Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Oh yeah. I met the John Butler Trio again, which was cool. I forgot cuz thats when I was still wasted. What was Matt doing letting me run around all drunken, by myself, in a big steep venue? I could have died! Thanks Matt.

But yeah, I went back to the merch booth after we sat down to buy Kat's shirt that I forgot the first time I was in line, and then I got in the line to meet JB3. John Butler had his little baby girl, named Banjo, in his lap, and she even signed my ticket. How cute. I then told one of his band-guys that I saw them 4 years ago and had really been wanting to see them ever since, and he said, "Uh...we've only been with John for 2 years." I told him it was great to see them for the first time. Isn't it weird that John Butler can kick out 2/3 of the "trio," find 2 more dudes...and call it the same band? There's only three of them...I found that weird. Its also like how Billy Corgan is getting all new band members, yet "reforming" the Smashing Pumpkins. They will not be the Smashing Pumpkins...they'll just be another Zwan.

And yes...Matt ate all the cheese. He went to get food and I wanted nachos, so he came back with a hot dog and cheese. And then when I went to chill with JB3, he ate the cheese! The only part I actually wanted!! I scarfed down the hot dog and then felt like throwing up. It was great.
Maybe I'll get to eat some cheese at the JM3 (not to be confused with JB3) show.

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