whether or not I think drugs should be legalized. We read like 5 essays on the subject, and I have sided with no, but just the overall fact that it wouldn't do much good at all.

John Stamos is way hot. Even in post-Uncle Jesse years, way hot.

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