Thursday, September 23, 2004

Be Calm, Be Brave, It'll Be OK

Things that bother me about Albuquerque:

1. Not as liberal as Santa Fe. Of course, this would be hard to do in the first place. But I drive around and see the Dubya stickers everywhere, and not one "No War!" sticker, except for my own. Far too many republicans here. Even though I was told its actually pretty evenly divided. I'm just used to SF, where everyone and their mom is either democratic, a hippy, or a lesbian. And I miss that.

2. The curbs here are too high up! Everytime I park on the street, my door always scratches against the curb. Why must they make them so high up? I see no reason except to hurt my car!

That is all for now. I'll think of more.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Title Hasn't Been Working

So blogger hates me. It really does! After I post this, it will take a couple days to actually post. It says its published, but I go to check the actual page, and the new post isn't there. Kristin! Why is it doing this??

Apart from that...I'm never drinking again.

Atleast not till next weekend.

And I'm definitely drinking next weekend.

Last night was Becca's bday. Little youngin' just turned 18. Yay for her. Fun for everyone. She had a party at her place. At first no one was showing up, and then the frat guys came, yay! Those guys are fun. Dirty, Matt, Joey, Dukeheart (sp?), and a couple other that I don't know their names. And I've always thought Matt was cute, so I'm glad he came. And at the end of the night, he handed me his number! That has never actually happened to me before. Being given a number. I think all things are prettier when italicized! So I'm unsure as to go about calling him...after all I was quite drunk last night, and I have my doubts about whether or not he even knows my name. I'll definitely call him and re-invite him to my upcoming weekend party...but I'm not sure what to do otherwise. Well, I know what to do, I'm just too chicken-shit to do it. How come I can always give the advice but never follow it?

I hate homework.

But I love Sugarcult!

And Dean Martin.

My dad bought me a $7 Best of Dean Martin cd at Target Friday night, after he made fun of me for wanting it. There's nothing wrong with liking old music. My mom hates it because its what her parents used to listen to. But I love it. I need Frank Sinatra too.

I need a shower. Very very badly.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Ten Commandments of College

Student was searching for divine inspiration. Student walked high on the mountain of knowledge and came across God. Student asked God how to live life as a college kid should. And God said unto him, follow these Ten Commandments and you shall be all a college kid is. And Student thanked God and it was good. And Student spread the Ten Commandments of College to all.

I- Thou Shalt NapAnd God gave unto Student a great gift, the gift of napping. God said to him, You shall spend half your day napping. You shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. And God said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. And Student said, Nap I shall, and it was good.

II- Thou Shalt Get Sick All the TimeNow God said to Student, you must be sick all of the time. And student said why. And God said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and make out with people you don’t know. Therefore, God said, you shall be sick all year round. But God said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. And it was good.

III- Thou Shalt Write Witty Away MessagesStudent asked, but God, how will I show everyone that I am funny? And God said unto him, thou shall write witty away messages. God said to student, you shall never just say you are in the shower, you shall say you are getting wet and wild…in the shower. You shall never say you are at class, you shall say you are sleeping…in class. God said, if you do not write witty away messages, I shall smite you. Blessed are the funny, for they will get many girls to be their friends but never hook up with them. And it was good.

IV- Thou Shalt Wear a HoodieAnd then Student asked God, God how do I look like a college kid. And God said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. And you shall never wash it either. Student asked God what kind of Hoodie should it be and God said, you shall own one with your school’s logo on it and you shall own many others of varying colors and creeds. And Student was pleased and God was pleased.

V- Thou Shalt Shit a LotAnd Student asked of his bathroom habit and God told him, Student, you shall eat in the Cafeteria and you shall shit a lot. And it will not be good shit, it will be the shit of the devil for your ass shall burn for hours. Your school shall put laxatives in their food and you shall feel their pain. And Student began to weep, and God said unto him, Student, fear not the shit, for all your fellow students will be experiencing the same. And Student dried his eyes and thanked God and God told him to use wet naps to ease the pain.

VI- Thou Shalt Eat EasyMacStudent asked unto God if there was any alternatives to the cafeteria, and God said to him, you shall eat a lot of EasyMac. It is easy to make and you don’t need milk or a stove. And student said microwaves were forbidden by the RA. And God said to him, you shall hide the microwave under your bed with a towel on top. And Student asked, what if it is discovered. And God told him to stop being such a pussy, and it was good.

