Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Its almost the end of the semester! I had my last day of espanol today, no final! Tomorrow I practically finish up public speaking, with my last speech. Then i just have to write a two page paper really quick. No final in the class either!

Just one final in Environmental science, next wednesday. Thats the only thing I have all next week.

Tomorrow's the gay acoustic peak concert. And we're going. We being Kat, Becca, and I. Hopefully we're gonna get a little merry beforehand.

Yesterday I only got to talk to Matt for like 30 seconds. And today another 30 seconds. It sucks, when he gets off work I'm at work, and I don't get out till like 10:30, and he's already asleep by that time. It really really sucks. I miss Matt like crazy during the week. I can't wait for Christmas break!!

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