Friday, April 22, 2005


Jesus fucking christ, this has been the hardest week ever. Had a 12 page paper due yesterday and a research paper due today, had to do both very quickly then try to deal with email and different programs to email them to my teachers, I missed most of my classes, which I hate doing, spent most of the week at home with my family...being all sad about my grandma didn't make all the schoolwork easier, and then I have to find a dress for the spring formal tomorrow, the whole "fixing" my prom dress was a disaster, so now I have to go to the mall very early tomorrow morning to find a dress for tomorrow night, which is cutting it way too close, so its probably not gonna work out. i'm too stressed out to enjoy anything right now. too. stressed. out. and i'm out of tears. i want this week to be over so so so badly. i just want to sleep for an entire week. but next week i get to work my ass off since i missed almost all of my work this week. ugh.

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