Monday, November 07, 2005


My car is sick. I was driving to Santa Fe Thursday evening and it started acting....funky. It got shaky and scary. It made it home and my daddy worked on it. I don't know whats wrong with it but he has to take out the motor....or the engine...I really don't know. So I'm driving the old white suburban. Its huge and barely fit into the space in the parking garage. I had to crawl to the back seat to get out, I was that close to both cars. It sucks. I love my car, and I'm very sad that its sick. :(

But this weekend was good. Besides the funeral on Friday. Got to hang out with my family and Matt, which is always fun. Especially stacking wood for hours. I didn't work as hard has anyone else, but thats because I'm wimpier. My back is killing me.

I'm very tired. Got to get up early when Matt went to work and take my car back to my dad's shop. Atleast I got coffee. Its only 10 and I'm ready for bed.

I had something profound to say earlier...but I forgot, as I tend to do with most things these days.

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