Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chain Reaction

So Caicos and I are living with at my parents' house, and she's having to deal with April (the dog) and Boots (the cat). Caicos is afraid of both of them. April is also afraid of Caicos, and Boots hates Caicos. He always mounts her and bites her neck to show he's the dominant cat, poor Caicos :(

There's this one crazy thing that has happened about five times now: All three are relaxing, just lying around. Maybe just standing around in the kitchen. April for some reason will either get startled or jump up quickly if she hears something. She's all weird about the tile and wood flooring in the house and isn't comfortable moving around on it, so she's all shaky. A couple times, she'll be standing behind my mom in the kitchen, waiting for some snackies, and my mom won't know she's right behind her. So my mom will step back and kinda kick April, which scares the shit out of her, and the slips and makes all kinds of noise. Weirdo. Caicos, in turn, gets startled, runs a little, then comes back and tries to attack April! Her back and tail fluff up, and she hisses and bats at her! She can't hurt April because she doesn't have front claws, but April is still scared and tries to walk away (she can't run...tile floor!). Boots, in turn (and maybe in trying to protect April?), will go after Caicos! And Boots CAN hurt Caicos. He has claws and one canine tooth. So on one occasion my mom was trying to keep Caicos from April and I'm trying to keep Boots from Caicos and poor April is just cowering like a wimp, looking at us like "heeelllllpppp meeeee!" Hahaha it's such a weird chain reaction. Crazy animals.




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