Saturday, November 13, 2004


I guess its about time to post again.

I've been working when I'm not at school and at school when I'm not at work. It was a busy week. I almost, ALMOST went to all of my classes. If I hadn't had to work at 3:30 on thursday I would have gone to Astro, but that class ends at 3:15, and there's no way I could make it across the city in 15 minutes.

Thats another reason why I don't like Albuquerque. Its just too big. I think I'd like to stick with Santa Fe-sized cities. Santa Fe is so personal, and I know every little corner of that city. Albuquerque....its ugly to start with. Its just not a pretty place. Except for a couple parts. I drove down Rio Grande Blvd on my way home, it was really pretty. Tons of cute ranches with horses and big big trees. And I have to remember to tell Jacinda I saw a Dietz Road and a Dietz Ranch. Its her last name, and its not too common, so I thought that was cool. And I heard Changes by David Bowie on the radio (radio free Santa Fe, actually) when I was driving through there. I love that song! I just downloaded it! For free! I downloaded Goodbye Yellowbrick Road by Elton John last week. Sweet!

So yeah, I don't like Albuquerque. But actual school is ok. I like the campus. It has a lot of huge trees and I love huge trees.

And of course I've been spending alot of time with Matt. Unfortunately we both are busy alot, with work and school, so we usually only see eachother at night. But weekends are usually better. I only worked till 5 last night so we all got to party together. Kat, Matt, Becca, Dylan, and the like. It was a total sausagefest. Hanging out at Phi Delt rocks. And I love playing DDR now. Weird. And I love hanging out with Matt. Especially when we study. :)

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