Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I accidentally did just that this morning, and as soon as Matt left I realized it. That's a lyric from "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson. His new cd, In Between Dreams, rocks my socks off, so everyone should check it out. Its not as good as On and On, but someone stole that, so I'm stuck with IBD and Brushfire Fairytales, since I found a burned copy of that in our cd's.

I think the first two cd's I need to buy are On and On by Jack Johnson and Comfort Eagle by Cake.

I was gonna go work at 8 this morning, be I decided not to go at all instead. Oh well.

I just saw a Subway commercial, and even though Jared lost a whole bunch of weight, he's still really freakin ugly.

Today will rock. I only have one class: Sociology from 1 to 2, then nothing else for the whole day! I think I may go to work if somewhere needs it, since I need to make up for missing so much work last week. I think Kat, Becca, Dylan, Matt, and I all need to go eat lunch afterwards, except Becca will probably be working, and Dylan will go get ready to work out, just like they always do. Oh well though.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


So finally karma is making up for last week by giving me a really good day today. I woke up this morning -- and I was actually awake. It was weird. Well, I actually couldn't go back to sleep after hitting snooze because SOMEONE was hogging the sheets. Looks like I'm not the only one who does it!

So I got ready with time to spare, which simply never happens. I got to check my email and was on time to spanish -- which also never, ever happens. Even when I go, which is usually once a week, I'm never on time! It was a miracle!

After Spanish I got my usual delicious Mango Tango Odowalla (sp?) shake and headed to music appreciation, which was awesome. We listened to weird modern music, where one dude puts shit like pie tins and nuts and bolts inside his piano and then plays the notes, but it actually just makes weird noise. Then we listened to this song called "Heartbreakers" by this dude Jacob Ter Veldhus. Kyle (Tuffli/Mediocre) would have loved it. It was electroacoustic music, meaning there was pre-recorded stuff along with a live band. The prerecorded stuff was sound clips from Jerry Springer, and the live band was a jazz band. So it was jazz along with women yelling all sorts of shit, and it was just awesome. It doesn't sound that awesome, but trust me -- it was. Kyle, find it, and download it. It is you, my friend. YOU!

After music I skipped (not really) over to the honors building where I hung out with Win, who I hadn't seen in forever. He helped me choose an honors class and it was still available! I went to the SUB and registered for it, and checked email and blogs and stuff like that.

I still had time, so I ran over to the student health center and filled out the little form thingy that says "You can't charge me for missing my appointment, because my Grandma died, so there." Thats right bitches. No charging me. Plus, my foot might be I don't need a doctor. Ha!

I was in a great mood. I went to the humanities building for my english conference with Stephanie, who actually gave me a GOOD GRADE on a paper! I got a 94 on my Dave paper! Yay! It was sweet. It was like the only research paper I have ever enjoyed writing. It was too easy. Thats what I do in my free time anyways!

Then it was on to meet my mommy for lunch! I stopped by to say hello to mi novio, who wasn't feeling so hot, so he took a bath, lit some saint candles, shaved his head, and now he's working on his mustache.

I helped my mom for a bit at Wally World since she wasn't quite done, and rewarded myself with beautiful new summer plastic dishes, which I have wanted since Christmas. I hate our boring dishes at the house, I now I have pink, purple, red, yellow, orange, blue, and green plates, bowls, and cups. SWEET!

Mommy and I went to Panda, where I tried delicious new garlic shrimp, which was delicious, and then we went to Baskin Robbins and I got Nutty Coconut ice cream, which was also delicious. As we walked out, we saw this dude was standing right behind my car, reading my bumper stickers! It was awesome! He stood there for like 2 whole minutes, basking (basking? not sure...) in its greatness, and I felt very cool.

We headed to mi casa where I gave her Meghan's jewelry her friend needed for prom, and then I watched Oprah and the Home Shopping Network. What a wonderful day!

