Saturday, February 26, 2005


Ahh, I love Santa Fe. I love everything about it. I love playing bingo at my grandma's house. I love napping with Boots. I love making fun of the chickens, I love the musical cars we play in the driveway. I love watching the food network. I love village inn. I love pancakes. I love how I got my stupid brother in trouble (he deserved it).

And I love how we are going to the mountains tomorrow to look at all the snow!! Meghan (sister) and her friends went sledding all over today and said the whole drive up is crazy, cuz there's just huge piles of snow on both sides of the road. She said she'd never seen so much snow here. I'm so excited! And I KNEW I should have brought pants and shoes for sledding. I just knew it!! I think I'll find something though and sled anyways, and just brave the cold. I think our plan is to go to Angelfire next weekend...if the cool sledding run there is still open. That would rock.

I love my kitties. Boots loves to hang outside with me and Rocky loves to be fat and cute and dirty and he likes to meow. Boots likes to bug mom too. April (dog) likes to lick the floor and bark at dad even when she recognizes his truck. I want to take Boots home with me. He's so lovey, even when I wake him up just to carry him around in that weird way that we like. Boots also loves it when Matt spins him, even though he'd never admit it. He does not, however, like it when Matt holds his head. Bad Matt.

Last night I saw Chloe! It was so weird! I was picking up Kat and Becca from Coronado to take them to Phi Delt and Chloe was out front with her boyfriend, who lives there, I guess! Her hair looked so pretty and I'm still not over it. She always had trouble with her hair and now its so pretty! It made me think of when we all went to Cochiti Lake at the very end of the summer, right before Harlie and Forrest left. I love those kids. And Nick too. Haha that was awesome when Tom couldn't go in the convenience store cuz he wasn't wearing a shirt, so he proceded to record his dissapointment on his camcorder.

Man I cannot wait till summer!! Kat and I went to AE and my feet got so excited when they saw the flipflops! And I tried on the cutest frilly white shirt that I can't wait to buy! And capris! I love feeling like a hillbilly wearing capris with my hightops. I can't wait to sport that when I climb trees! I'll be so buff from pilates I'll be able to scale those downtown trees in no time! And I'll be able to return to my lovely home of Super Salad! None of this Hallmark shit anymore, but back to Shawn & Angela!

Irena called me today! We talked and laughed for like an hour, it was fun! I miss her. I love reminiscing (sp???) about this summer with her. It was so fucking fun, I'm still not over it.

I want to take a road trip so bad. I don't care that its not warm yet. I'm itching to go soak myself in Pagosa Springs for a couple days. And later this summer to tube down the river. !!Oohh! And there will be alot more water in it this summer, so our butts won't hit the rocks like they always do! Score!!!

Matt is gonna be here in Santa all week, which makes me very sad because 1) Hello, I won't get to see him for a week! I'll die!! This will be the last you all see of me. Goodbye. 2) He'll be in Santa and I won't, which makes me jealous. I can't live without my Matt, I don't know what I'll do. I guess I'll just die.

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