Monday, February 28, 2005


Don't you hate it when you forget (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not) that you have important stuff to do? Well I am still in the process of procrastinating homework since I didn't get home to Alb until 1130 last night, and since Josh got a cat we stayed up till 130 playing with it. I have a soc test. I guess I'll just read over the notes. My honors group is meeting at 530, I haven't done any of my research. But I will do it between english and pilates, since I have an hour to waste. And I honestly forgot about that. I just don't care about soc. I'll care later I guess.

Our cat is named Cooper and he is white with orange on his back and he is really really friendly and loving and he purrs alot and he's really smart! He pooped in the makeshift litter box we created! I love him!

And now I have to drive across town for work. Fuck.

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