Monday, February 21, 2005


Today I felt underappreciated and unwanted. I've always felt that people take advantage of me, but then when I try to avoid this, I seem like a bitch. I'm having a really hard time finding a point between the two. When I do favors for people or lend them money, etc., they step all over me. Take my sister, Meghan. I remember driving her places when she asked, buying her fast food, taking her friends places, and such. She was always such a bitch to me anyways. And then if I refuse to take her places, I'm a bitch. I used to tell her I'd take her if she took her trash out of my car, that didn't solve anything. She is probably the most difficult person my family and I have ever had to deal with. But I don't feel that bad today. I'm just edgy for some reason.

Maybe because this weekend was so depressingly uneventful. Saturday I didn't do a damn thing till like 9pm. I woke up at 10, which was a great start, and went to the bank. I came back home, and fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up till 3pm, and then watched tv until 9. Kat and I went to this guy Doug's party. (Humming the theme song to Doug) Doug is Kat's new guy, I really hope this one works out, cuz he seems like a very good pick. The party was weird. We played this really fun drinking game called Moose, which involves an ice cube tray. Very simple and fun. We were trying to figure out if all the kids there were in high school or college, and it really seemed like high school, but it ends up that all but one of them go to unm....weird.

I FINALLY got into the 2nd session of my pilates class. I checked itel in the library today and the class finally had an opening. I'm really glad I got into it, pilates is my only form of exercise right now, although I'm trying to convince myself to also do pilates on my own on wednesdays, it sucks that the class is only twice a week.

Having thoughts, trying to ignore them in order to avoid trouble.

Tomorrow is 5 months with Matt. Wow, it does not seem like its been that long at all! I love you, Matt!

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