Monday, December 20, 2004

E, I <3 SF

I'm home! I love it here and I missed all my friends so much. Irena got back today, had a party for Kat's bday on Friday, Paula's back for good, yay! Kat's party was the most successful party at Kassi's dad's house that has ever gone down. It was soooo fun. And I got to that perfectly pleasantly drunken state. With very little hangover. Awesome.

But because of all this, I am seeing way less of Mateo. Haven't seen him since early Saturday morning. Seems like he and some buddies will come up tuesday for Irena's party, and I'll go down to Alb for our 3-month anniversary on Wednesday. And we're gonna go to that light thing at the bio park! Yay! I really miss seeing him everyday. I find myself talking about him alot. Sidenote: my manager at Souper Salad thought he was younger than me.

And yeah I started at SS again today!! I was really nervous cuz I was starting as a server, not the cashier, and its way more stressful, but I got 35 in tips. And it wasn't too bad. I think I did well. I go in again en la manana at 930, til 3. And then I get to be cashier again until like Friday. I like cashier alot more. Even if it doesn't pay as much.

And my ear is bleeding....

Thursday, December 16, 2004


You know how Brian is always bitching about running to everyone in Santa Fe? I had a night like that. My dad had a fucking class reunion in the check-out line at Albertson's. He saw 3 guys he graduated with. It was weird. Then we went to the mall where we saw Ms. Larson (ahh!), then the Zold's, and then mid-Zold's we saw Mr. ARRRRmijo (why is it I ran into the only 2 teachers who hate me?), and then Marcos, Sammy, and Linda Y. And then Lynette at Best Buy (not too shocking...she works there.) It was weird. All of this happened in the span of less than an hour.

But I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. Just need Paula now! I'll take care of that tomorrow I suppose. Not sure what to get her just yet. Something that has to do with sex I'm sure.

Matt and I made up and I'm really glad. That was the worst 24 hours of my life (or alteast of my....2nd half of the year.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Oh my god. I HATE crying. I try to avoid it as much humanly possible, but sometimes when you repress it it just builds up and kicks your ass. For four hours. And then you don't sleep. And then you look like all hell the next morning. I don't even know how much sleep I got, couldn't have been more than a couple hours. And my eyes are killing me. They are bloodshot and swollen. Good thing I'm only taking my last final today. Maybe shopping with Kat will make it better. I haven't really been hanging out with her much, and she really helped me out last night when I needed it. Sometimes I just get friend-overload, but she was still there for me. I love you Kat. And Paula was there for some pre-help too, even though she had problems of her own to deal with, and I hadn't talked to her for like a week. I'm really glad she's coming to UNM, I've really missed her and how close we used to be.

I suppose I'm ready for my astronomy final. I didn't do the homework questions, but I memorized all the webct questions and the in-class questions. But I also did that last time and I still don't know how well I did. Oh well. I really don't care. My main concern is getting those awesome vitamins from my pregnant friend in that class. It'll keep me from being so sickly.

And now I'm dreading winter break. I didn't realize how difficult this could be. But I've juggled things before, and now I just have another person to factor in, and thats probably the most important person. I just miss my friends alot. I haven't seen them in months, and its been weird, since I never used to go a day without them. I look forward to that. And I'm really nervous about Souper Salad since the managers are on vacation and some stupid general manager who doesn't know what their doing is there for them, so I'm afraid to go in and see if I'm even scheduled yet. They were supposed to call me before they went on vacation. Damnit.

I need coffee.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Ugh. Finals. Its really not that bad, I just never study, so when I even study a little, its like the world is coming to an end. I have to add 5 pages to one essay and edit two others for my english portfolio. Not sure if I did really good or really bad on my math final. It was hard to tell. I was concentrating on drinking my tea, not sequences.

