Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Its 9:39am, I have to leave for class in 21 minutes, and I just now noticed that I haven't even put on my makeup...even though I thought I was ready for school. And I just decided I'm not gonna wear any today, since I have already completed my get-ready-for-school process.

Kat and I went to Denver this weekend! Brian had to work, bummer. We went to see Guster, an awesome band that I saw with John Mayer 2 years ago in Santa Fe. The drummer plays with his hands! They are very happy music. Kat absolutely loved the concert, which I'm glad about. I forgot how energetic their shows are. I love them even more now.

So we actually thought that Howie Day was gonna be playing too, but I really just made that up in my brain for some reason. Kat and I were standing in line for the show, waiting for the gates to open, and all the sudden it all clicked. On Howie's tour card, this show wasn't on there. And he wasn't listed on the Guster tour printout I had, even though he was on there for all the shows before that. And no one knew he was playing. Weird. Mabye thats because I assumed he was playing with Guster since Guster had joined the Howie Day-Matt Nathanson-OAR tour for a couple weeks. Turns out the show we went to was the first without the rest of those acts. Thats really ok though, because that left Guster to play for about an hour and a half. I just felt like an idiot, but thats cool. I bought a Guster (or as Kat likes to call them, "Gunther") shirt with a llama on it! Its so cool. And its green! And its a llama!

The point is, we had a great time. On the way up to Denver, we played some car games with 2 17y/o boys, and had lunch with them in Pueblo. It was quite the adventure.

I'm still looking for a part time job since I'm getting pretty close to broke. Hopefully KivaJuice will call soon. Or I'll have to resort to Bob's Burgers.

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