Saturday, March 26, 2005


Sorry its been so long, I actually hadn't checked my email til this morning. This week was unusually stressful and busy for me. I procrastinated Hmark working till Wed Thurs and Fri, and had to work a shitload on Fri, a shitload being 4.5 hours. Its not much compared to an average work shift, but its hell when you're in Wally World, stuck with hundreds of idiots looking for easter baskets celo wrap. Who actually WRAPS baskets in clear plastic? My parents....I mean....the Easter Bunny, certainly never did.

Jon Heder/Napoleon Dynamite came to the SUB on Wednesday, it was SWEET. It didn't seem like he knew why he was here....he talked about himself for like...20 minutes, then did a Q&A session (he made sure to tell us Q&A stood for Question & Answer). Some kids asked absolute crap, others did cool stuff like bring him tots and ask him to dance. Turns out the dance in the film was improv, wasn't coreographed (sp?) at all. And it also turns out Uncle Rico is a vegetarian. Getting hit in the face with a steak hurt. Falling off the fence hurt. Tina the lama belongs to the director's family.

Tuesday the 22nd was Matt and I's 6 month anniversary. Thats half of a year. Thats crazy. We went to lunch with Becca and almost Kassi. It was the most I've seen of him on a weekday like...ever. It was really nice. He got me flowers! No one has ever gotten me flowers, it was very very sweet. I also got a certificate for a chair massage, ooooh, and a really sweet card. I got him toilet paper and Peeps, which he enjoyed putting in the microwave, which was awesome. And I got him a Hmark card, cuz he only deserves the very best. That was his actual hair in the movie, they had to perm it twice, and it stung. The steak was microwaved and the tots were cold. Among other things. It was cool, there was a sweet NP lookalike contest, the kid who one did a very very good job.

And its time to go to my grandma's to eat BURGERS!!

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