Thursday, March 03, 2005


I miss Matt. I've slept alone for 4 nights in a row, which is forever consdering I hadn't gone one night alone in more than a month. I got to see him Sunday night and again on Tuesday, which was nice, but rushed, but I understand that he's busy there.

Luckily Cooper keeps me entertained. He's such a screwball. He constantly meows, but is really smart and finally used the litterbox. He seeked his revenge on Josh by peeing on this stuff, including his computer. Josh chased him with the broom the other morning when he wouldn't stop meowing.

I think I may have lost the faceplate to my stereo, AGAIN. Lets revew the exciting history of my car stereos. I had my entire stereo stolen once. All the other times were my fault. One faceplate broke when it fell out of my purse when I went on the hammers at the county fair. I lost it the day of the DMB concert in '04. I think I broke or lost another faceplate another time. And now it is possible that I have lost this one. I love being retarded.

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