Friday, April 22, 2005


Jesus fucking christ, this has been the hardest week ever. Had a 12 page paper due yesterday and a research paper due today, had to do both very quickly then try to deal with email and different programs to email them to my teachers, I missed most of my classes, which I hate doing, spent most of the week at home with my family...being all sad about my grandma didn't make all the schoolwork easier, and then I have to find a dress for the spring formal tomorrow, the whole "fixing" my prom dress was a disaster, so now I have to go to the mall very early tomorrow morning to find a dress for tomorrow night, which is cutting it way too close, so its probably not gonna work out. i'm too stressed out to enjoy anything right now. too. stressed. out. and i'm out of tears. i want this week to be over so so so badly. i just want to sleep for an entire week. but next week i get to work my ass off since i missed almost all of my work this week. ugh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


My grandma finally died this evening around 5, after it seemed like she was gone since Friday evening, it was a long battle. But she didn't want to treat the cancer, and she was old (86), so its not unexpected. It just worries me that maybe she did suffer. I mean, she was bleeding internally. Even if she was asleep since Friday, bleeding to death has to be painful. Only my aunt Chello was there today when she passed, and then everybody went back. I didn't go though, because seeing her dead body would stick with me and haunt me. I have never seen a dead body nor have I ever seen anyone die, and seeing someone like my grandma would freak me out too much, and I have to concentrate now that I've got all sorts of joyous shit to deal with. And this along with Janine, which happened a week ago today, just is too much. I didn't know her but it still affected me because it affected my sisters and a close friend of ours. Death sucks. My poor dad, I have never seen him like this. He misses his mommy. But atleast, according to them, she's with her husband again after over two decades. I'm worried about my dad's siblings and how they are going to get along now. I hope they'll bond back together, because I miss those times.

On a lighter note, I'm too fat for my dress. You know the dress, the black one with the white slit and the REAL DIAMONDS in a splash. Yup, I'm wearing it for the spring formal on Saturday, I really hope the funeral isn't then, because I know Matt wants me to go to this with him, especially since its his last one. As much as I hate these kinda things, I'll go for him, because I know he'd do it for me. But I'm still gonna be a pain in the ass about it, because I'm stubborn. But anyways, it won't zip all the way up. I have obviously gotten fatter in my upper back, which is just weird. But Teri Schnitger it fixing it for me, by adding more material around the top, so that I'll fit into it. I'm sure it will be a good time.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


So my grandma is dying. I got to run to Santa Fe friday afternoon and spend 5 hours there, crying with the rest of my family. I'm more sad about my family being more split apart than I am about my grandma dying. She's old, she's had cancer, she didn't want to treat it, so its her choice. She's been waiting for a really long time too. She's told people she wants to die. I'm sure she's sick of sitting in her chair watching tv all day, every day. She can't even get up anymore. Its really sad. My dad's sisters and brothers have been fighting since she got sick, fighting over who has to take care of her when and all sorts of rules and guidlines that go along with it, which is just rediculous. You should not fight over taking care of your own mother for a couple years, when she took care of you and your 9 brothers and sisters for 30 years. I'm also worried about our family gatherings. Where are we gonna have Christmas? Easter? Are we gonna make empanaditas before Christmas anymore? I hope everything still works out, and then everyone gets along now that they won't have anyone to fight over. Friday when I got to her house everyone was praying the hail mary over and over for like an hour, and it really seemed like she was about gone. Fr Jerome came and gave her the annointing of the sick, and we moved her to her bed, and she just slept, and mumbled every so often. So she kinda leveled, she was declining pretty quickly for a while. She's still with us now, but I'm back in Albuquerque. I, along with everybody else, said goodbye to her. It was nice seeing all my aunts and uncles though. I haven't seen ALL of them together in a really long time.

