Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I wrote this down in my phone about a week ago, and just now got around to typing it up:

I was just about to fall asleep, and I faintly heard Crash Into Me on my radio, so I turned it up. I had a very emotional couple of minutes, lying in bed listening to one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, both out of happiness. It was a state of bliss, complete NIRVANA. Its hard for me to explain how much this band really means to me. With each of their songs I heard, I go back to my memory of when I first really listened to each song. Its one of my favorite emotions, remembering those situations. It is one of the most peaceful feelings I have ever felt, and aI love it. I frst really listened to Crash when I was camping at Vallecitos, the most beautiful lake. Everytime I heara song off that album, I immediately see gigantic pine trees peacefullyl flowing in the wind. I love it.

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