Sunday, November 21, 2004


I met Matt's family last night. And he didn't warn me that I was going to. Bastard. It turned out fine though. His 5 year old sister, Amy, who is adorable, took a liking to me. She's the one that seemed the most intersted, anyway. He says they liked me, but his parents didn't really talk to me. That's ok. The banquet had killer mashed potatoes. *Sidenote: I'm starving, and just decided I'm gonna make mashed potatoes out of the potatoes that have been sitting in my fridge since I moved in. This is gonna rock.* But I had fun last night. Amy invited me to go play horses with her in her room sometime, which I look forward to.

I'm considering quitting Keva Juice before winter break. If I work there over break, I will be driving between Alb and Santa so much that I won't even be making any money. Plus, Souper Salad is hiring, which has been my favorite job so far. I could work there during break. But then I'd have to find another job when I get back. Its something to consider.

Drunken Exorcist night with Brian and Matt was fun. The Admiral kicked mine and Brian's asses the next day though. I left Keva Juice after an hour. I didn't want to barf on the customers, and the wheat grass was making that difficult to control. I never threw up, but I did sleep for 3 hours. And then Kat and I went to Becca's dancy thing, which was awesome. She's getting really good. And it turns out I might have been re-introduced to my first friend ever: Reesa (sp?). She was my friend when I was like 3. Her mom and my mom were friends. And she's in dance with Becca. It'd be cool if its her. Can't wait to find out.

Gotta go buy milk for mashed potatoes. Woohoo! I love mashed potatoes!!

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