Thursday, October 19, 2006


Well hi! I don't really know why I don't blog anymore. I think its because I feel like my writing skills are a lot worse than they used to be in high school, and I don't want people to know I'm stupid. Although I apparently don't really care, since I just said it.

I'm getting old -- I get heartburn. At least that's what I think the pain in my chest is. It makes me feel like I'm gonna have a little upchuck. Maybe I'll nipple on a Tums. Don't things like Chili dogs give you heartburn? I ate Vegetable Beef and gingerbread from Souper Salad, and the DELICIOUS honey mustard kettle chips that I am "naturally addicted" to (that's what it says on the bag). Do those things give you heartburn? I bet its just my old age. I'm not even a teenager anymore. It a really weird thought at first, when it all went down in May. But now...I feel appropriate. Teenagers are dumb. And I ... "I am a responsible, confident, beautiful business woman." That comes directly to you, courtesy of Ugly Betty. Its an alright show.

I really like it when I get stuck on listening to the same cd over and over. And then when I listen to that cd later on in life, it reminds me of things that were going on when I was obsessed with it. Like Jimmy Eat World. They remind me of driving around Santa Fe with Irena the summer after we graduated. They remind of really fun times with friends. And Dave's solo album "Some Devil" reminds me of winter and snow, because it came out around then, so when I was always listening to it it was snowy and cold and wonderful. Jack Johnson is definitely my summer music. More specifically my drive-around-Santa-Fe-with-my-windows-down-during-the-summer music. John Mayer is usually colder weather music. He's good fall and winter music. I'm pretty sure Teitur will always remind me of fall. "Poetry and Aeroplanes," his 1st (?) cd, makes me think of fun times back in the DeVargas dorm with Becca. During Fall, of course. I remember we listened to "Josephine" (a song on that cd) over and over for a couple days. And now I've been listening to his next cd, "Stay Under The Stars" for a good solid week. I've had it for a while, wasn't digging it all that much, but now I'm listening more closely, and I love it. I just don't like his cover of Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire." Its slow, kinda morbid and cold. Too weird for me, coming from Teitur.

But man, I love fall. Its getting cold! Its already snowing in Ft. Collin's, CO, which is where Kat's living these days. Yes yes, she's left us all. I demand she returns immediately. I can't not be around her, its killing me! I can't wait to see her next weekend. Except I'm kinda stressed about it, since I don't have money. I can't afford the trip. As of now it looks like its just Paula, Uri, and I going (Brian and Alex pussed out of course). I'll just have to borrow money, and definitely pay it back ASAP. I've been job hunting like crazy, but its just not happening as easily as it usually does. Its really frustrating.

I think the Tums helped my heartburn. They aren't kidding when they say fast acting! Way to go, Tums. We should hang out more often.

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