I reacted suprisingly bad to the news that Matt's mom didn't like me for a little bit. It upset me alot, and I'm not quite sure why. Prolly cuz I'm used to being the one that parents like. I remember the time Mark Bustamante told me his parents did like me....I felt horrible. Well, they had legitimate reasons (I kept him at my house 5 hours past his curfew, completely against his will). I just have always been liked by most parents, atleast as far as I know. And I didn't think not eating the food at Matt's grandparents' last night would be such a big deal. And I'm shy when I'm surrounded by people I don't know. Amy was the only one who made it a point to talkto me, and she's four. It was weird, and I feel really bad about it. I've been invited to go see Amy's dance recital next week, so I'll have to redeem myself then. I really don't care what most people think of me...but some people it matters. Like parents. If parents don't like you, they tell other parents, and then the other parents don't like you, and so on. Plus I don't want to do anything that would sabatage my relationship with Matt. Because although he makes my life busier, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. I've never been in love until now, and I never want to let it go. I feel like a complete idiot most of the time, like when I fill the house with smoke because I can't build a fire, or I think my math exam is at 10am when its really at 12:30, or I forget about the important dinner he told me about weeks in advance and I didn't get off work for that night. Even though I'm a complete airhead like this, he still loves me. I feel So Damn Lucky.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


So most of you have probably read Brian's blog by now and know how awesome Friday night was. So we got into the club with the help of Brian's parents, who left less than half an hour after we were in. Many many many thanks to Brian's parents. They made that night one of the funnest I have ever had. So Howie, of course, was really really fucking awesome. I took a 2.5 minute recording of SHE SAYS on my camera....I had a musical orgasm during that song. I involuntarily jumped up and down like a little girl when he said "This next song is called She Says." It was a little embarressing. But I love that song. Its the first one of his I ever heard, and its still my absolute favorite. And Alex Band of The Calling totally had the rocker bulge, and I got a nice close up picture of it. After the show, Kat and I got our picture with "Chops," the really cool guitarist of The Calling who looks like a much hotter version of Carrot Top. And hell, since we were in a bar......why the hell not? I spent $64 on my debit card at the bar (although I payed for Kat and Brian too) (YOU BOTH OWE ME $20!!!) And since none of us had eaten anything significant all day, we got very trashed very quickly. Kat shook her stuff on stage and got with Ryan from the Peak, who's an awesome guy, and was also trashed since he was celebrating his birthday which was Sunday. And all of the sudden we were the ONLY white people in that whole bar, and I'm not even exaggerating. It was so wierd. This one guy was looking at the "moose on my shirt" aka boobs and tried to kiss me and it was scary and I missed Matt. And of course my eye fruck out, but not as badly as usual, so Kat and Brian dumped me in my car and went to sober up, then dumped me in Brian's room while they went to Frontier and brought back Kieran and Katen (Kayton? Keaten?) who drove our drunken asses to my house, where I abruply passed out in my bed.

I wanted to leave by 9:30 to Santa to make empanaditas with my aunts, but we didn't leave till 2 since I really thought death was coming for me. Kat and Brian, of course, felt just great. I got their share of hangovers.

Then I got to pick up Matt Sunday night, and I was very happy to see him. And Mabel, this girl I was in 6th grade with, was in the same little group thingy as him, which was crazy. But I'm so happy Matt is back. I really missed him. I had to stay alone in my creepy house for 5 nights. But I blame him for my sore throat now, since he's always sickly.

And tonite my mommy daddy and Lorn brought me some firewood and xmas lights, and we went to Dion's, and to the mall. It was fun. Yay.

Its cold in my house. The fire burnt out.

Friday, December 03, 2004


So last night, Howie news went from really really fucking awesome, to not so good, to not good at all. I got an email from Elana, the merch queen, saying she needed two people to help at the booth. Awesome. I emailed her back right away saying Brian and I would help out. She emails back in five minutes. They already had someone. Oh well. I think we can still get in. I call Ned's to check on the 21 rule again. This time the chick says there is no way anyone under 21 is getting in. Yet the dude a couple nights ago said it was fine since they would still be serving dinner, we could sit at the tables. What the hell. So looks like my chances with Howie tonite are pretty slim. I'll still try. But is it really bad that I'm not even too sad about the whole situation? I guess I'm not so attached to Howie now cuz he's getting popular, or atleast Collide is. I don't want to share him. I have loved Howie since like....'01. He was mine all mine all mine. I was willing to share him with Brian, and that was pushing it. And now everyone and their mom is going around humming "The dawn is breaking, a light shining through..." (and yes, my mom loves Collide. Along with both of my sisters. Its the #1 requested song in many cities right now.) But oh well. All good things must come to an end sometime.

But some good news - "I like guys too." -John Mayer