Meghan is having a really really hard time, with this and with a girl from St. Mike's who committed suicide Tuesday night, she's pretty overwhelmed. Its odd that she's having a much harder time than Lauren, since Lauren actually knew the girl, and Meghan just knew her sister. The girl, Janine, was my little Justine's best friend. Lauren has had a friend Jacki since kindergarten, and Jacki's sister is Justine. So we've known Jacki and Justine for a very long time, they are both very sweet little girls. Jacki is in 8th grade and Justine is a freshman, which Janine was also. So Janine was always over and Jacki and Justine's house, and since Lauren was there alot too, she got to know Janine pretty well. Anyways, the whole school, according to Meghan and Lauren, is in a daze, and everyone spends alot of time in the chapel crying and singing. Its very very sad, and with my grandma on top of this, the girls are having a pretty hard time.

Also, I got my Mateo sick, which I feel really bad about. But I'll take care of him just like he took care of me, and I'll probably get sick again, but it will be ok, cuz I'm still kinda sick. I still have a nice gunky cough.

School's coming to an end, most of my classes are done in 3 weeks, my music app class is done in 4. I plan on taking a week off before returning to Souper Salad and going camping, probably at Elephant Butte, since Vallecitos will be too cold still, according to my mom. I'm trying to get Daniel to come, so we can take the boat, cuz there's no way my dad will let me take the boat alone. But he'll let Daniel. It would be really fun if me, Matt, Kat, Paula, Kyle, Becca, and Dylan and then all of Daniel's friends would all go for 3 or 4 nights. It would be so so fun. I love camping!!! I really want it to happen. So everyone plan on doing that. Ok.

Monday, April 11, 2005


Had a really fun party Saturday night for Willly Mike (David Hampton)'s birthday. It was sweet, everybody behaved, and I had an awesome time till the very end. Party ended on a bad note, but its all understood and forgiven, and I've moved on. Thats why I don't hold grudges. It doesn't accomplish anything!

I have sweet videos and pictures from the night too. I love my camera.

I never go to work on Monday mornings. I just can't bring myself to. Cuddling in a warm bed is just so much better than making money. I have no motivation for work or school right now, the weather is way too nice outside.

It was rainy and cold and windy yesterday, so I'm glad I slept until 2pm and then laid around all day, watched Where The Red Fern Grows (with Dave!) with Kat and Josh, then Kat and I went to Flying Star and didn't study with Becca and Dylan. I got chicken and shrimp gumbo and it was SOOOOOO (with 6 O's) good!!! I like gumbo now. Bubbagump shrimp.

And today its nice and pretty and sunny! Yay!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Haven't posted in quite some time, alot has happened, but I can't remember any of it right now...

I've gotten over my illness, which was just a cold. And Kat took out my stitches, and then I was worried that the whole hole split back open (it was on my elbow, which...bends alot), but the doc said it would be fine.

I went to Santa for the weekend, which was nice. Lorn, my dad, and I went out to Diablo and checked out the rio, which was running full. I also helped Lorn with her softball tournament, I ran the crappy scoreboard.

The weather is SOOOOOOO (with 7 O's) nice! It was too fucking windy these past couple days, but it was very very nice today. Fortunately I wore really really uncomfortable flip flops today and now I have blisters on my feet.

Mateo is in Clovis to talk to kids about...Enlace maybe? I don't know I never pay attention to anything really....and then I forget everything anyways. Especially when its comes to Matt's millions of jobs. He'll be back late late tonite. My poor Mateo.

Cooper is being really sweet these past couple of days, I think its cuz I let him sleep with me in the mornings now. He's all cudly and I spoon with him.

Josh bought a parakeet named Fiji last week. He's way cute. He's got a bluegreen body with bluegreen and grey wings, and a yellow head. He's cute and messy and he sings.

Once I completely defeat my cold (my throat is still all shitty) I will jog 2/3 times a week and play tennis with Kat, on top of pilates. I have to work alot this week since I missed 6 hours last week, and I usually only work up to 10 hours a week. It sucks, I hate Walmart!!