Friday, September 30, 2005


I'm way tired. I keep going to sleep way too late. Last night I would have gone to bed at like 1am had shit not happened. And now I'm sitting in the SRC lab, alone and a little scared, instead of being in bed.

Relationshiply, things could be better. But we're working through. As of this moment I am happy.

On that note, a week ago was our anniversary. I meant to post something nice and romantic about it, but never had the time. I have a couple people to thank: Becca's parents for making her and her birthday, Dylan for being in Phi Delt, and John Mayer for being on the mix cd I made for Becca. Oh, and the shy guy who sarcastically said "oh, John Mayer, now I can stay at this party." Honestly, my first reaction was "ugh, what a stuck up ass. I should pick an argument over this." good thing I like to argue about music. and also a good thing I get leany when I drink.

I woke up with a card...a fraternity business-type card, which was my back pocket. On the back of it was sribbled "Matt 280-****" Hmmm.. I remember this happening! I was way excited. but my hangover kept me from jumping around.

everyone told me to use the 3 day someone after three days. before that you seem desperate and clingy and crazy. after that you seem uninterested. well, my brain couldn't take it, and it didn't want to push an anurism (sp?), so I caved in after 2 days. it was scary, i was nervous. i was planning on acting calm, "hi, is matt there? hi matt, this is katie, we met at becca's birthday party." instead it came out "HI!!!!!" "....hi....." "ITS KATIE!!" ".....oh, hey" "we met a becca's birthday party and you gave me your number!!"

its a miracle he didn't hang up right then and think "wow...she was a lot calmer when she was wasted." but instead he hung in there. probably took a couple breaths as to not make me cry. and we made small talk.

the next day i got a text asking to hang out between classes. we met at the benchy things in the middle of the mitchel hall/ortega/duckpond area. i sat for a while, thinking he wasn't coming. then i saw him...i did the looking away thing...where you pretend not to watch them walk to you from a long distance away. he was with 2 guys. great...he brought his friends. now i'm intimidated. but then they give him a pat on the back and took a different path. i thought i might throw up my heart.

we sat, talked for a while. he didn't look at me much...spoke to me, but not AT me. it was weird. weird that he was so shy...and nervous? he was a senior. a cool frat dude that i picked up with my hot looks and leany ways. stuff like this doesn't happen to me. it was great!

i faked school spirit and went to red rally. grabbed his hang while walking through a crowd. was talked into going down to cruces for the game, and shared a bed w/him in a hotel with 7 other people. and along with kat almost teared apart the entire greek system at unm, or so we've been told.

and i couldn't have been happier!

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