VII- Thou Shalt Hook UpStudent then asked of sex. And God said, Student, you shall hook up and be happy. You shall go home with random people every weekend and forget about them the next day. You shall see them at class and be awkward amongst their company. You shall exchange saliva at bars and parties and it will be good. And Student became gleeful and God told Student to wrap it up because He knows where she has been, but Student does not.

VIII- Thou Shalt Join a Club and Never Go to MeetingsStudent inquired of his spare time and God reminded him that he should be napping. But Student said he wanted to do other things. So God said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. And Student asked why he should not go to meetings, and God told him, because the glee club is gay. And Student understood His wisdom.

IX- Thou Shalt Wake Up ConfusedGod said to Student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. You will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. You will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in Sharpie. And Student was disturbed by this, but God said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends someday. And Student understood and God took a sip of a beer. And God gave Student the final Commandment

X- Thou Shalt Gain WeightAnd Student wished to hear the final commandment and God said he would not like it. But Student insisted, so God said unto him, you shall gain weight. However, God said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear sweat pants a lot. God said, Student, you will watch a lot of TV and become fat to which Student wept profusely. But God comforted Student saying, you will still get ass even if you cannot tie your shoes anymore. Student felt better and God pointed to Student’s chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits. And it was good.

This is the word of God, follow the Ten Commandments of College or you will be smote!

and I'm sick.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

If You Wanna Be Free Take A Sip Of This Tea

So I think it has become evident that everyone is having a hard time just like I am. I'm really glad Doug Rob called me to make me feel better.

I hate crying. I did alot of that today, so now I have cry-face. I hate cry-face.

Doug is right. I really need to get out and do stuff. Join a club or even a study group. Today I ditched 2 out of my 3 classes, and had planned on doing alot of homework. I did one journal entry. I was also planning on going grocerie shopping, and instead of that I just ate alot of our food. And instead of going to my "spiritual advisor" dude, I cancelled, claiming I was "up to my ears on homework." When I was really just playing games on So now I'm going tomorrow at 1. After my only class ends at 11 Becca and I are gonna hang out, which I'm looking forward to since I haven't seen her in like a week. I haven't been hanging around campus like I did the first week. I've wanted to be home, but now I hate being here. I really want to be at home-home. In Santa Fe. But its not home-home anymore. Everyone is gone. My room is empty. I'm just thankful my family is still there. I'll see them Thursday at Zozobra I guess. That should be fun. Hell, I even miss St Mikes (but don't tell anyone). I miss Ms Chitwood and Mr White. Thor can still die though.

I'll be ok. I just don't adjust easily.
Its 9:39am, I have to leave for class in 21 minutes, and I just now noticed that I haven't even put on my makeup...even though I thought I was ready for school. And I just decided I'm not gonna wear any today, since I have already completed my get-ready-for-school process.

Kat and I went to Denver this weekend! Brian had to work, bummer. We went to see Guster, an awesome band that I saw with John Mayer 2 years ago in Santa Fe. The drummer plays with his hands! They are very happy music. Kat absolutely loved the concert, which I'm glad about. I forgot how energetic their shows are. I love them even more now.

So we actually thought that Howie Day was gonna be playing too, but I really just made that up in my brain for some reason. Kat and I were standing in line for the show, waiting for the gates to open, and all the sudden it all clicked. On Howie's tour card, this show wasn't on there. And he wasn't listed on the Guster tour printout I had, even though he was on there for all the shows before that. And no one knew he was playing. Weird. Mabye thats because I assumed he was playing with Guster since Guster had joined the Howie Day-Matt Nathanson-OAR tour for a couple weeks. Turns out the show we went to was the first without the rest of those acts. Thats really ok though, because that left Guster to play for about an hour and a half. I just felt like an idiot, but thats cool. I bought a Guster (or as Kat likes to call them, "Gunther") shirt with a llama on it! Its so cool. And its green! And its a llama!

The point is, we had a great time. On the way up to Denver, we played some car games with 2 17y/o boys, and had lunch with them in Pueblo. It was quite the adventure.

I'm still looking for a part time job since I'm getting pretty close to broke. Hopefully KivaJuice will call soon. Or I'll have to resort to Bob's Burgers.