Tuesday, April 26, 2005


So finally karma is making up for last week by giving me a really good day today. I woke up this morning -- and I was actually awake. It was weird. Well, I actually couldn't go back to sleep after hitting snooze because SOMEONE was hogging the sheets. Looks like I'm not the only one who does it!

So I got ready with time to spare, which simply never happens. I got to check my email and was on time to spanish -- which also never, ever happens. Even when I go, which is usually once a week, I'm never on time! It was a miracle!

After Spanish I got my usual delicious Mango Tango Odowalla (sp?) shake and headed to music appreciation, which was awesome. We listened to weird modern music, where one dude puts shit like pie tins and nuts and bolts inside his piano and then plays the notes, but it actually just makes weird noise. Then we listened to this song called "Heartbreakers" by this dude Jacob Ter Veldhus. Kyle (Tuffli/Mediocre) would have loved it. It was electroacoustic music, meaning there was pre-recorded stuff along with a live band. The prerecorded stuff was sound clips from Jerry Springer, and the live band was a jazz band. So it was jazz along with women yelling all sorts of shit, and it was just awesome. It doesn't sound that awesome, but trust me -- it was. Kyle, find it, and download it. It is you, my friend. YOU!

After music I skipped (not really) over to the honors building where I hung out with Win, who I hadn't seen in forever. He helped me choose an honors class and it was still available! I went to the SUB and registered for it, and checked email and blogs and stuff like that.

I still had time, so I ran over to the student health center and filled out the little form thingy that says "You can't charge me for missing my appointment, because my Grandma died, so there." Thats right bitches. No charging me. Plus, my foot might be healing...so I don't need a doctor. Ha!

I was in a great mood. I went to the humanities building for my english conference with Stephanie, who actually gave me a GOOD GRADE on a paper! I got a 94 on my Dave paper! Yay! It was sweet. It was like the only research paper I have ever enjoyed writing. It was too easy. Thats what I do in my free time anyways!

Then it was on to meet my mommy for lunch! I stopped by to say hello to mi novio, who wasn't feeling so hot, so he took a bath, lit some saint candles, shaved his head, and now he's working on his mustache.

I helped my mom for a bit at Wally World since she wasn't quite done, and rewarded myself with beautiful new summer plastic dishes, which I have wanted since Christmas. I hate our boring dishes at the house, I now I have pink, purple, red, yellow, orange, blue, and green plates, bowls, and cups. SWEET!

Mommy and I went to Panda, where I tried delicious new garlic shrimp, which was delicious, and then we went to Baskin Robbins and I got Nutty Coconut ice cream, which was also delicious. As we walked out, we saw this dude was standing right behind my car, reading my bumper stickers! It was awesome! He stood there for like 2 whole minutes, basking (basking? not sure...) in its greatness, and I felt very cool.

We headed to mi casa where I gave her Meghan's jewelry her friend needed for prom, and then I watched Oprah and the Home Shopping Network. What a wonderful day!

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