Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Holy shit, I cannot believe how HORRIBLE Jeopardy was tonite!! It was even the Tournament of Champions, meaning they kicked major ass back in the 80s when they were on the show. Two of the guys won tens of thousands of dollars and are now attorneys, and the other guy one the teen championship in 2002, so he's still in college, so I accept him sucking. But the other two have no excuse. They didn't get half of the questions in the second round, so one attorney and the college kid ended the 2nd round with negative points, so they didn't even go on to final jeopardy. The other attorney got the question right though and ended up with like...$25,000 I think. It was very very disappointing. However, I did really good in the astronomy category! Go lunar eclipses!

"I wonder if the pilgrams were CLEVER enough to put peanut butter in their celery." -Kitty from That 70s Show

Today sucked. Like really really sucked. Even though I faked cheery most of the day, I was faced with the feeling of not being wanted anymore. Its really a GREAT feeling. Really. Really. Great.

On a lighter note, I saw Mona Tokmachi today! Kat and I were stuffing our faces full of delicious philly cheesesteak sandwiches from Higher Grounds at the pond, and she was walking across the bridge! I hadn't seen Mona birthday, probably! I miss her, she was always really fun. To those who don't know, Mona went to St Mike's through....sophomore year I think, and we were really close friends.

On another lighter note, Kat almost officially has a boyfriend! I'm very happy for her, and apparently Doug really likes her. She was bugging Paula and I with her lovy happiness while we were in bad moods. But good for Kat, she's been waiting for this one.

Howie and Dave (my mice) are getting really smart! Ok, Dave is actually just getting really fat, but Howie is getting smart! He is so intent on escaping the cage! He shimmies up behind the water bottle and looks around, way close to the top of the cage. If he could only cling onto the ceiling like spiderman and chew on the roof for a while, he'd be a free man. I try to tease him, by leaving the skylight open. He stretches up on the cheese wedge and really tries. He just needs to pull himself up and out of there. In the meantime, I'm teaching them both a way cool trick. I put my arms out beside my body in a straight line, and put on of them in my hand, and they run up my arm, across my shoulders, and down the other arm, into my other hand, just like in The Green Mile! Its so cool! Only they ACTUALLY sit in my hand, and I raise my hand up so they have to climb down, then they stop at the base of my arm, so I put them on my other shoulder and put my arm down, so he climbs down the other side. However, my goal is to have them do the trick quickly and on their own, the way I explained it the first time. I love my micies!

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